Act 2 quotations Flashcards
“For all in vain comes…” - York (A2S1)
“For all in vain comes counsel to his ear!”
“His rash fierce blaze of riot cannot last, For violent fires…” - Gaunt (A2S1)
“His rash fierce blaze of riot cannot last, For violent fires soon burn out themselves”
“This other Eden…” - Gaunt (A2S1)
“This other Eden, demi-paradise”
“This precious stone set…” - Gaunt (A2S1)
“This precious stone set in the silver sea”
“This blessed plot, this earth, this…” - Gaunt (A2S1)
“This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England”
“This land of such dear souls, this dear dear land, Dear for…” - Gaunt (A2S1)
“This land of such dear souls, this dear dear land, Dear for her reputation through the world”
“Is now leased out..Like to a tenement or…” - Gaunt (A2S1)
“Is now leased out..Like to a tenement or pelting farm”
“A thousand flatterers sit within thy crown, whose…” - Gaunt (A2S1)
“A thousand flatterers sit within thy crown, whose compass is no bigger than thy head”
“Landlord of England art thou now…” - Gaunt (A2S1)
“Landlord of England art thou now, not King”
“Thou art a lunatic lean…” - Richard (A2S1)
“Thou art a lunatic lean-witted fool”
“So much…” - Richard (A2S1)
“So much for that”
“we do seize to us the plate…” - Richard (A2S1)
“we do seize to us the plate, coin, revenues and moveables”
“In war was never lion raged more fierce, in peace…” - York (A2S1)
“In war was never lion raged more fierce, in peace was never gentle lamb
more mild”
“You pluck a thousand dangers on your head, you lose a thousand well-disposed… allegiance cannot think” - York (A2S1)
“You pluck a thousand dangers on your head, you lose a thousand well-disposed hearts and prick my tender patience to close thoughts which honour and allegiance cannot think”
“Think what you will, we seize into our hands his plate, his…” - Richard (A2S1)
“Think what you will, we seize into our hands his plate, his goods, his money
and his lands”
“The king is not himself, but…” Northumberland (A2S1)
“The king is not himself, but basely led by flatterers!”
“My sweet Richard… Some unborn sorrow, ripe in…” - Queen Isabel (A2S2)
“My sweet Richard… Some unborn sorrow, ripe in Fortune’s womb, is
coming towards me”
“…repeals himself and with uplifted arms is safe arrived at Ravenspurgh” - Greene (A2S2)
“The banished Bolingbroke repeals himself and with uplifted arms is safe
arrived at Ravenspurgh”
“The Lord Northumberland…the lords..with all their powerful friends…” - Greene (A2S2)
“The Lord Northumberland…the lords..with all their powerful friends, are fled to him”
“Here I am left to underprop his land, who, weak with age…” - York (A2S2)
“Here I am left to underprop his land, who, weak with age, cannot support
“The king had cut off my head…” York (A2S2)
“The king had cut off my head with my brothers”
“Both are my…” - York (A2S2)
“Both are my kinsmen”
“Wherein the King stands…” -Bushy (A2S2)
“Wherein the King stands generally condemned!”
“We three here part that ne’er…” - Bagot (A2S2)
“We three here part that ne’er shall meet again”
“Alas poor Duke: the task he undertakes is numb’ring…” - Greene (A2S2)
“Alas poor Duke: the task he undertakes is numb’ring sands and drinking oceans dry”
“And yet your fair discourse hath been as sugar, making the hard way…” - Northumberland (A2S3)
“And yet your fair discourse hath been as sugar, making the hard way sweet and delectable”
“Tut, tut! Grace me no… and that word ‘grace’ in an ungracious mouth is but profane” - York (A2S3)
“Tut, tut! Grace me no grace, nor uncle me no uncle, I am no traitor’s uncle, and that word ‘grace’ in an ungracious mouth is but profane”
“Th’anointed King…” - York (A2S3)
“Th’anointed King is hence”
“In gross rebellion and…” - York (A2S3)
“In gross rebellion and detested treason”
“Thou art a banished man, and here art come, before the expiration of thy time, in braving…” - York (A2S3)
“Thou art a banished man, and here art come, before the expiration of thy time, in braving arms against thy Sovereign”
“As I was banish’d, I was banish’d Her’ford but as I come…” - Bolingbroke (A2S3)
“As I was banish’d, I was banish’d Her’ford but as I come, I come for
“You are my father, for methinks in you…” - Bolingbroke (A2S3)
“You are my father, for methinks in you I see old Gaunt alive”
“Be his own carver and…” - York (A2S3)
“Be his own carver and cut out his way!”
“So fare you well; unless you please to enter in the castle and there…” - York (A2S3)
“So fare you well; unless you please to enter in the castle and there repose you for this night”
“The caterpillars of the commonwealth, which I have sworn to…” - Bolingbroke (A2S3)
“The caterpillars of the commonwealth, which I have sworn to weed and pluck away”
“The pale-faced moon looks…” - Captain (A2S4)
“The pale-faced moon looks bloody on the earth”
“These signs fore-run the…” - Captain (A2S4)
“These signs fore-run the death or fall of kings”
“Farewell. Our countrymen are gone and fled, as well assured…” - Captain (A2S4)
“Farewell. Our countrymen are gone and fled, as well assured Richard their
King is dead”
“I see thy glory, like a…” - Salisbury (A2S4)
“I see thy glory, like a shooting star”
“Thy sun sets weeping in the lowly west, witnessing storms to…” - Salisbury (A2S4)
“Thy sun sets weeping in the lowly west, witnessing storms to come, woe
and unrest”