Act 2, Scene 3 Flashcards
Lennox describes how rough the nights weather has been, describing it with murder
Lamentings heard i’ the air; strange screams of death
Lady Macbeth is shocked that Duncan is killed in her castle
What, in our house?
Macbeth expresses deep regret, reflecting on how life would have been better had he died before Duncan’s murder
Had I but died an hour before this chance, I had lived a blessed time
Macbeth exposes himself by describing what Duncan’s dead body looked like
Here lay Duncan, his silver skin laced with his golden blood
Short quote showing Lady Macbeth creating a distraction
Look to the lady
Banquo shows a calm and rational response to the murder
Let us meet, and question this most bloody piece of work
Donalbain highlights appearance vs reality, saying those nearest to us are more likely to be planning something sinister
There’s daggers in men’s smiles; the near in blood, the nearer bloody