Act 2 Scene 1-6 Flashcards
What does the chorus do in Act 2 Prologue?
The chorus summarizes what happened in Act 1, in addition the chorus mentions events that are going to happen. For example” Old desire” symbolizes Romeo’s unrequited love for Rosaline that happened in Act 1.
What will help Romeo and Juliet overcome their problems?
Their death which ends the feud.
What does Romeo do in order to avoid his friends?
Romeo jumps over the Capulet’s orchard wall to hide from his friends. This is risky since he is entering Capulet property.
What does Romeo compare Juliet to?
The Sun.
What is Juliet’s enemy?
Juliet’s enemy is the Montague family. However she does not know Romeo is a Montague.
Why doesn’t Juliet want Romeo to swear by the moon?
Juliet doesn’t want Romeo to swear by the moon because the moon is “Inconstant”. Meaning she does not want Romeo to swear by something that always changes.
What is Juliet concerned about?
Juliet is concerned about how fast her relationship with Romeo is moving. Juliet feels it’s too soon and impulsive.
What do Benvolio and Mercutio think Romeo is doing?
they think he is alone with the dark in order to indulge his unrequited love of Rosaline. He’s hiding
Why doesn’t Romeo reveal himself?
because he doesn’t know how she feels, and is scared.
Who does Romeo visit to ask for help?
Romeo goes to visit Friar Laurence for help
What does Friar Laurence say about the earth?
Earth is both life’s mother and life’s tomb, and thus many different plants are born from nature.
What is Friar Laurence filling his basket with and why is it significant?
He fills the basket with various weeds, herbs, and flowers. While musing on the beneficence of the Earth he goes on to mention how one plant in his basket is poisonous to taste but not to smell.
-He compares it to good vs evil in man.
What are some of the powers of the herbs
1.To kill and harm , but also cheer people up if used specifically.
1.To heal
What does Romeo ask Friar Laurence to do?
Romeo asks Friar Laurence to Marry him and Juliet. In order to have this marriage binded and proper the Friar must marry the two lovers.
What is Friar Laurence’s response to Romeo’s request? Why does Friar Laurence change his mind?
Friar Lawrence marvels at how quickly Romeo switched from loving Rosaline to loving Juliet, but he also realizes that a marriage between a Montague and a Capulet just might put an end to the feud between the families, so he agrees to perform the ceremony.
what has Tybalt sent to the Montague household and why?
a letter to challenge Romeo to a duel. Tybalt is very hot headed
Why is Mercutio pleased after his verbal battle with Romeo?
Mercutio is pleased because he strongly believes this verbal battle is better than chasing girls. Since Romeo is a hopeless romantic, he can easily fall in and out of love. However Mercutio cannot.
What does Mercutio say about Tybalt?
Mercutio refers to Tybalt”The prince of cats” Mercutio is implying that Tybalt is a fantastic fighter but also by the book. However Mercutio is making fun of him, because he doesn’t believe in fighting as written.
What warning does Friar Laurence give Romeo?
Friar Laurence essays that Romeo shall not be intimate with Juliet until they are officially married. In addition he warns him that Romeo’s marriage might take a turn for the worst.
“These violent delights have violent ends.”-Act 2 scene 6 line 9-10.
How does Mercutio talk with the Nurse?
Mercutio treats the nurse with great disrespect and fires at her with rude wordplay. In a roundabout way, Mercutio describes the nurse as an old whore.He mocks her because of her age and her alleged ability or inability. He goes on to call her extremely ugly before leaving with Benvolio.
What news does Romeo give to the Nurse to tell Juliet?
Romeo says that they will meet at Friar Laurence’s cell to get married
What is Juliet’s state of mind as she waits for the nurse?
Juliet is worried because the nurse hasn’t come back yet and she’s been waiting since nine o’clock
What is humorous when the nurse returns?
The nurse reacts very shocked and in disbelief which is contrasting Juliet’s serious and concerned manner. Also the Nurse’s crude humor adds to the scene.
What foolish statement does Romeo make?
Romeo is willing to risk death to marry Juliet. This will be Romeo’s fate at the end of the play.
What does Juliet say about her love for Romeo and what does it reveal about her?
How somewhat immature she is. Juliet says nothing compares to her love for Romeo, as the capulet’s are a prominent wealthy family nothing else matters except Romeo.