Act 1 Scene 3 Flashcards
Oh, Jesus, Jimmy. You scared me.
Oh. Sorry. I was just going.
I’m just out of the bath. Norma and I are going to the opera with Kitty tonight. She says she can’t take her husband now because, you know–
It’ll turn him gay?
Precisely. That’s my bread. And my milk.
I’m hungry. There’s no food at our house.
Well, you do have to buy it.
…Alone and confused with nothing but cheese.
Make a grocery list and give me five dollars. I’ll go for you.
…and suddenly our whole world’s gone sour.
Jimmy, everything wasn’t fine yesterday morning. We just… Sometimes the compromises you make for the things, the people, you want… It can take a toll.
…Get some sunshine.
Book a couple of adjoining rooms.
…whatever outdoorsy girls like to do.
Norma still wants a baby.
Does she know where they come from?
She knows we can’t. Not with the way things are. Not ever, if we’re bring realistic. But it’s things like that, the hopes you have that you give up, that’s what keeps you up at night.
…Focus on what’s in front of you.
Oh, well if that’s the order from Bob…
The order? What is this?
We’re doing our best, Jimmy. It’s just different for us that it is for you.
We give up things too, Millie.
Really? What do you and Bob lose?
…You two would be hard pressed to survive on just Norma’s salary.
I could get a job. I was a really good waitress. Or I could write again, I never should have given that up.
Absolutely, I’m sure a secretary and a waitress could afford the lifestyle you’ve grown accustomed to.
It is a set, Jimmy. It is a set, and these are the costumes. I would gladly give it up to have one photograph of Norma and me displayed anywhere in my home. Instead, I keep our photos stashed in a little box inside the writing desk.
You’d give up all that we have to put up photographs.
Yeah. I really would.
Must be some great snapshots.
They are, Jimmy. They’re proof of who we are.
Got the mail. I put coffee on.
Thanks, babe.
What you got there?
The photos of us at Yellowstone. In the canoe. Before it overturned.
…I just don’t feel like running into him just yet.
You’re safe. He’s out. Jimmy’s over there eating a cheese sandwich. Let me throw on some clothes, I told Jimmy I’d go to the market for him. Might drag him along, he’s morose today.
What time does Kitty’s car arrive?
Not til six, I just wanted an excuse to take a bubble bath in the middle of the day.
(Door buzzer sounds)
That’s the laundry! There’s money in my purse!
And you as well. (Enter)
So that was–
Barbara Grant. The most popular gal in translation.
Is she under investigation?
Of course she is. For the company she keeps.
That poor woman.
She’s prepared for the attack. Said she’s not vulnerable to blackmail because she has nothing to hide.
One can say that until the character attacks actually begin.
…Perhaps she’s made of stronger stuff than the rest of us.
Norma, really. I would say we are more morally sound than some dish.
…Would you do that? (Door buzzer)
Please let that be the laundry.
Oh, hello.
Hello there.
You must be Mrs. Martindale.
And you must be… I have no idea.
Barbara Grant. I work at the Department with your husband.
That’s so exciting! A career gal! Norma told me you stopped by.
Is Mrs. Baxter still here?
No. She went home. You forgot your hat! I’ll get it.
Thank you, I’d forget my head, I swear it.
I’m so sorry, Barbara Grant, but–
Forgive me, Mrs. Martindale, you look so farmiliar.
Have you ever seen the girl in the ads for Lustre Creme hair shampoo? Billboards were everywhere, and in Life Magazine.
Yes, I have!
Well, I look a lot like her. I must be on my way. To the grocer, for flour, I’m completely and utterly out, and if I try to bake a cake without it again, Bob will be so cross.
All right. Well, thank you again.
Of course, I’ll tell Bob you stopped by.
Mrs. Martindale, I’m certain we’ve met before.
I’m sure we have, I go to so many dinners with overcooked chicken for the Maharaja of Whosawhatsit. I never know what to say at those things. I’ll bet you’re there, to translate. How do you say “This chicken is a little dry” in some other language?
Das Hanchen schmeckt ein bisschen ausgetrcoknet.
Oh, that sounds so angry, what is that?
Maybe I’ll meet Marlene Dietrich one day and I can use that! But I’m sure they wouldn’t give her dry chicken, she’s far too glamerous. Probably swordfish, something exotic.
Did you ever live–
I’d hate to plan a meal for her, I can’t even remember to buy flour. I’ll bet they’d give dry chicken to Hitler. If he wasn’t dead. But I don’t think I’d attend that dinner, it wouldn’t feel right. You never met him, did you?
Um, no. I never met Hitler.
He was just awful, wasn’t he?
Yes, he was awful – I can’t –
My goodness, all this talk of poultry and Nazis, and I still need flour!
Bye-bye, Miss Grant!
What’s wrong? You look vexed.
The summer in Quebec, when I was nineteen.
Where is your mind?
The professor, remember?
Yes, my angel, you do love to tell that story.
Norma. The professor. Was Barbara Grant.