Act 1 Scene 10 Flashcards
Boy2: The other side of this hill
The boys: Safe
Boy 2: From the arms of disappointment for so long
Professor Claymoore, please.
Boy 2: Yet each day seems to make much more
No, don’t call him out of his lectures!
Boy 2: Sure is good to be here!
Just tell him…
The boys: I understand the meaning of “I can’t explain this feeling “, now
‘I decided to go’
He’ll understand
Claire: Don’t
Claire Proctor?
Heather: Zoe Marshall
Claymoore now. Two ‘o’s and an ‘e’.
Claire: No, well. Neither’ve I!
So er… wow!
Claire: weird
Totally! Being in an airport without worrying where y’r kids are!
Heather: I thought you’d go to university and never come out.
Yeah, well. That’s what I thought an’ all.
Heather: Zo?
Okay so…
Y’r an only child. Older parents
Grow up possibl-y… more int’rested in books than boys
Then go to college
Which is full of boys…
…who LIKE ‘girls who like books’!
Can y’ see what’s coming?
The boys: Take me back
I ended my first term…
The boys: Before we break it all
With a baby doing HIS first term!
Heather & Claire: No-o-o!
I’m a teenage mum!
The boys: to where our memories grow
Before they take us over
But … I loved it!
The boys: Tonight…
So I had another!
The boys: We’re gonna live for these days
And another!
The boys: we’ll remember
The boys: we’ll remember these days
Four kids in four years.
Heather: Not kidding
So. Have YOU done any of this?
Dave: passports? Boarding passes?
We need- has a passenger checked in called ‘Ditchfield’?
Claire: I see her auntie every week in the Co-op
No! You ended up living near one Rachel’s aunties? What a coincidence is that!
Heather: She’ll be on the plane. Any money. Go, Zo
Yeah. Y’know what she’s like. Was
Boy 2: feel each day we’ve come too far
Zoe, his wife.