acorn pt3 Flashcards
removing all of the trees in a stand is called _____. Is currently a controversial forest management practice. profesional foresters believe that clearcutting is a valuable tool for managing some species of trees, such as Black Cherry–a tree that does not grow well in the shade of other trees. ____ diseased or insect-infested ares is often neccessary to protect other trees
-used in pine plantations
-must replant with new trees, leads to erosion
-normally monoculture (one species)
strip cutting
clear cuts that are narrow and every few years a new strip is clear cut. helps decrease soil erosion and keeps habitat for wildlife intact. used in carolinas for pine plantations to produce building materials rapidly. works best fro conifers when they are replanted in rows between the stumps of the cut trees
-best alternative to clear-still produces large financial gains and allows for planting of quality timber-used to produce spruce/fir for wood construction
seed tree system
while this harvestoption provides for the removal of the majority of mature trees, it leaves standing certain other mature tree, in small groups or singly, to serve as a seed source for natural regeneratio. by carefully selecting seed trees, foresters can help ensure more vital new growth.
-cut all trees leaving desired species to produce seed (black cherry)
shelterwood system
this selective harvest is designed to remove certain trees, and establish new growth under the protection of an overstory of foliage. sufficient mature trees are left standing to shelter the site until new growth is well established
-multiple cutting of timber
-big trees provide shelter to young trees
-good for shade tolerant species like maples
selective cutting
this approach calls for the harvest of mature trees and the thinning of intermediate trees at relatively short intervals on a repetitive basis. this system supports natural regeneration and re establishment of a sustainable mixed-age stand. it also is advantageous to wildlife that have adapted to the habitat conditions of an older forest.
-least damaging to environment
-allows young trees to replace larger older trees
-natural seeding takes place
-most used in WNY
-least control on what tree replace trees harvested
-does not take all the highest quality trees and leave lower quality (high grade)
dead organic material found on the forest floor
small young shrubs and trees that are found in forest
seeds and fruit produced by trees
dead tree that is standing that provides habitat for other animals and insects
uses of hardwoods
furniture, tables, chairs, wood trim
uses of softwood
spruce fir- 2x4 structural lumber
pine-furniture, wood plunge
hemlock- barns and sheds, siding
ceder- outdoor furniture, shingles, siding
crown fires
fire spreads from tree to tree, burns aerial fuels, most destructive
ground fires
burns the surface fuels, don’t have much flame, they smolder