ACLS Systematic Approach Flashcards
What are the parts of the “Initial Assessment”?
Visualize the scene for safety and then approach the patient to determine the pt’s LOC.
What 3 things are stressed in the BLS assessment?
- Early CPR
- Basic Airway Management
- Difibrillation
Name the steps of the BLS Assessment.
- Check responsiveness
- Shout for nearby help, activate EMS & get the AED/Defibrillator
- Check for breathing & pulse
- Defibrillate (If appropriate).
What are critical concepts of “High Quality” CPR?
-Compress the chest hard & fast at least 2” at a rate of 100-120/min (30:2 or another advanced protocol that maximizes CCF).
-Allow complete recoil of the chest after each compression
-Switch compressors about every 2 minutes (the switch should only take 5 seconds
-Minimize interruptions in compressions to 10 seconds or less
-Avoid excessive ventilation
What happens when compressions stop?
-Blood flow to the heart & brain stop.
How is ETCO2 R/T ROSC?
-ETCO2 is R/T cardiac output w/ chest compressions during cardiac arrest
-ROSC is similarly unlikely w/ a persistent of ETCO2 of <10 mm HG
Name the parts of the “Primary Assessment”.
-Disability-check neuro function, responsiveness, LOC, pupil dilation, AVPU
-Exposure-Remove clothing to look for S/O trauma, bleeding, burns, medical alert bracelets.
Why is continuous waveform capnography an indirect measurement of cardiac output?
-The amount of CO2 exhaled is associated w/ the amount of blood that passes through the lungs
-An ETCO2 <10 mm Hg during chest compressions rarely results in ROSC
What does a sudden increase in ETCO2 to >25 mm HG indicate?
What does the “Secondary Assessment” include?
-Getting a focused Medical Hx
-Differential diagnosis
-Treating underlying causes based on Medical Hx (consider H’s & T’s)
Ask specific questions R/T the pt’s presentation.
Name the parts of the SAMPLE mnemonic:
-Signs & Symptoms
-Last meal consumed
-Events (leading to present condition)
What needs to be assessed for the S in Sample
-Breathing Difficulty
-Tachypnea, Tachycardia
-Fever, HA
-Abdominal Pain
What to ask for the A in SAMPLE:
Allergies—meds, food, latex (including reactions)
What does the M in SAMPLE as for?
-Rx and OTC including Last Dose taken
-Vitamins, Inhalers & Herbal Supplements
-Also include medications that can be found in the pt’s home.
What are questions to ask regarding the P in SAMPLE?
-Past Medical Hx—especially R/T current illness
-Health Hx (previous illnesses & Hospitalizations)
-Significant underlying medical problems
-Past surgeries
-Immunization status