Access to Services Flashcards
Why do you need a referral from your GP?
The GP can give all the information the specialist needs to make an assessment on your needs.
What is the main benefit of a specialist referral?
Right to choose the services to suit your needs.
What other services can your GP suggest?
Stop smoking services, weight loss services or other self management programmes.
What NHS services are free to everyone?
Treatment given in an A&E department, treatment for infectious diseases, psychiatric treatment and family planning services.
What type of healthcare services can you receive support with payment?
NHS prescriptions, NHS dental treatment, sight tests, glasses and contact lens, travel to receive NHS treatment and NHS wigs and fabric supports.
What factors entitle you to support?
Certain benefits, pregnancy or recently given birth, over 60, 19 or under, war pension or have a medical condition.
Why do you complete a needs assessment for healthcare?
Discovers what specific needs you require - person centred due to disability, ill health or old age.
How do you complete a needs assessment and what does it cost?
The assessment is free by contacting social services and they will send a social worker or occupational therapist to discuss your needs. You must pay for the implementation of resources for your needs. A care plan and financial assessment are put in place to organise resources.
What are the barriers to health care services?
A persons specific needs and insufficient choice, cost of care, inadequate financial support, lack of availability in area, no access to support, too general with not specificity, variations due to race, ethnicity status, age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, residential location and lack of culturally competent care.
If barriers are not overcome what happens to an individual’s healthcare?
Unmet needs, delays in getting care, unable to get preventative care, financial burden, unnecessary hospitalisation, emotional distress, increase in complications, decrease in patient satisfaction and limited personalised care.
Why is access to health services important?
Gaining the correct support positively impacts one’s physical, social and mental health and subsequent quality of life.