ac3.2: describe the contribution of agenices to achieving social control Flashcards
what is environmental design
crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) is a crime prevention theory focusing on tactical design and the effective use of the built environment, which when applied, reduces both crime and the fear of crime
defensible space theory
the defensible space theory of architect and city planner oscar newman encompasses ideas about crime prevention and neighbourhood safety. newman argues that architectural and environmental design plays a crucial part in increasing or reducing criminality.
alice coleman CPTED- utopia on trial
set out to prove that british modernist high-rise council estates were failing because their layout lacked defensible space and that their problematic design reduced social interaction while encouraging crime and anti-social behaviour.
C.R Jeffery CPTED
states that the physical environment can exert a direct influence on crime settings by delineating territories, reducing or increasing accessibility by the creation or elimination of boundaries and circulation networks, and by facilitating surveillance bny the citizenry and the police.
behavioural tactics- ASBO
is an anti-social behaviour order that is issued by the magistrates court to prevent crimes. it can ban, curfew limit and restrict behaviour. breaching the terms of an ASBO could result in anything from a fine to time in custody
the CBO is a criminal behaviour order under the crime and policing act 29134. this is similar to an ASBO but expects something more of the offender which is to encourage them to change their behaviour. for young offender, the courts may issue education orders to prevent them being out on the streets causing problems.
oscar newman
argued that good design can help the resident feel a sense of ownership and responsibility for the area around them, which will encourage them to defend it and that the more space that is under the control and influence of the residents the less there is for the criminal to operate in.
EXAMPLE- pruitt igoe in st louis
design flaws and lack of funding for maintenance led to increased vacancy rates and crime leaving the complex inhabitable just 20 years later. this was because of design flaws, poor maintenance (broken windows), displacement and stigmatization.
defensible space features
territoriality, a safe image, natural surveillance, a safe location
the idea that one’s home is sacred.
-the environment encourages a sense of ownership among residence- the feeling that itst their territoriality and they control i. certain layouts also tell the outsiders that particular areas are for the private use of residence. for example, cul-de-sacs project a private image and encourage a sense of community.
a safe image
the capacity of the physical design to impart a sense of security.
-building designs should give the impression of a safe neighbourhood where residents look after eachother. a negative image means the area will be stigmatised negatively and targeted by offenders.
a safe location
for better security- residents obtain higher ability of surveillance of adjoining area through designing the adjoining area.
-neighbourhoods located in the middle of a wider crime free area are insulated from the outside world by a moat of safety.
natural surveillance
the link between an area’s physical characteristics and the residents ability to see what is happening
- features of building such as easily viewed entrance lobbies and street level windows allow residents to identify and observe strangers. likewise cul-de-sacs allows residents to overlook each others home. by contrast, high blocks often have concealed entrances that allow offenders to come and go unseen.
prison design- the panopticon ( jeremy bentham
an all seeing prison is a type of institutional building and system of control designed by english philosopher jeremy bentham. concept is to allow prisoners to be observed by a single security guard without the inmates knowing they are being watched
jeremy bentham-anti panopticon
transparency holds power to account. most dangerous people is society can be rulers it is important that they as well as the children, prisoners, workers are being watched.
evaluation of the panopticon design
it wasn’t until the 1920s that the closest thing to a panopticon was built- proseclio modelo complex in cuba infamous for corruption and cruelty and is now abandoned.
-phillip schofield claims that you can do central inspection by CCTV and you don’t need a round building to do it. monitoring electronic communications from a central location, is panoptic
modern society is iuncreasignly controlled through self-surveillance. illustrates this through desxcription of priosn desgin known as panopticon