AC3.2 Flashcards
what are the strenghths of bandura learning theory
the bobo doll showed the model did have an effect on the child’s behaviour. thus, it showed cause and effect
the experiment and variables were controlled, thus allowing greater accuracy
study has been replicated with slight changes have similar result.
what are the disadvantages of banduras theory
the experiment is a labatory study, which has low ecological validity.
has ethical issues due to exposing children to aggression while hoping they would copy it.
there was a novalty aspect of the doll for those children who had never played with it before the experiment.
advantages of freud
freuds theories are rather odd/unusual it doesnt make them automatically wrong
have contributed to research about crime and behaviour
the id, ego, superego relate to different parts of the brain and their functions and development .
disadvantages of freud
no longer accreditied by psychologists due to difficulty of testing concepts
theroires are unscientific and lack of objective interpretations. it is very subjective process where different analysts may draw different conclussions
lack of quantutatue data due to his case studies being his patients and himself.
advantages of Eysenck
his research on soldiers supported this theory.
if his theory is correct and tendicies towards criminal behaviour are detectable in childhood, then it may be possible to intervene at an early stage and prevent the development.
his personality testing has formed the basis of many modern personality tests that try to predict peoples personality types.
disadvantages of Eynseck
lack of reliability, as people may not respond exactly the same to the same question each day or everytime.
research in areas relies on self-report measures about a persons views of thier own personality.
the theory suggests that personality is genetic and fails to consider that it may change over time.
advantages on Lombroso
was the first person to give criminology a scientific credibility
lombroso did challenge the idea that criminlas are evil or they choose to be criminals
his work hearalded the beginnings of offender profiling.
disadvantages of lombroso
lack of control group- no comparison made
lack of accuracy due to possible disfigurenments
not everyone with atavistic features is a criminal and not all criminals have them
extremely deterministic and assumes that we cannot escape destiny
advantages of sheldon
number of studies have confirmed that there is a small association between bodily harm and criminality
he used a good sixe sample (200)
he did find that the criminal group were more mesomorphic
disadvantages of sheldon
could not really explain ectomorphic and endomorphic can also be criminals.
does not take into account that peoples stomatotype is not fixed
advantages of XYY theory
found a significant number of men has xyy than xy
indicates it is possible that aggressive and violent behaviour is atleast partly determined bygenetic factors
disadvantages of XYY
studies has found a widespread of XYY in the general population
focussing too heavily on genetics and ignore behaviourist approach
found characteristics that agggression isnt associated with XYY men.
strenghts on twin studies
is a natural experiment, as the biological relationship between twins is a naturally occurring variable
views that criminality doesnt have a genetic xomponent
twin studied has helped in prevention of vulnerable disorders
weaknesses of twin studies
early twin studies were inadequenty controlled and lacked validity as to whether twins are DZ and MZ
a small sample was used and may not represent of general population
if twins are brought up in same environment, criminality could just be realted to nurture
strengths of adoption studies
adopted children are exposed to a different environment to their biological families, wasier to seperate gentic and environment factors
studies concluded there is a correlation between adopted and biological