AC2.1 Flashcards
what are the three genetic theories
XYY theory
twin studies
adoption studies
what are the two physiological theories
describe Lombrsso’s theory
was an italian psychiatrist who developed theories about criminals. he determined that a ‘born criminal’ could be determined by physical shape of head and face. Lombrosso examined 383 dead criminals and 3839 alive and concluded 40% account for atavistic features: large forward jaw, high cheekbones, flatterned/ upturned nose, low slopping forehead, large ears and long arms.
describe Sheldon’s theory
had advanced Lombrossos theory. he believes that criminal behaviour is linked to physical form.
if Mesmorphic is most likely to be a criminal while endmorphic is least likely.
he used college kids and delinquents and rated them on a scale of 1-7 on resemblance to mesmorphic. delinquents had a high rate of 4.8
what is the three body types Sheldon says about
Describe XYY theory
an extra Y chromosme in men may produce extra testosterone and lead to aggression and criminality.
Jacob at el suggested men with XYY were more aggressive than XY men.
15/1,000 in the prison population
1/1,000 in general population
describe Adoption studies
underlying principle is examining criminal behaviour is the comparison of criminals with both biological and adoptive parents. they look at the impact of nature.
Hutchings and Mednick studied 14,000 children and found a high proportion of male with criminal convictions had biological parents with convictions as well.
describe Twin studies
identical twins (MZ) are more likely to have concordance than non-identical twins (DZ) supporting genetics causing crime.
Christiansen studied 3,586 twins from Danish islands and found concordance rates f 35% for MZ and 13% for DZ.
who is the serial killer who had XYY
John Wayne Gacy. he sexually assulted, tortured, killed 33 men in USA.
what did Lange find
he found MZ twins showed a higher degree of concordance than DZ twins for criminal behaviour. 10/13 MZ twins have served times in prison whereas 17 DZ twins had such concordance.
what did the sudy in China uni find
they produced research that suggests facial features really can give a criminal away. they found ID photos of 1,856 cCinease men and half whom have convictions were entered into an AI programme and they had found 6% of the time they got the wrong person