AC3.2 Flashcards
What are the 3 types of tatics used by Agencies
- Environmental Design
- Behavioural tactics
- Institutional tactics
What are the 2 environamental designs
- Prisons design
- Gated lanes
What are the 2 behavioural designs
- Token economies
What are the 2 Institutional tactics
- Dispiplinary Procedures
- Rule Making
What is CPTED
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
What are the 4 types of prison designs
- Panopticon prison
- Supermax
- Human Ecological
- Open prisons
How does the Panopticon prison work
- Allows all prisoners to be watched without them knowing their being watched
What theory does the Panopticon prison link to
Focault sureveilance theory
What is Focault sureveilance theory
Monitor and control our own behaviour
What is a Supermax Prison
Most secure levels of custody, and hold the highest security risks who pose a threat national and international security
Which prison in england holds the most criminals
HMP Berwyn, Wrecham, Wales holds 2,016
What is an example of a human ecological prison
Bastoy prison norway
What theory is linked to Bastoy prison
Left realism
Why is Norway’s prison system so successful?
Rehabilitation and reintegration of its prisoners into society.
What are open prisons
any jail in which the prisoners are trusted to complete sentences with minimal supervision and perimeter security and are often not locked up in their prison cells.