AC2.1 Biological Theories Flashcards
What is Lombroso’s theory called?
Lombroso’s atavistic form theory
Does Lombroso believe in nature or nurture?
Nature - certain characteristics that could mark man as born criminal
Name 4 characteristics that Lombroso links specifically to criminality
- Thin ‘reedy’ lips (Fraud)
- Bloodshot eyes, curly hair, long ears (murderers)
- Projecting ears, glinting eyes (sexual deviants)
- Canine teeth
How many of Lombroso’s characteristics do men have to have to be marked a born criminal?
How many of Lombroso’s characteristics do women have to have to be marked a born criminal?
What does Lombroso believe that born criminals are?
Throwback to an earlier stage of human evolution
Physical makeup, metal capabilities, + instincts of primitive man
What are the 3 thing that Lombroso portrayed a normal women as being?
- A good mother
- Sexually passive
- Monogamous
How did Lombroso show that women are inferior?
Biological data
Smaller size of average female brain + body
Demonstrate intellectual inferiority of women
Why are women prostitutes according to Lombroso?
Inherited deviant nature (rather than poverty)
What are the 7 characteristics of a prostitute that Lombroso ID?
- Limited cranial capacity
- Narrow foreheads
- Prominent cheekbones
- Short
- Excessive-weight
- Left-handedness
- Prehensile feet (ability to grasp like hand)
What are the 4 criticisms of Lombroso’s work?
- Scientific racism
- Over emphasising biology, ignores social causes
- No control group, only those who got caught
- Gender divide
How has Lombroso’s work been criticised for being scientifically racist?
Matt Delsi (2012) draws attention to the distinct racial undertones with Lombroso's work Criminal + atavistic features (curly hair, dark skin) = more likely found among people of African descent
What are some of the social factors that Lombroso ignores?
- Poverty
- Low education levels
- Diet
ALL could influence physical characteristics linked to criminality
However, did later modify his work: ‘various environmental factors also influence criminal beh’
What is a problem with Lombroso not using a control group?
Only looked at criminals
Therefore don’t know how common criminal features = in people who aren’t criminals
Is there a gender divide in Lombroso’s work?
Infers females = inherently weak/ immoral
(they only need 3+ of the characteristics)
Who devised the theory of somatotypes?
Sheldon in the 1940s
What does the theory of somatotypes do?
Developed as a way to catagorise human physique
What does Sheldon’s constitutional theory attempt to do?
Attempted to associate somatotypes with human temperament types
Now a neglected theory
What are the 3 somatotypes that Sheldon identified?
- Ectomorphic
- Mesomorphic
- Endomorphic
What are the 5 characteristics of the mesomorphic somatotypes?
- Athletic build
- Well developed muscles
- Inclined towards risk-taking
- Assertive
- Dominant
What somatotype are criminals most likely to have?
- also the most desirable
How did Sheldon support his theory?
Assessed somatotype of samples of college students + delinquents from photographs
Each photo = rated for mesomorphy on scale of 1 (low) - 7 (high)
Found delinquents had higher mean mesomorphy rating than college students (4.6 v 3.8)
Supporting link between body type + criminality
Re-analysis by Hartl et al (1982)
Who conducted re-anaylisis of Sheldon’s work?
Hartl et al (1982)
What did Hartl et al (1982) find when they re-analysed Sheldon’s work?
Most serious delinquents of Sheldon’s sample had a mean mesomorphy rating of 5
Adding further support theory
Was there a research bias in Sheldon’s work?
Internal methodology has been discounted as subjective however, = developed later on by others + now still in academic use
He could have been looking for the link, so he found one
What are the 2 genetic theories of criminality?
- MAOA ‘warrior gene’
2. XYY ‘supermales’
What is the MAOA gene?
Enzyme, breaks down monoamine neurotransmitters in brain (noradrenaline, serotonin, dopamine)
Has been linked to extreme aggression
People with mutant version have deficit in MAOA activity
Resulting in monoamine imbalances + increased agg
What happens to the people with a mutant version of the MAOA gene?
Have a deficit in MAOA activity resulting in a monoamine imbalances + increased aggression
What is Klinefelter’s syndrome?
The combination of XXY
Results in a male with some female characteristics
What could the extra Y chromosome do to males?
Could ‘hyper masculinise’ men
Causing more aggressive than other men
Hence more likely to commit violent crimes
What can atypical chromosomal combinations result in?
Can result in atypical sexual development
e.g XXY/ XYY
How could Brunner Syndrome be used to support the MAOA gene?
Rare genetic disorder
Caused by mutation n MAOA gene (X chromosome)
1st ID in 1993 - 14 males in 1 family
All unable to regulate aggressive compulsions - criminal acts
Female members = unaffected, males without mutation = normal
Suggests that increased aggression = no due to nurture (in gene)
What did Christiansen (1997) find?
Studied concordance rates
Criminal behaviour in 87 MZ + 147 DZ twins
33% = MZ
12% = DZ
Suggests genes play some role in criminal behaviour
What are the 3 problem with twin studies?
- Correlation, no C+E
- Concordance rate is below 100%, genes = part of explanation
- Assumption had same upbringing, could’ve lived apart/ treated differently/ different experiences
What does ‘diathesis’ mean?
Disposition, vulnerability
What is the diathesis-stress model?
Attempts explain behaviour as predisposition vulnerability
Combined with stress from life experiences
Exceeds threshold, disorder starts develop
Purpose = try understand relationship between nature + nurture
- something has to trigger the gene
Who is the diathesis-stress model supported by?
Jim Fallon - brain structure + genetic make-up of psycho
Has high risk genes
BUT HE’S NOT - showing genetic predisposition to criminal behaviour isn’t certain, just potential
What did Hewitt (2009) find?
XYY men = rare in general population
More common in offender population
HOWEVER tend to commit nonviolent crimes
What did Graham et al (2007) find?
Testosterone levels in XYY men = same as XY men
No more aggressive
BUT = at substantially increased risk of developmental delay + learning difficulties
Crime could be; learning difficulties associated with XYY not aggression
Is there a link between learning difficulties and criminal behaviour?
Could could this criticise the XXY gene theory?
Small association between learning difficulties + criminal behaviour:
IQ scores of convicted offenders = marginally lower
Higer prevalence of mild learning difficulties amongst offenders
Crime may be due to learning difficulties associated with XYY, not aggression
Who criticises Lombroso saying his work was scientifically racist?
Matt Delsi (2012)