Absolutism & Enlightenment Flashcards
James I
English absolute ruler who fought with Parliament
Charles I
English absolute ruler who fought with Parliament which caused the English Civil War.
Oliver Cromwell
Puritan leader of England after it was declared a republic
Charles II
Invited by Parliament to become England’s king
James II
Protestants forced him from the English throne because they feared he would restore the Roman Catholic Church to power in England.
William & Mary
Parliament invited William & Mary, Protestant daughter of James II, to become limited monarchs.
Louis XIV
Claimed that kings were Gods. Called “Sun King”
Peter the Great
A ruthless autocratic Russian ruler who modernized Russia and built a strong military using terror
Divine Right of Kings
God given right to absolutely rule
Absolute monarchy
A ruler’s complete power over the country
Constitutional monarchy
Where the monarch shares power with a government (example: the Parliament)
Petition of Rights (1628)
People’s rights against the state and monarchy
English Bill of Rights (1689)
The agreement that William & Mary signed agreeing to be limited monarchs.
‘L’ete, c’est moi’
Saying that Louis XIV announced, “I am the state”
Palace of Versailles
Palace that Louis XIV built to represent his power and wealth
Declaration of Independence
A declaration made by the USA that it was independent of England.
Magna Carta
A sheet containing English laws created in 1215 saying the King is not above the law.
Separation of Powers
A government that had different parts of the government that had different roles.
John Locke
Argued that the government shouldn’t involve itself with religion. It must protect its citizens’ rights. He strongly shaped the thinking of the Founding Fathers.
Thomas Hobbes
Agreed with absolute ruling. He considered everyone to be bad people who needed someone to keep them in order.
Written by Thomas Hobbes who defended the right of absolute power
Admired Locke. Thought government should have separation of powers and checks & balances
Believed that the government should make laws based off what the majority of people wanted. And people have individual rights that protect their life and liberty.
Where countries adopt Western culture, modernization, and government
Two Treaties of Government
Book by John Locke saying that all men are naturally free and all are equal.
Glorious Revolution
The bloodless victory of abolishing absolute rule in England and obtaining limited monarchy rule.
Age of Reason
The Enlightenment (age of thinking about how the government should work and the rights of people)
Checks & Balances
Where the different parts of the government make sure one part doesn’t get too powerful.
Social contract
A society’s agreement to sacrifice their own freedom for the state to protect them.