ABP's and SRM's Flashcards
What is an ABP?
The whole animal, part of an animal or product of animal origin that is not intended for human consumption
Can ABP’s revert back into the food chain?
What is the difference between an ABP and a co-product?
Edible co-products are intended for human consumption after processing
eg. fats, stomach, bladders, intestines and gelatine
What is the main legislation for ABP’s?
(EC) 1069/2009
Who regulates the ABP’s?
FBO: Due diligence
APHA: Licences ABP plants
LA: Transport of ABP’s and supervision of plants
OV: Supervison and enforcement at the abattoir
What are the types of ABP?
Category one- high risk to animals and people
Category two - Unfit for human or animal consumption
Category three - Not intended for human consumption (ok for animals)
What ABP category are all SRM?
Cat 1
What ABP category are entire bodies of dead animals containing SRM (unless the SRM has been removed and disposed of)?
Cat 1
What ABP category are all body parts (including hides) of animals that are suspected to be infected with transmissible spongiform encephalopathies?
Cat 1
What ABP category is the sludge from the water drains in slaughterhouses in which SRM’s are removed?
Cat 1
What ABP category are animals killed in the context of TSE eradication?
Cat 1
What ABP category are wild animals that have suspected (zoonotic) disease?
Cat 1
What ABP category are products from animals treated with substances prohibited under EC legislation (or containing environmental contaminants)?
Cat 1
Define what is category 2 ABP?
Material unfit for human consumption or the sludge collected from waste water drains.
What ABP category are products containing residues of licenced veterinary drugs?
Cat 2
What ABP category are materials imported from third countries that do not comply with EU veterinary requirements?
Cat 2
What ABP category are animals that die rather than be killed for human consumption (including animals that die for disease control - unless they are SRM)?
Cat 2
What ABP category are animal products that were declared unfit for human consumption because they contained a foreign body?
Cat 2
What ABP category is blood from any animal that did not pass an antemortem?
Cat 2
Define category 3 ABP
Not fit for human consumption, can go for pet food
What ABP category are gut contents and manure
Cat 2
If an animal passed the antemortem, what parts of it are cat 3?
Poultry heads and feathers Pig Bristles Feet Horns Hides and skin Blood (only cattle if passed the PMi) PM rejections if they don't pose a risk to animal health
What category is a liver with lesions from ascaris scum or fasciola hepatica?
Cat 3
Category 3 ABP’s can be used for raw pet food if…
It is stored in a new, leak proof container that is clearly labelled not fit for human consumption
Is stored and transported at <7’C
Sampled for salmonella spp. and enterobacteria
How are category 1 ABP’s disposed of?
Approved incineration
Pressure sterilisation followed by permanent marking and disposal at landfill
Fuel combustion at approved combustion plant
How are category 2 ABP’s disposed of?
As cat 1 or can be used as fertiliser after processing, for cosmetics, medical devices
Manure and gut contents can go straight to non-pasture land without processing
How are cat 3 ABP’s disposed of?
Pet food plants
Technical plants (pharmaceuticals)
biogas plants and tanneries
How are category 1 and 2 ABP’s pressure sterilised?
133’C and 3 bars of pressure for 20mins
What animals can be fed cat 2 (and 3)?
Zoo and circus animals
Reptiles or birds of prey
Hound packs and maggot farms
How are category 1, 2 and 3 tubs labelled?
Cat 1 : Disposal only
Cat 2: Not for animal consumption
Cat 3: Not for human consumption
What colour are SRM’s dyed?
What colour are non-SRM cat 1 and cat 2 ABP’s dyes?
What colour are cat 3 ABP’s Dyed
No dye
What are the exceptions to dying of ABP’s?
Whole carcasses Teaching/research material Dispute or OV inspection Blood Manure/gut contents
When transporting ABP’s what should be recorded?
Weight, description, category, destination, date, signature
Who enforces the ABP rules inside the abattoir?
The FSA on behalf of DEFRA
Who enforces the ABP rules outside the abattoir?
TSA, AHPA but the OV must report any shady business
Who is responsible for the separation, dying and storing of ABP’s
What are SRM’s?
The parts of an animal that are most likely to pose an infective risk if the animal were to be infected with TSE
What parts of cattle (of all ages) are SRM?
Last 4m of small intestine
What parts of cattle over 12m are SRM?
Last 4m of small intestine
Skull (excluding the mandible)
Brain and eyes
Spinal cord
What parts of cattle over 30m are SRM?
Last 4m of small intestine
Skull (excluding the mandible)
Brain and eyes
Spinal cord and vertebral column including the dorsal ganglia
Vertebrae of the tail and lumbar region
Spinous and transverse processes of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae
Wings of the sacrum
How is a cattle carcase over thirty months (OTM) identified?
Red stripe on the label
How are cattle under thirty months identified (UTM), what does this mean?
No red stripe on the label, no need to remove the VC
If a cow carcass has lost its label or ID, what happens to its VC?
Get rid
How is it established if a cow is OTM or UTM?
Identification (tags, FCI)
What parts of a sheep (all ages) are SRM?
What parts of a sheep (over 12m) are SRM?
Skull including the brain, eyes
Spinal cord
How many incisors do cows OTM have?
How many incisors do sheep over 12m have?
What cattle do we test for BSE?
All cattle that die or are killed for HC over 48m
All cattle that are emergency slaughtered or found sick at antemortem over 48m
All animals born before 1996 (21 year old cows???)
Romanian cattle, Bulgarian cattle and UK imported cattle (If not slaughtered within 20d of arrival) are tested for BSE at what age?
All healthy cattle over 20m
All ES over 24m
All fallen stock not fit foR HC at over 24m
How is BSE testing done and by who?
Brain stem taken by the FBO
FBO trained by the APHA
Carcass and offal only released on a negative test result
Not health marked until receipt of negative test