What were the political causes for the abolition of the slave trade?
Quakers, led by William Wilberforce, petitioned Parliament in 1783
1792 a large campaign led to 519 petitions from every country
What were economic causes for the abolition of the slave trade?
By 1800 loss profit and diseased slaves- 1/10 of ships would lose profit in 1778- Liverpool slave merchants lost £700,000
What were the individual/ideological causes for the abolition of the slave trade?
Adam Smith argued paid labourers would be more efficient and profitable
What were the foreign rivalry causes for the abolition of the slave trade?
After French revolution 1794 French ended slavery in its colonies but then restored it under Napolean. Britain support for anti-slavery was seen as anti-French as it would damage the French economy and war efforts
Foreign slave trade bill 1806 banned British from supplying slaves to the French
What was the significance of the abolition of the slave trade?
Starts move towards free trade as it challenged mercantilism
Search for new trade routes open new markets
Changed the role of the navy- worlds policeman to deal with illegal slave trade and smuggling
Why was the abolition of the slave trade not significant?
Slave trade continued illegally through smuggling
Short term negative impact on ports such as Bristol and Liverpool (but trade was already in decline and they benefited from new free trade)