Abnormal vaginal discharge Flashcards
Normal vaginal discharge
Cervical and vaginal secretions are normal in women of the reproductive age group
- Clear or white discharge
- Consistency and amount of discharge varies throughout the menstrual cycle
- More stretchy peri-ovulation (akin to egg white)
- Thicker and slightly yellow during luteal phase
- No strong odour, no itch
What is pruritus vulvae?
Itch of the vulva that is persistent and causes distress
*Sx not a diagnosis
How to differentiate between normal vs abnormal vaginal discharge?
Amount or character of the discharge has altered significantly from the woman’s usual pattern
- Change in consistency or colour
- Unusually large amount
- A/w itch or foul smell
- A/w abdo-pelvic pain or abnormal vaginal bleeding
Causes of abnormal vaginal discharge
- Physiological
- Pregnancy
- Cervical entropian
- Emotional stress - Infective
- Bacterial vaginosis ++
- Candidiasis +
- STI (Genital herpes, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea)
- Trichomonas - Pelvic inflammatory disease
- main p/c is lower abdo pain but can p/w discharge - Malignancy
- Vaginal cancer
- Cervical cancer
- Endometrial cancer
- Fallopian tube cancer
Common causative agent of candida vulvovaginosis (aka thrush infection)
Candida albicans
Risk factors of candida vulvovaginosis
- Chronic use of broad spectrum antibiotics
- Use of steroids
- Use of OCPs, HRT
- Immunosuppression (HIV, DM, pregnancy)
- Vaginal douching, tight-fitting undergarments
- Underlying dermatosis (eczema)
Symptoms of candida infection
- Discharge: curdy, thick and white (cottage cheese) with a yeast odour
- Vulvo-vaginal itching
- Soreness or burning sensation at itroitus -> Dyspareunia
- Scratching -> abrasions -> stinging sensation on micturition -> Dysuria
- Partner may complain of itching of glans penis and foreskin
PE findings for candida vulvovaginosis
- Speculum examination: white, curdy discharge that is adherent to vaginal walls and cervix
- Whole vulva area is red, swollen and fissured
Investigations for candida vulvovaginosis
High vaginal swab
- presence of more than 10 yeast colonies confirms the dx
Management of candida vulvovaginosis
PO Fluconazole OR Clotrimazole pessary if oral C/I
- contact with perfumed soap, shampoo, bubble baths
- vaginal douching
- sex until infection has cleared
Bacterial vaginosis
*commonest cause of abnormal vag discharge in women of childbearing age
- due to lesser lactobacilli in the vagina producing hydrogen peroxidase -> rise in vaginal pH -> overgrowth of predominantly anaerobic organisms
Risk factors of bacterial vaginosis
- Smoking
- Receptive oral sex
- Recent change in sex partner
- Vaginal douching, use of scented soap, bubble baths
Symptoms of BV
- fishy-smelling discharge, particularly after sexual intercourse
- whitish/greyish discharge, thin and homogenous watery consistency
- speculum examination: white thin, homogenous watery discharge coating the walls of the vagina
Complications of BV in pregnancy
Preterm labour
Low birth weight
Preterm pre-labour rupture of membranes
Post partum endometritis
Investigations for BV
- Wet mount to look for Clue cells
- Whiff test: Addition of KOH releases fishy, amine-like odour
- Gram stain to look for clue cells (Epithelial cells of vagina)
What criteria to use to diagnose BV?
Ansel’s criteria (3 out 4):
1. Characteristic thin, white watery homogenous discharge on examination
2. Vaginal pH >4.5
3. Presence of “clue cells” on microscopy
- “Clue cells” are vaginal epithelial cells so heavily coated with bacteria that their borders are obscured
4. Release of a fishy smell on adding an alkali —usually 10% KOH