Abnormal Psychology: Chapter 2 Flashcards
A neurotransmitter that is prominent in several areas of the brain and is linked with several types of mental disorder
“The feel good one” 🥰
A neurotransmitter involved in sleep and arousal, attention, mood, and eating.
made from dopamine
A neurotransmitter that influences emotion, sleep and behavioral control.
A neurotransmitter that inhibits postsynaptic activity. 🤚 ☢️🧪
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
Any of several biochemical compounds that make up DNA and contain sugar, phosphate, and a nitrogen base. ☢️🤯
The degree to which a genetic predisposition is actually expressed in behavior or physical features. 😳
The characteristics a person displays that result from the interaction of genetic makeup and the environment.
A neurotransmitter that is critical to movement, physiological arousal, memory, learning, and sleep. ♠️A CH
acetylcholine (ACH)
A theory of human behavior and a therapeutic approach based on the idea that both normal and abnormal behaviors are influenced by conflicting unconscious forces, especially sexual and aggressive instincts. 😵💫👩🏻🔬
One of the three structures in the psychoanalytic conception of personality; it represents basic, unconscious instincts and provides the energy, or libido, to satisfy those instincts. 🎭
In psychoanalytic theory, the energy that motivates people to satisfy their basic needs.
In psychoanalysis, the premise that immediate gratification of desires and impulses is a primary motive for behavior.
pleasure principle
One of the three structures in the three structures in the psychoanalytic conception of personality; it seeks compromise between the id and the superego by following the reality principle.
In psychoanalysis, a process used by the ego to reach rational compromises between the instincts of the id and the moral demands the super ego
reality principle
A abnormality that is determined by unconscious conflicts between social rules and personal impulses. Other versions of this theory stress unconscious disturbances in early relationships between infants and caregivers that later affect adult development.
psychoanalytic abnormality
A abnormality involves extreme and rigid styles of “interpersonal” behavior in which a person from anxiety.
interpersonal abnormality
A abnormality that is caused by learning experiences involving operant and provide the basis for treatment.
behavioral abnormality
A “abnormality” that results from biased or irrational “thinking” by which people distort their perceptions or understanding of themselves and events around them, leading to emotional disturbances.
cognitive abnormality
A abnormality that develops from subjective perceptions that lead “people” to feel constrained in their ability to live authentic, freely directed lives.
humanistic abnormality
A abnormality that is the result of external forces, such as poverty, environmental stress, harsh family background, and cultural traditions that influence the frequency and form of disorders.
Abnormality is the product of two interacting factors: a biological or psychological predisposition to disorder and stressors arising from the family, environment, or the person’s own behavior that translates the diathesis into an actual disorder.