Abnormal Psychology CH 16, 17 Flashcards
blank is the study of psychopathy (mental disorder).
abnormal psychology
a psychological disfunction w/i an individual that is associated w/distress or impariment in functioning (in every day life) and a response that is not typical or culturally expected is blank
mental disorder
in a blank model the theoretical cause is unconscious conflicts and the care is insight into unconscious conflicts (not very useful)
in this model, blank, the cause is lack of meaning or distortion of life experiences and the care is develop life meaning and mature relationships (not very useful)
this model’s cause is maladaptive learning and care is unlearning, learning or relearning
behavioral (environmental learning)
in this model the cause is faulty thinking and the care is learn new ways of interpreting life experiences
This model explains organic disorders as a cause (problem in brain) and the care is medication, physical intervention and rest
biomedical (pysiological)
DSM stands for the blank; 297 mental disorders in the fourth version
diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
The lifetime prevalence of mental disorders is blank and current prevalence rates are blank.
50% at sometime in their lifetime
18% currently diagnosed
you must have at least two of theses sypmtoms to have Blank: delusion (100% belief in something despite evidence that it is not real); hallucinations; disorganized speech; grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior (all positive symptoms) or negative symptoms (affective flattening, alogia, avolition)
Schizophrenia Prevelence: Age of onset: Etiology: Treatment:
late adolescence & early adulthood;
decreased dopamine functioning in prefrontal cortex and abnormal brain structure that are partially genetic;
antipsychotic medications and/or social skills training for stress reduction
The prevalence of anxiety disorders is blank. These are associated with this sleep disorder.
blank is the apprehensive anticipation of a future danger; threat of danger; causes inhibition of ongoing behavior, scanning for danger; septial and hypocampal area of limbic system & frontal cortex effected; leads to maladaptive anxiety symptom
anxiety disorder
excessive uncontrolled anxiety and worry about many things for greater than 6 months is blank.
generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
GAD Prevelence: Gender: Etiology: Treatment:
Female 60%>Male 40%;
hyperactive BIS (partially genetic);
benzodiazepines (short term only, very addictive), cognitive therapy
recurrent, unexpected panic attack and worry about when they will happen
Panic disorder
Panic Disorder Prevelence: Gender: Etiology: Treatment:
Female 66%>Male 33%;
overactive FFS & BIS (partially genetic) physical sensations are interpreted as signs of danger;
panic control therapy (PCT), cabon dioxide in high concentration
obsessions: recurrent intrusive thoughts (contamination, doubt, numbers) that cause anxiety and are not worries about life problems is blank
compulsions: repetitive behaviors (hand washing, checking, counting) that reduce anxiety associated w/obsessions
obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) Prevelence: Gender: Etiology: Treatment:
children male>female, adult male=female;
changes in basal ganglia & frontal cortex;
slective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or gradual exposure w/response prevention therapy
this disorder effects the pleasure, incentive-reward, motivation energy & activation of a person. The prevelence is 21% and can be expressed as depression (hypoactive) or mania (hyperactive)
mood disorder
in this mood disorder there are only depressive episodes (22% Female> 13% Male). in this other type there are both depressive and manic episodes (4% both male=female). This type of psychotherapy may be used. Brain alteration therapy, such as blank, may also be used.
unipolar mood disorder
bipolar mood disorder
cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
medication treatment for unipolar disorder is blank. for bipolar disorder use blank.
tricyclic anti-depressants or SSRIs
any characteristic of a person’s actions, thoughts, or feelings that could be a potential indicator of a mental disorder
is a constellation of interrelated symptoms manifested by a given individual. according to DSM these three criteria must be met: it involves a clinically significant detriment, it derives from an internal source and it is not subject to voluntary control
blank are expressions of mental distress that are almost completely limited to specific cultural groups
culture-bound syndromes
because labeling a person can have negative consequences labels should be applied to only the blank and not to the blank.
a congenital disorder that appears in about 1 out of 800 newborn babies. it is an error in meiosis which results in an extra chromosome. causes damage to the brain.
down syndrome
found primarily in the elderly, it occurs in about 1% of people in their sixties, 3% in their 70s, 12% in their 80s and 40% in their 90s. progressive deterioration in teh brains control of bodily functions.
alzheimer’s disease
this disorder must be linked to one or more emotionally traumatic incidents that the effected person has experienced. Most common in torture victims, conceptration camp surviviors, people who have been rapted or in other ways violently assuaalted, people who have survived dreadful accidents, and soldiers who have experienced the horrors of battle. Involves frightening, uncontrollable re-experiences of the traumatic events, n nightmare and daytime thoughts or flashbacks. Sleepiness, high arousal, irritability, guilt, emotional numbing and depression.
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
In US, up to 7%
genetic predispotion, repeated exposure to traumatic events and inadequate social support increase risk;
blank is characterized by very sever symptoms that last essentially without remission for at least two weeks.
major depression
blank is characterized by less severe symptoms that last for at least two years.
prolonged sadness, self blank, a sense of worthlessness, and an absence of pleasure are the halmarks of blank
the same genes that predispose people for generalized blank also predispose them for blank. the two disorders often occur in the same person.
according to the blank theory, a negative though pattern-which includes the attribution of negative experiences to stable, global causes-is a predisposing cause of depression
blank depression may be adaptive, as exemplified by the different kinds of reactions brought on by dark winters, lost loved ones, and repeated failure
blank episodes commonly involve expansive, euphoric feelings, high energy, extreme talkativeness, and abnormally high self-confidence
full blown blank involves poor judgement, bizarre thoughts, and self harmful or dangerous actions
in blank disorders-including somatization disorder and conversion disorder-individuals experience bodily ailments that originate from psychological distress rather than physical disease.
blank disorder-characterized by a history of dramatic complaints about vague aches and pains unrelated to know medical consitions-may be an alternative way of experiencing what others experience as depression.
in blank disorder the person temorarily loses some bodily function (blindness or paralysis) for psychological reasons. rare in westurn cultures.
this type of drug treats psychotic symptoms but does not cure people. all such druges decrease the effectivness of the neurotransmitter dopamine and the newer dugs also affect other neurotransmitters. all have unpleasant side effects, some quite serious.
blank drugs, in a chemical class called benzodiazepines, are used mainly for gereralized anxiety disorder and panic disorder. they increase inhibitory activity in the brain, thus reducing excitability; but they are addictive, have potentially harmful side effects and cause unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.
antidepressant drugs include blank and blank; the former prolong the action of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain, while the latter affectonly serotonin. they are equally effective in treating depression but SSRIs have milder side effects and are therefore more often prescribed. the SSRIs are also used to treat anxiety disorders
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)