Abnormal Psych Ch 7 Flashcards
involves feelings of extraordinary sadness and dejection
often characterized by intense and unrealistic feelings of excitement and euphoria
Unipolar depressive disorder
a person experiences only depressive episodes
Bipolar disorder
a person experiences both depressive and manic episodes
Depressive episode
when a person is markedly depressed or loses interest in formerly pleasurable activities for at least 2 weeks
Manic episode
markedly elevated, expansive, or irritable mood for at least 4 days
Hypomanic episode
abnormally elevated, expansive, or irritable mood for at least 4 days; the person must also have at least 3 other symptoms similar to those involved in mania
the return of symptoms within a fairly short period of time
the onset of a new episode of depression
different patterns of symptoms or features
Persistent depressive disorder
characterized by persistently depressed mood most of the day, for more days than not, for at least 2 years
Double depression
moderately depressed on a chronic basis but undergo increased problems from time to time, during which person also meets the criteria for a major depressive episode
Monoamine theory of depression
depression is at least sometimes due to an absolute or relative depletion of serotonin and norepinephrine at important receptor sites in the brain
Neuroticism or negative affectivity
stable and heritable personality trait that involves a temperamental sensitivity to negative stimuli
Becks cognitive theory
Beck hypothesized that the cognitive symptoms of depression often precede and cause the affective or mood symptoms, rather than vice versa
a pattern of repetitive and relatively passive mental activity
Cyclothymic disorder
the repeated experience of hypomanic symptoms for a period of at least 2 years
Bipolar I
-Person has full-blown mania.
-Person experiences episodes of mania and periods of depression. Even if the periods of depression do not reach the threshold for a major depressive episode, the diagnosis of bipolar I disorder is still given.
Bipolar II
-Person experiences periods of hypomania, but his or her symptoms are below the threshold for full-blown mania.
-Person experiences periods of depressed mood that meet the criteria for major depression.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
a medical procedure that uses a small electric current to induce a controlled seizure in the brain to treat mental illnesses
a medical treatment that uses drugs to treat a disease or condition, prevent other diseases, or improve symptoms
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
a type of psychotherapy that helps people identify and change negative thinking patterns to improve their mental and emotional health
Behavioral activation (BA)
a type of psychotherapy that helps people with depression and other mood disorders by changing their actions to improve their mood
Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT)
a type of psychotherapy that focuses on improving relationships to relieve mental health symptoms