Abnormal gait Flashcards
What are the 3 causes of abnormal gait?
- Pain
- Central nervous system disorders
- Musculoskeletal impairments
Stance due to: Generalized ligamentus laxity, weak quads, plantarflexor contracture, extensor spasticity
Genu recurvatum
The excessive elevation of the iliac crest on the side of swing limb; Gait deviation due to: Weak hip flexors. Weak knee flexors, hamstrings. Limited knee flexion ROM. Painful knee. Extensor spasticity.
Hip hiking
- muscles involved = abductors of stance limb, quad lumborum and possible abdominals and extensors of swing limb side
Gate deviation due to: Weak PF, pain in forefoot. Limited ROM at hip, knee or ankle
Inadequate push- off (stance)(shuffling)
due to Painful knee, weak quads
knee wobbling or buckling (stance)
Excessive hip and knee flexion; Weak Dorsiflexion. Plantarflexion Spasticity.
Steppage gait
IC with ground made by forefoot followed by heel region; due to severely weak DF, PF contracture, Knee flexion contracture, PF spasticity, Painful heel, LE too short
Toes first at initial contact
toe drag (swing phase); Weak DF, Plantarflexion spasiticity, can also see lowering of pelvis due to weakness of gluteus medics on stance side
Foot drop
- usually compensated by excessive hip and knee flexion (steppage gait)
Rapid ankle plantar flexion occurs after heel contact; due to weak DF
foot slap
weak quads, hip flexion contracture, knee flex contracture
forward trunk lean
What are the causes of too much PF/ not enough DF
- Spasticity (gastroc)
- Weakness (DF)
- Contracture (gastroc, posterior tib)
- Too Much Knee Extension (can’t have PF without ext in closed chain)
Irregular, jerky and weaving
2 types:
- Cerebellar-broad base, poor balance, lurches and staggers
- Sensory-broad base-slaps floor as can’t feel feet and looks down
Ataxic gait
With too much plantar flexion, one limb is too long. How do you compensate in gait?
- Steppage gait
- Circumduction
- Vaulting
- Hip hiking
- Contralateral lean
- Forward trunk lean
- Knee hyperextension
What do weak dorsiflexor gait deviations result in?
- Foot slap in initial contact/loading response
2. Toe drag in initial and mid swing
What causes too much DF or not enough PF?
- AFO or ankle fusion (Blocks ankle PF)
- Soleus Weakness
- Too much knee flexion
What two patterns are seen with decreased PF and what is their cause?
- Sudden DF at LR and then maintained until TSt; AFO or ankle fusion- Lose ankle rocker
- Progressive increase in DF from MSt to TSt -Too much DF caused by weak soleus
What gait deviations are seen with too much DF/ decreased PF?
Seen during IC through LR:
- Increased heel rocker and forward progression
- Increased demand on quads
Destabilizing effect on knee during MSt & TSt
- Decreased step length on contralateral limb
- biggest problem is demand placed on quads
What are non contractile causes of too much DF?
- Talipes Calcaneus
- Joint Contracture
- Knee flexion contracture
What are AFO gait deviations?
- Obstruction of heel rocker
- Quick foot flats leads to increased knee flexion which increases quad demand and a destabilized knee
- MSt - knee stays in flexion instead of extending
- Forefoot rocker - gone
- TSt - load is greater on plantar flexors
What are causes of too much pronation or supination?
- Spasticity (usually of PFs and inverters; excessive supination)
- Weakness of inverters (too much pronation; pes planus)
- Foot deformity
What are the causes of too much knee extension and not enough knee flexion
- Quadriceps Weakness (#1, Changes the BV)
- Knee Pain
- Quadriceps Spasticity or Extensor Synergy
- Plantar flexion contracture or spasticity
- Extension Contractures
What 3 phases are most affected by too much knee extension
- LR - large amount of force driven up the chain
- Pre swing
- Initial swing - causes dragging foot on the ground
What are the causes of too much knee flexion and not enough knee extension
- Spasticity
- Knee Flexion Contracture
- Soleus Weakness (too much ankle DF)
- If it is in swing-could be too much plantar flexion
What phases of gait are affected with knee flexion greater than 30 degrees (contracture)?
All phases of gait, with exception of initial swing
- with less thank 10* contracture, there are no deviations in gait
- above 10, under 30 = due to quads IC/LR, due to motion at terminal stance and terminal swing