Abnormal Emergency Procedures Flashcards
What PA will the captain make in relations to an abnormal event on ground or in flight?
“This is the captain, Cabin Manager to the Cockpit immediately”
what is the responsibility of SCCM and CC when hearing the PA “This is the captain, Cabin Manager to the Cockpit immediately”?
SCCM - Enter the FD and receive the NITS Briefing from the Captain
CC - the minimum CC are required to stop all duties and head straight to their stations and stand by for further instruction
Ad CC - required to report to the SCCM station to receive the NITS briefing from the SCCM
What is the purpose of a NITS briefing? and when can it be used?
structured method of communication between the flight crew and cabin crew under captains discretion
non emergency, abnormal event or emergency situation
What does NITS stand for?
N - Nature of the abnormal event or emergency situation
I - Intention of the commander (landing at … what type of landing?)
T - Time available before touch down
S - Special Instructions
Is the SCCM required to repeat the NITS briefing back to the flight crew?
Yes, to ensure they have an understanding of the situation.
What is the step by step process after the SCCM receives the NITS briefing from the Flight deck?
- SCCM will make an ALL ATTENDANT CALL to each crew station
- SCCM will request an individual confirmation from all CC (horse shoe pattern) “L2 present, L3 present …”
- SCCM will communicate the NITS briefing clear and in a calm manner
- This is now the time for CC to ask questions
Definition of Incapacitation for CC
Incapacitation is the inability to perform their normal duties or abnormal emergency duties
what is the definition for an unplanned emergency
Unplanned emergencies are taken place when there is NOT enough time to brief the passengers and prepare the cabin for a possible evacuation.
When can an unplanned emergency be taken place?
On the ground or on water - ditching prior to take off and during the approach and landing phases
How will cabin crew know when there is an unplanned (possible) emergency?
when the Flight Deck makes the PA “This is the Captain, Attention Crew at Stations” x2
What are the three types of “GROUND” unplanned emergencies?
- Tailpipe Fire
- Rejected Take off
- Abnormal Aircraft Altitude
What is a tailpipe fire?
an internal fire within the engine which occurs at engine start or shut down
what is a rejected take off?
occurs on take off roll when the aircraft decelerates and an obvious strain on seatbelts may be experienced
what is an abnormal aircraft altitude?
occurs on take off or landing when suddenly the nose/main gears collapses or the aircraft encounters runway excursions and veers off the runway.
CC in this moment should adopt the brace position and brace commands “BRACE BRACE”
when can an unplanned “in flight” emergency be taken place? (2 answers)
- Immediately after take off
- Immediately before landing
What is a planned emergency?
Take place when there is enough time for the flight deck to communicate/brief with the cc and passengers for an emergency landing and possible evacuation
when do planned emergencies usually take place?
cruise phase of flight
what PA would the flight deck make for a planned emergency? and the responsibilities afterwards?
“This is the Captain, CM to the cockpit immediately”
SCCM will repeat the NITS brief back to FD for confirmation. Then will do the all attendant call back to all CC members and prepare the pre landing duties
what are the pre landing duties required
- Secure designated area.
(sharp objects, high heels, bags and loose items that are possible obstructions - into OHSC, Electrical equipment in galleys switched off, PEDs disconnected … - Select, Brief and Reseat an ABP
- Prepare and Stow survival items
- Secure yourself
- Pass Cabin Secure
(SCCM will conduct a LCCC - cabin ready)
Upon hearing the command “This is the captain, Attention CC at Stations”
what are the duties of the CC member?
- Stop all activities and return to their station
- Fasten seat belt low and tight
- Don PBE - if needed or advised
- go through 30 second ALERT review
How long to impact when hearing the command “This is the captain, Attention CC at Stations”
2 minutes before impact
How long to impact when hearing the command “This is the captain, brace brace”
30 seconds before impact
what are the duties for cc when hearing the brace command
- adopt brace position
- instruct passengers BRACE BRACE until the aircraft comes to a complete stop
What are the Post Landing Duties: Ground
Once the Captain gives the PA “This is the captain, Attention Crew at Stations”
- CC will unfasten their seatbelt, stand and evaluate both the inside and outside conditions.
- They will communicate this with either a thumbs up (clear) or thumbs down (not clear) and vocalise “My exit is clear! … my exit is not clear”
- CC wait for the NEXT COMMAND
Second PA - “This is the Captain, Normal Procedures, Normal Operations. Passengers Remain Seated”
- CC shall remain at their station waiting for further instruction from the captain or SCCM
- If no command is given, CC shall attempt to call the flight deck to see if they are okay.
- Once given the command to evacuate, cabin crew will start their evacuation
Will cabin crew wait for clearance/PA from the FD after a ditching?
No. CC will initiate the evacuation immediately after evaluating the outside conditions.
CC will then immediately pull the manual inflation handle after opening the door
What is the Planned Emergency Drill STEP BY STEP!
- RECIEVE ….. NITS briefing
- DEMONSTRATE … Exit, Brace and LJ
- SECURE ….. designated area
- PREPARE & STOW …..survival items
- SECURE ….. Yourself in crew seat
- PASS … cabin secure
- BRACE … on captains command
what is the planned emergency preparation checklist STEP BY STEP!
On Captain’s PA - “This is the Cap, CM to the cockpit immediately”
- SCCM to the flight deck
- CC suspend activities and report to own CAS and standby
- Add CC report to SCCM station and standby
- Commanders briefing (SCCM)
- Briefing to all CC by (SCCM)
- NITS Briefing (CC)
- Own life jacket … collected
ON SCCM PA - CC to demonstration positions
- Passenger briefing
- proceed to demo position
- passenger briefing PA and demonstration
Ground Evacuation Drill STEP BY STEP!!!
when aircraft comes to a complete stop
- EVALUATE … inside and outside conditions
If no command and situation is catastrophic
- INITIATE …. evacuation
- OPERATE … exit if safe and ensuring slide is fully inflated
- EVACUATE … passengers
- CHECK … cabin
- TAKE … Equipment (if away from airport)
- EVACUATE … self
- DIRECT … passengers away and upwind
what is the Ditching evacuation Drill - Main Exit STEP BY STEP
When a/c comes to a complete stop
- EVALUATE … inside and outside conditions
- PUT ON* … own LJ
- SHOUT* … LJ on
- INITIATE … evacuation
- OPERATE … exit if safe ensuring the slide fully inflated
- EVACUATE … passengers ensuring they inflate LJ
- CHECK … cabin
- TAKE … equipment (if away from the airport)
EVACUATE … self ensuring own lj inflated - DETACH AND SEPERATE … Slide or slide/raft
what is the Ditching evacuation Drill - Overwing Exit STEP BY STEP
When a/c comes to a complete stop
- EVALUATE … inside and outside conditions
- INITIATE … evacuation
- OPERATE … Exit if safe
- STEP … out onto the wing and inflate LJ
- CONNECT .. lifeline
- EVACUATE … passengers ensuring they inflate LJ
- CHECK … cabin
DIRECT .. passengers to swim to nearest raft/flotation AID
what is the cc ground evacuation process (commands)
seatbelts off
leave everything
come this way
jump and slide
come this way
run and slide
what is the cc planned ditching evacuation process (commands)
seatbelts off
leave everything behind
once slide/raft is inflated:
come this way
inflate life jacket
board the raft
once slide is inflated:
come this way
inflate lifejacket
jump in the water
from outside OWEE:
come this way
inflate life jacket
jump in the water
swim to the nearest raft
what is the cc unplanned ditching evacuation process (commands)
seatbelts off
leave everything
life jackets on
what is the blocked exit command/s in an evacuation?
exit blocked
go that way
what is the DARED evacuation technique?
D - dedicated assist space/command position
A - Assertiveness
R - Redirecting
E - Exit by pass
D - Dried up exit
in the event of a cc incapacitation DURING an evacuation, what will the other CC do?
take responsibility of operating BOTH doors. open their door first and start the evacuation … moving onto the opposite cc door and carry out the evacuation
what are the three evacuation methods for PRMs and Incapacitated passengers/crew
- drag
- two handed seat method
- stretcher passengers
rapid deplaning CC process
- stop boarding
2, encourage passengers to exit through nearest avlaible door and to leave all personal items behind - check cabin and lavatories are free from passengers
- stand by boarding doors and await further instructions
if ground crew are not available to assist directing passengers away from the aircraft. a nominated cc member will help in this situation
what is rapid deplaning?
a controlled deplaning of aircraft occupants at the departure stage or after landing using suitable ground equipment.
examples includes
bomb threat, fuel spillage, smoke, fire hazard etc
how far should you be from a rapid deplaning and what equipment should you bring?
safe zone - 15 meters and a megaphone is the appraise equipment to bring
what is decompression?
the loss of cabin pressure and temperature will decrease and the cabin altitude will increase leading to hypoxia if adequate oxygen is not obtained
what does the atmosphere consist of?
78% nitrogen
21% oxygen
1% other gases
what is hypoxia?
the lack of oxygen in the body cells and tissues. insufficient O2 levels leads to impairment of all cell functions.
hypoxia results in unconsciousness and death within a short period of time
when will oxygen masks drop from the panel?
at 14,000 ft
what is the safe altitude?
10,000 ft
signs and symptoms of hypoxia
headaches and dizziness
difficulty breathing
blue skin, lips, ears and fingertips
gradual loss of eyesight
gradual loss of consciousness
what is the time of useful consciousness (TUC) = table
22,000. 5 minutes. TUC 10 min
25,000. 2 minutes. TUC 03 minutes
28,000. 1 minutes. TUC 1.5 minutes
30,000. 45 seconds. TUC 1.25 minutes
35,000. 30 seconds. TUC 45 seconds
40,000. 18 seconds. TUC 30 seconds
TUC = no activity
slow decompression drill STEP BY STEP
at the first noticeable sign of possible slow decompression:
- ALERT … flight crew
or informed by flight crew of a possible S.D.
- STOP … activities
- SECURE … self in designated crew
- INSTRUCT … passengers to fasten
- KEEP … flight crew informed
If O2 masks have deployed
- APPLY … rapid decompression drill
if there were a potential cracked window. what would you do.
move passengers away from the area if possible. If unable to, instruct passengers to
- fasten their seatbelt
- use a wet blanket to cover the window
what is rapid decompression?
RD may take place due to the loss of a cabin door, rupture of fuselage, or an explosion. this requires immediate emergency descent followed by landing in the nearest airport
difference between objective signs and subjective signs
objective signs are:
things you can see and hear
subjective signs are:
things you can feel
rapid decompression drill STEP BY STEP
DON … nearest oxygen mask
SECURE … self
when advised via FC PA “this is the captain, emergency descent completed, emergency descent completed”
CHECK … flight crew
CHECK … cabin, lavs, galley’s and CRC
ADMINISTER … first aird/oxygen
REPORT … cabin damage/injuries to FC
SECURE … cabin for landing
what are the two types of O2 bottles on board?
Portable oxygen set - single outlet type
Portable oxygen set - dual outlet type
what does the dual outlet 02 bottle consist of?
oxygen bottle (cylinder)
O2 mask
carrying strap
pressure gauge
HI flow outlet
LO flow outlet
overpressure valve
refilling valve
ON/OFF knob
what is the duration of the dual O2 bottle?
HI FLOW - 1 hr 17min
LO FLOW - 2 hr 34 min
- correct no. units
- secured in the correct stowage
- in good condition
- minimum acceptable pressure
1500 PSI - Mask is available with bottle and
connected to the HI FLOW outlet - carrying strap is present
how to know if the oxygen mask has good supply of oxygen flow?
when the green part of the oxygen reservoir bag is inflated
what does the single 02 bottle consist of?
oxygen bottle (cylinder shape)
oxygen mask
carrying strap
pressure gauge
ON/OFF knob
single flow outlet
viewing window
refilling valve
protective cover
what is the duration of the single o2 bottle
4LPM - 1hr
2LPM - 2 hrs
when are you required to bring a secondary O2 bottle
around 500 PSI