Abnormal Behavior - Psych Flashcards
What is Abnormality ( 4 D’s )
1) Deviance
2) Distress
3) Dysfunction
4) Danger
Behavior, thoughts, and emotions different from societal norms
( Differ with culture )
Behaviors, etc that cause the individual distress that is abnormal
Abnormal Behavior that interferes with daily life ( self or others )
Individual is a danger to themselves or others
Elusive Nature of Abnormality
Behavior that becomes familiar enough that it is no longer
Ex: Eccentric behaviors, Tattoos
How did people view Abnormality 500,000 years ago
Good vs. Evil
Demons needed to be released via Exorcism
Trephination ( drill hole in skull )
How did the Greeks and Romans view treatment for Abnormality
Hippocrates saw Abnormal behavior as a physical problem.
Believed an imbalance of 4 fluids called Humors
What are the 4 fluids called Humors that Hippocrates believed in and how did they treat the Abnormality
1) Yellow Bile
2) Black Bile
3) Blood
4) Phlegm
Treatment: Healthy shit + Blood letting
How did Europe in the middle ages view Abnormality
Distrust of science ( Hippocrates ideas ) leads back to demonology beliefs.
Abnormal Psych is from Satan
Exorcisms again
How did the Renaissance view Abnormality
Start of scientific activity
Mind AND body susceptible to illness
Humane treatment
Results of Asylums from 1600-1759
Good Intentions
Bad conditions
Philippe Pinel/William Tuke
Treated patients like guests and with dignity
Benjamin Rush/ Dorthea Dix
( USA )
Developed human treatment
Intelligent staff
state legislatures/Congress create new laws and better funding
State responsible for good hospitals
Somatogenic Perspective
Abnormal psych functions create physical causes
Physical factors are responsible for mental illness ( Emil Kraepelin )
disappointing treatment results
Psychogenic Perspective
Psychological illnesses are the main cause of patients issues
Friedrich Mesmer
(Psych Perspective era)
symptoms subsided for some
Controversial and banished in Paris
Josef Breuer
(Psych Perspective era)
Hypnotized patients and allow them to talk about their problems
-Patients feel better
-Influenced Freud to begin “Talk Therapy”
21st century health care
-50s discovered mental health drugs
-Start of Dieinsitutionalization
Primarily Outpatient care/Short hospital stays
-WW1 10 lead to less expensive health care options
Parity Law ( 2008 )
Mental Health should be treated just like other illnesses
Obamacare expanded Parity law by:
Requiring mental health care be provided by insurance
The Biological Model
Connections found among some psychological disorders and brain structures
Biological Model consists of
( science answer )
Neurons=Nerve Cells
Gila=Support Cells (glue)
Brain chemistry map
Information is communicated throughout the brain through electrical impulses that travel from one neuron to one or others.
1) impulse first received by Dendrites ( antenna like at end of neuron )
2) Travels down the neurons axon ( a long fiber extending from the neurons body
3) Finally is transmitted through the nerve endings at the end of the Axon to the dendrites of other neurons
Tiny space separates one neuron from the next
Electrical impulse that travels over synapse
What are causes of biological Abnormality
Mutation Genes
Psychodynamic model
Sigmund Freud:
Unknown forces cause behaviors
Abnormal Behavior means unconscious conflict untreated
Psychodynamic Examples
ID: Pleasure
Ego: Reality(Anxiety)
Superego: Morality (Depression)
Psycodynamic Therapy
Uncover past trauma and inner conflicts
Cognitive Behavior Model
Thoughts and perceptions influence the way they behave
Cognitive Dimension
illogical thinking
Wrong assumptions
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Accept bad thoughts
Mindful Meditation
Self actualize
view people as friendly and cooperative
Self awareness
psychological dysfunction is Self deception
freedom Good or Bad
Carl Rogers
Basic human needs for unconditional care
Therapist creates a supportive climate
Gestalt Theory
Guides clients through self recognition and self acceptance through challenge and frustration