Abnormal Behavior Flashcards
Believing that hidden messages being sent
Delusions of reference
Believing you are someone powerful or important
Delusions of grandeur
Believing that spies/aliens/government or even neighbors are plotting against you
Delusions of persecution
Hallucinations, delusions, word salad, inappropriate emotions
Positive Schizophrenia symptoms
Flattened emotion and speech, apathy, disinterest in life
Negative Schizophrenia symptoms
Elated mood, irritability, racing thoughts, feelings of undue power
Mania symptoms
Sadness, lack of interest in activities, disinterest interacting with others, frequent crying, guilt and worthlessness
Depression symptoms
One experienced repeated episodes of mania and depression
Bipolar I disorder
One doesn’t develop severe mania, instead hypomania: a more moderate form - hypomania and depression alternate
Bipolar II
Inability to recall past experiences/information - response to a traumatic or stressful situation
Dissociative amnesia
Suddenly leaving home and taking on a new identity with no memory of a former life
Dissociative fugue
Paralysis, blindness, deafness, or other loss of sensation with no discernible physical cause
Conversion disorder
High levels of suspicion around motives and intentions of others, but without paranoid delusions
Paranoid personality disorder
Bring aloof and distant from others with shallow or blunted emotions
Schizoid personality disorder
Excessive dramatic and egocentric, attention seeking behavior
Histrionic personality disorder
Emotionally unstable, impulsive, unpredictable, prone to boredom
Borderline personality disorder
French man who said the medical model should be applied to people with mental disorders
Philipe Pinel
Applied medical model for the people with mental disorders in US
Dorothea Dix
Conducted pseudo patient experiment studying the influence of diagnostic labels
David Rosenhan
MRI surgery that cuts brain circuits is involved in severe cases of
May reduce depression by triggering long term potentiation of frontal lobe
Prozac, Zoloft and Paxil are called SSRI’s because
They slow normal reabsorption of excess Seratonin
Xanax and Ativan are what kind of drug
Anti anxiety
Parkinson’s Disease symptoms are associated with
Antipsychotic drugs
What drug dampens responsiveness to irrelevant stimuli in schizophrenia patients
Belief that disorders result from stressful social situations rather than disturbances within individual personality
Preventive mental health
Personal strengths that help people cope with stress
Shared cultural values between counselors and clients
Therapeutic alliance
Relief for those suffering from seasonal affective disorder
Light exposure therapy