ABG Flashcards
Co² loss =
H ion production
Ratio of carbonic acid to bicarbonate
1 carbonic acid : 20 Bicarbonate
Normal Values for
Arterial pH
Acid 7.35 - 7.45 Base
Normal Values for
Base 35 - 45 Acid
Normal Values for
Acid 22 - 26 Base
Normal Values for
> 95%
Normal Values fo
F & M
F 4.2 - 5.4 M
M 4.7 - 6.1
Normal Values for
F & M
F 12 - 15
M 14 - 17
Normal Values for
F & M
F 36 - 46%
M 42 - 52%
Normal Values for
5,000 - 10,000
Normal Values for
200,000 - 450,000
Which values can kill in Arterial blood gas
> 7.8
Is Bicarb a (weak / strong) base
What is the major buffer (1st line defense) in the body
Line of defense against body pH imbalance
1st Buffer = hemoglobin
2nd Lungs = Exhale carbon dioxide-Acid
3rd Kidney = excrete / maintain Bicarb
Human body is 50- 60% fluid
Which percentage is
Intracellular/ Extracellular
Intracellular: 35 - 40%
Extracellular: 15 - 20%
Hydrogen ions
Overproduction/ Under elimination
(Metabolic/ Respitory)
(Acidosis/ Alkalosis)
Metabolic Acidosis
Bicarbonate ions
Under-production / over-elimination
(Metabolic/ Respitory)
(Acidosis/ Alkalosis)
Metabolic Acidosis
PaO² value in Metabolic Acidosis
PaCO² value in Metabolic Acidosis
PaO² = Normal 80 - 100
PaCO² = Normal or Slight decrease
35 - 45
Serum Potassium
Metabolic Acidosis
Metabolic Alkalosis
> 5.3
Hallmark of respiratory acidosis
PaO² ____
PaCo² ____
PaO² <80
PaCo² >45
Decreased PaO² & Increased PaCo²
Beta-2 agonists: These include salbutamol, salmeterol, formoterol, and vilanterol.
Anticholinergics: These include tiotropium, ipratropium, aclidinium, and glycopyrronium.
Theophylline: This is another type of bronchodilator
Are given to which type of patients
Metabolic Acidosis
Beta 2 agonist class of drugs that relax smooth muscles.They are commonly used to treat asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Bronchodilators, Anti-inflammatory, Mucolytics
Given to this type of patient
Nsaids & corticosteroids are given to which type of patient
Resp acid
Evaluation of Effective therapy for Resp Acidosis
Arterial pH above ___
PaO² above ___ or 10 higher than admission
PaCo² below ___ or atleast 15 below admission
Arterial pH above 7.2
PaO² above 90 or 10 higher than admission
PaCo² below 45 or atleast 15 below admission
Hydration issue or Drug Therapy can cause
Metabolic Acidosis
Insulin to treat DKA, Antidiarrheal, bicarbonate
Used to treat
Metabolic Acidosis
Excessive intake of (bi)carbonate, acetates, citrates
Gives this condition
Metabolic Alkalosis
Prolonged vomiting, excess cortisol, Hyperaldosteronism, thiazide diuretics, Prolonged NG suction
Give this condition
Metabolic Alkalosis
HCo³ is 3rd line of defense and eliminated by the kidneys
What is HCo³
ABG pH >7.45
HCo³ > 26
PaO² 80 - 100 (Norm)
PaCO² 35 - 45 (Norm)
Is Hallmark for this condition
Metabolic Alkalosis
Hyperventilation, improper vent settings, Fever, CNS lesion, Salicylates
Resp Alk
>7.45 pH
<35 PaCo²
80 - 100 PaO² (normal)
22 - 26 HCo³ (bicarb) normal
Resp Alkalosis
Hypocalcemia <8.5
Hypokalemia <3.5
Are signs of
Metabolic/ Respitory Alkalosis
Positive Chvostek (facial twitching) /
Trousseau’s (spasm of carpopedal after wearing a BP cuff 2/3 min)
Are associated with
Metabolic/ Respitory Alkalosis
Hypocalcemia <8.5
Tetany is….
Associated with…
involuntary muscle contractions
Metabolic/ Respitory Alkalosis
Prevent further loss of
Hydrogen ions
Why do we modify / stop NG suction with Alkalosis?
NG sucks stomach acid containing H ions
Type if solution to give for Alkalosis
Patient with respitory depression is more likely to have this A/B condition
Respiratory Acidosis
K levels with Acidosis
K levels with Alkalosis
Acidosis = High >5.3
Alkalosis = Low < 3.5
(Acid / Base) Hydrogen Acceptor
(Acid / Base) Hydrogen Donor
Base = Hydrogen Acceptor
Acid = Hydrogen Donor
H2CO3 is….
Carbonic acid
Weak acid that forms when carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolves in water
Neutralize / Convert Strong Acid into Weak Acid
Is the function of..
Hemoglobin/ Buffer
pH is the measurement of…
Free Hydrogen ions
The more free H, the (High / Low), the pH
pH of body fluids
1 - 5
pH of body fluids
5.5 - 6.5
pH of body fluids
Arterial Blood
7.35 - 7.45
pH of body fluids
pH of body fluids
8.4 - 8.9
Carbon dioxide + water =
carbonic acid (H2CO3)
Volatile acids are excreted from the lungs as vapor CO²
Non-volatile acids cannot form vapor and are excreted from the kidneys as HCo³ (bicarb)
T or F
The amount of (Oxygen/ Carbon Dioxide) in blood determines the rate of breathing in healthy people
Carbon Dioxide
Hyperventilation = (Acidosis/ Alkalosis)
Hypoventilation = (Acidosis/ Alkalosis)
Hyperventilation = Alkalosis
(Expells too much CO² “an Acid”)
Hypoventilation = Acidosis
(Conserves too much CO² “an Acid”)
Renal correction of Acidosis
More (H / HCo³) are secreted in Urine
More (H/HCo³) are reabsored into blood
More H are secreted in Urine
More HCo³ are reabsored into blood
Hyperkalemia/ hyperchloremia
(Acidosis/ Alkalosis)
Hypokalemia/ hypochloremia
(Acidosis/ Alkalosis)
Hyperkalemia/ hyperchloremia
Hypokalemia/ hypochloremia
CNS effects
Depression, Drowsy, Unconscious
(Acidosis/ Alkalosis)
Twitching, Seizures
(Acidosis/ Alkalosis)
Depression, Drowsy, Unconscious
Twitching, Seizures
____ must be preformed before radial artery cannulation
Allen’s test
Describe Allen’s test
What is a positive result
Patient squeezes fist
Nurse occuldes ulnar & radial arteries
Patient opens hand
Nurse removes occlusion from 1 artery
Hand regains color in <15 seconds
Positive = Normal, Color returns <15 secs
Compensation mechanism for Metabolic Acidosis
Kussmaul breathing
Ketoacidosis, starvation, lactic acidosis, shock
Lead to this A/B imbalance
Metabolic Acidosis
Ingestion of
Coccaine, Ecstasy, meth
Lead to this A/B imbalance
Metabolic Acidosis
Decreased excretion of H ion from
Renal failure
Causes this A / B imbalance
Metabolic Acidosis
Loss of HCO-
Diarrhea, bilary drainage, Ileostomy
Lead to this A/B imbalance
Metabolic Acidosis
Drowsy, lower LOC
Warm Flushed skin
Clinical Manifestation of this A/B imbalance
Metabolic Acidosis
Cerebral trauma
Cardiac Arrest
Lead to this A/B imbalance
Respiratory Acidosis
Inadequate chest expansion
Gullian-barre syndrome
Airway obstruction
Lead to this A/B imbalance
Respiratory Acidosis
Polio,ALS, MS
Lead to this A/B imbalance
Respiratory Acidosis
Lower LOC
Lead to this A/B imbalance
Respiratory Acidosis
NG tube loss
Diuretic therapy
Lead to this A/B imbalance
Metabolic Alkalosis
Paresthesia, fingers, toes, mouth
Muscle cramps
Lead to this A/B imbalance
Metabolic Alkalosis
High altitude
Anxiety, fear, pain
This A/B imbalance
Respiratory Alkalosis
salicylates are…
Carbonic anhydrases (CAs) catalyze a reaction fundamental for life:
the bidirectional conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) into bicarbonate (HCO3−) and protons (H+).
Where does the carbonic anhydrase reaction take place?
RBC in arterial blood
HCO3- (known as ____) is the conjugate base of H2CO3 (known as ____) , a weak acid, and the conjugate acid of the carbonate ion
bicarbonate / carbonic acid
What electrolyte issue is caused by acidosis
can cause hyperkalemia
. This is because acidosis causes potassium to shift from the intracellular to the extracellular compartment
The kidneys treat acidosis by secreting more ______ into the urine
H+ ions
Effect= more HCO3 ions are reabsorbed in the blood
The kidneys treat alkalosis by reabsorbing ______ into the blood
Absorb H+
Effect= more HCO3 ions are secreted in the urine
Acidosis/ Alkalosis
Sleepy, SOB, Weakness, increased HR, Diarrhea
Hand tremor, numbness/ tingling, twitching,
Both have: Confusion, Coma, N/V
Sleepy, SOB, Weakness, increased HR, Diarrhea
Hand tremor, numbness/ tingling, twitching,
1 liter of fluid weighs …
1 kilo = 2.2 lbs
Respiratory Alkalosis is associated with
Hypocalcemia/ Hypercalcemia
S/S Increased muscle twitching
Hypercalcemia/ Hypocalcemia
Trousseau’s sign (hand twitching with BP cuff)
Chvostek’s sign (Facial twitching when the cheek is tapped)
Muscle twitching (tetany)
Muscle weakness
Polydipsia, Polyuria, Constipation
Headache, N/V
Hypocalcemia = Muscle twitching
Hypercalcemia = Muscle weakness
Hypocalcemia VALUE
Hypercalcemia VALUE
Hypo <8.5
Hyper >10.5
Metabolic acidosis (decreases/increases) ionized calcium in the blood by reducing the amount of calcium bound to albumin
As pH increases, protein binding
increases, which ( decreases/ increases) free calcium levels.
Metabolic acidosisincreases calcium in the blood
As pH increases,protein bindingincreases, which decreases free calcium levels.
SaO² Normal value
PaO² Normal value
SaO² Normal value >95
PaO² Normal value 80 - 100
(HCO3) acidic or basic?
Most common symptom of Respiratory Acidosis
Hypoventilation with hypoxia (CO2 buildup)
Warm, Flushed Skin
What happens to RBC, Hct, Hemoglobin levels with Dehydration
Elevated Serum Osmolality
Elevated levels indicate
Fluid volume Overload or Depletion
Urine specific gravity range
What does outside normal mean
Excess Fluid 1.005–1.030 Dehydration
Serum Osmolality normal
Fluid excess 275 and 295 Dehydration
nurse is assessing a client who has respiratory acidosis. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect?
A. Confusion.
B. Peripheral edema.
C. Facial flushing and warmth.
D. Hyperreflexia.
A confused
what are the 2 electrolyte imbalances associated with acidosis
what are the 2 electrolyte imbalances associated with alkalosis
As pH goes, so does my patient, except for ____
Explain meaning
Except for K
Means: as ph goes down (acidosis) patients functioning goes down & as ph goes up so does patients functioning.
Except for K values.
Low pH = High K / High pH = Low K
All causes of …
2. increased acid ingestion ( salicylates, cocaine, ecstasy, methamephetamines)
3. decreased excretion of H ions (renal failure)
4. loss of HCO3 (diarrhea, biliary drainage, ileostomy)
Metabolic Acidosis +
increased acid production (DKA, starvation, lactic acidosis, shock)
Salicylate poisoning causes…
Alkalosis or Acidosis
respiratory alkalosis and, by an independent mechanism, metabolic acidosis