Abdominal Pain Flashcards
Which test is used to investigate acute pancreatitis for a late presentation (>24 hours)?
Serum lipase
Describe Boerhaave’s syndrome
Retrosternal chest pain, subcutaneous emphysema on background of alcoholism. Spontaneous rupture of oesophagus due to recurrent episodes of vomiting.
Is pancreatitis more common in men or women?
How do gallstones cause acute pancreatitis?
Gallstone obstructs ampulla of Vater blocking the flow of bile and pancreatic enzymes into the duodenum. This refluxes back to pancreas causing inflammation.
How does alcohol cause acute pancreatitis?
Alcohol is directly toxic to pancreatic cells, resulting in inflammation.
What causes a fluid deficit in acute pancreatitis?
Fluid exits the vascular space into the tissues due to inflammation. Dry mucous membranes and reduced urinary output.
What is a diagnostic amylase level in acute pancreatitis?
Elevated 3 times above reference range.
Should you offer prophylactic antibiotics in acute pancreatitis?
No, only if infection is present.
Define acute pancreatitis
Rapid onset inflammation of pancreas.
True or false: normal functioning of the pancreas usually does not return in acute pancreatitis
False - it usually does return.
What are the main causes of acute pancreatitis?
Alcohol, gallstones and post-ERCP.
What is the pathophysiology of acute pancreatitis?
Abnormal release and activation of enzymes causing auto digestion of pancreatic tissue. Leading to recruitment of inflammatory cells and release of inflammatory mediators.
Describe the symptoms of acute pancreatitis
Severe epigastric pain radiating to the back and vomiting.
What clinical signs might you observe in a patient presenting with acute pancreatitis?
Abdominal tenderness, tachycardia and fever.
Rare: Cullen’s and Grey Turner’s sign.
What are Cullen’s and Grey Turner’s signs?
Cullen’s: periumbilical bruising.
Grey Turner’s: flank bruising.
What is the main diagnostic test for acute pancreatitis?
Serum amylase.
What is the Glasgow score?
Assesses severity of pancreatitis.
0-1: mild.
2: moderate.
3+: severe.
What components are measured in the Glasgow score?
PaO2, age, WBC, calcium, urea, LDH or AST, albumin and glucose.
What are the main management principles for acute pancreatitis?
Initial resuscitation, IV fluids, analgesia and nutritional support (mild = low fat diet; severe = enteral feeding).
List some complications of acute pancreatitis
Pancreatic necrosis, infection of necrotic area, abscess, pseudocysts, chronic pancreatitis.
Define chronic pancreatitis
Chronic inflammation of the pancreas causing fibrosis and permanent decline in pancreatic function.
What is the most common cause of chronic pancreatitis?
What structural changes are seen in chronic pancreatitis?
Atrophy, calcification and strictures.
Describe the clinical features of chronic pancreatitis
Abdominal pain, N+V, loss of appetite, steatorrhoea, bloating, weight loss.
What imaging techniques would you use to investigate chronic pancreatitis?
CT or MRI/MRCP (late stage).
Endoscopic ultrasound +/- biopsy (early stage).
What stool test is used to assess for pancreatic exocrine insufficiency?
Faecal elastase.
What is the management plan for a patient with chronic pancreatitis?
Alcohol and smoking cessation.
ERCP with stenting.
Surgery - removing inflamed tissues and draining ducts.
List some complications of chronic pancreatitis
Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency.
Biliary obstruction.
Pseudocysts and abscesses.
Pancreatic cancer.
Which imaging modality would best confirm a bowel perforation?
Effect chest X-ray.
What is the preferred diagnostic test for chronic pancreatitis?
CT pancreas to look for calcification.
List the drugs that can cause acute pancreatitis
Azathioprine, mesalazine, didanosine, bendroflumethiazide, furosemide, pentamidine, steroids, sodium valproate.
Are wide neck hernias at higher or lower risk of complications?
Are men or women more likely to be affected by inguinal hernias?
What are the 2 most important factors for development of a hernia?
Inherent or acquired weakness and raised intra-abdominal pressure (constipation, chronic cough, pregnancy).
Inguinal canal in males vs. females
Males: spermatic cord and it’s contents travel from inside peritoneal cavity, through abdominal wall and into scrotum via inguinal canal.
Females: round ligament attaches to uterus and passes through deep inguinal ring, inguinal canal and then attaches to labia majora.
A patent processus vaginalis predisposes patients to which two conditions?
Indirect inguinal hernia and hydroceles.
Irreducible, painful lump inferolateral to pubic tubercle
Strangulated femoral hernia
Location of inguinal hernia?
Superomedial to pubic tubercle.
Do inguinal hernias resolve spontaneously?
Management for an asymptomatic inguinal hernia?
Routine referral for surgical repair.
What is the most common cause of small bowel obstruction?
What are adhesions?
Scar tissue usually from inflammation or manipulation of abdominal contents during surgery.
Symptoms of bowel obstruction?
Abdominal pain, distension and constipation.
What is the differentiating factor between small and large bowel obstructions?
Onset of nausea and vomiting - early stage of small bowel obstruction.
What is the most common cause of large bowel obstructions?
Colorectal cancer.
Should you attempt to manually reduce a strangulated hernia?
No because you would push necrotic bowel back into abdomen which can make the patient deteriorate more rapidly.
Are incarcerated hernias painless?
Brad is a 48-year-old builder who calls you on a Monday morning complaining of severe epigastric pain, which started over the weekend and worsens by lying down. The pain radiates into his back. He has vomited several times over the last few days. He has no known medical history and takes no regular medication. He reports that the pain started following a takeaway meal on Friday night.
Gloria is a 28-year-old city worker who attends your surgery complaining of a 7-month history of intermittent abdominal pain and diarrhoea. She has a busy job and her constant need for the toilet is starting to affect her. She describes the symptoms as more constant over the last 3 months, occurring almost daily. She denies any bleeding and is otherwise well in herself. She denies any weight loss. Her father suffers from Crohn’s disease and she is concerned this is the case.
A mother brings her 6-year-old son to the surgery as he has been complaining of abdominal pain for the last few days. He points to the left lower quadrant when questioned on the location of the pain. This has been constant. There is no history of any recent infections. His mother denies any fevers and reports he has been drinking well but reports he has had a reduced appetite over the last few days. He last opened his bowels three days ago. On examination, his abdomen is soft with mild tenderness in the left iliac fossa. His observations are within the normal range.
What is mesenteric adenitis?
Inflamed mesenteric lymph nodes. Fairly common cause of abdominal pain in children. Symptoms often start following a sore throat/cold: central abdominal pain, fever, nausea and diarrhoea.
Irreducible hernias may not have a cough impulse - true or false?
What are the risk factors for femoral hernia?
Female and pregnancy.
Describe diastasis recti/rectus diastasis/recti divarication
Weakening and widening of linea alba (but no defect). It is not technically a hernia. Gap becomes most prominent when patient lies on their back and lifts their head. It can be congenital or due to weakness in the connective tissue, e.g. following pregnancy or obesity. No treatment required in most cases.
Define littre’s hernia
Very rare - herniation of Meckel’s diverticulum. Most commonly occurs in inguinal canal and becomes strangulates.
Define lumbar hernia
Rare posterior hernia that occur spontaneously or iatrogenically following surgery (e.g. open renal surgery). Present as a posterior mass associated with back pain.
Does hypothermia or hyperthermia cause acute pancreatitis?
What is the investigation for suspected Boerhaave’s syndrome?
CT contrast swallow.
What is the most sensitive blood test for diagnosis of acute pancreatitis?
What is the most common type of hiatus hernia?
What mechanical complications are associated with rolling hiatus hernia?
Gastric volvulus, leading to dysphagia, post-prandial pain and distension.
Gastric outlet obstruction.
Define hernia
When a body organ penetrates through weakness in cavity wall.
What does a reducible hernia mean?
It can be pushed back into normal place.
When might hernias protrude out?
On coughing or standing.
What are the 3 complications of hernias?
Incarceration - hernia is irreducible.
Strangulation - blood supply cut off, surgical emergency.
What is the management for abdominal wall hernias?
Placing mesh over defect (tension-free repair).
Define Richter’s hernia
Partial herniation of bowel.
What is the name of a hernia where 2 loops of bowel are contained within the hernia?
Maydl’s hernia
What are the boundaries of the inguinal canal?
Anterior wall - aponeurosis of external oblique.
Posterior wall - transversalis fascia.
Roof - internal oblique and transversus abdominis.
Floor - inguinal ligament.
What is the most common type of inguinal hernia?
What is an indirect inguinal hernia?
Hernia that protrudes through deep inguinal ring and into inguinal canal.
Describe the pathophysiology for indirect inguinal hernias
When processus vaginalis is patent bowel can herniate through the inguinal canal.
Why are indirect inguinal hernias at greater risk of strangulation?
Due to narrow deep inguinal ring.
Define direct inguinal hernia
Hernia that protrudes through posterior wall of inguinal canal due to weakness in abdominal wall at Hesselbach’s triangle.
What are the boundaries of Hesselbach’s triangle?
Rectus abdominis (medial).
Inferior epigastric vessels (superior/lateral).
Inguinal ligament (inferior).
Define femoral hernia
Herniation of abdominal contents through femoral canal.