Abdomen + Pelvis Anatomy Flashcards
which quadrant does the liver sit?
which liver lobe is most anterior?
which liver lobe is the largest?
what divides the right and left liver lobes?
interlobar fissure
where do you find the quadrate lobe?
anteroinferior surface of left lobe
the quadrate lobe is between what two things?
gallbladder and round ligament
which liver lobe is the smallest?
where do you find the caudate lobe?
inferior and posterior to liver’s surface
what two structures is the caudate lobe between?
IVC and ligamentum venosum
proximal aspect of the middle hepatic vein travels in a _____ plane. and is seen _____ in an axial cut.
horizontal; longer
distal aspect of the middle hepatic vein travels in a _____ plane. and is seen _____ in an axial cut.
craniocaudal plane; circle
interlobar fissure is seen from …
gallbladder fossa and middle hepatic vein to the IVC
what borders the liver superiorly, laterally and anteriorly?
the right hemidiaphragm
what borders the liver on the medial surface?
stomach, duodenum, transverse colon
what borders the liver inferiorly?
hepatic flexure
what borders the liver posteriorly?
right kidney
falciform ligament
attaches liver to anterior abdominal wall and diaphragm
portal vein enters the liver through…
porta hepatis
___ + ___ = portal vein
superior mesenteric vein + splenic vein
portal vein run ____ to the hepatic artery
at the porta hepatis, portal vein branches into …
R/L main portal veins
common hepatic artery sits ____ to the portal vein
the common hepatic artery splits into two. which branch travels superiorly?
which branch travels inferiorly?
sup = proper hepatic artery
infer = gastroduodenal artery
then which common hepatic artery branch further splits? into what?
the proper hepatic artery will then split into R/L hepatic arteries before entering the porta hepatis
where do we find the gallbladder?
anteroinferior of the right liver lobe
distal part of the gallbladder
widest part of the gallbladder
part of the gallbladder that is right of the porta hepatis
part of the gallbladder that continues as the cystic duct
retroperitoneal organ
pancreas is ___ to stomach
pancreas extends between ____ + ____
duodenum +spleen
what part of the pancreas is within the duodenal bulb?
the head
which vertebra do we find the head of the pancreas?
the tail of the pancreas ends at … and is __ to the left kidney
ends at spleen; anterior to left kidney
pancreas can be a landmark for what kind of vasculature?
- portal vein
- splenic vein
pancreas is ___ to SMA
pancreas is anterior to SMA
which side does the adrenal gland sit lower on?
the right side
which side does the adrenal gland sit more medial?
which side is more posterior to the IVC?
right side
the left adrenal gland sits more _____ to ____ pole of the left kidney.
anteromedially to upper pole of lt kidney
where are the kidneys located? (vertebrae)
are upper or lower poles of the kidney more medial and posterior?
upper poles are
ureters are seen well without contrast. t/f
need contrast in order to be seen well
stomach is on the __ side of the body.
anterior portion of the stomach is in contact with the ___ abdominal wall and ___ lobe of the liver.
anterior ab wall and the left lobe of the liver
posterior portion of the stomach borders what structures?
- spleen
- left adrenal gland
- tail of pancreas
folds in stomach lining
cardiac orifice
where the esophagus joins with the superior portion of the stomach
gastroesophageal junction
cardiac orifice + cardiac sphincter
inferior portion of stomach
pyloric antrum
superior surface of stomach
portion inbetween lesser and greater curvature of the stomach
plicae circulares (circular folds) are in…
small bowels
haustra are in…
large bowels
where do you find the sigmoid colon?
moving towards midline and posterior to bladder
three parts of the small intestines
duodenum, jejunum, ileum
large intestines
cecum, ascending colon, hepatic flexure, transverse colon, splenic flexure, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum
base of the prostate gland is adjacent to the ___ of the bladder
HU for central zone of prostate gland
40-60 HU
HU for peripheral zone of prostate gland
10-25 HU
which zone of the prostate gland is considered hypodense? hyperdense?
hypo = peripheral
hyper = central
prostate glands can be seen posterior to the ___
pubic bone
vertebra abdominal aorta bifurcates
what does the abdominal aorta branch into? (~7)
- inferior phrenic arteries (R/L)
- celiac trunk
- superior mesenteric artery
- renal artery (R/L)
- gonadal artery (R/L)
- inferior mesenteric artery
- lumbar arteries (R/L)
vertebra where the top of the aortic arch is
what branches off the celiac trunk?
- left gastric
- common hepatic
- splenic
which arteries supply the diaphragm with blood?
inferior phrenic arteries (R/L)
which arteries are found directly under the diaphragm?
inferior phrenic artery
inferior phrenic arteries arise from the ___ surface of the aorta
celiac trunk aka?
coeliac axis or artery
3 vessels that branch from the celiac trunk
- left gastric artery
- splenic artery
- common hepatic artery
which is the largest branch of the celiac trunk?
splenic artery
which vertabra do we usually find the superior mesenteric artery (SMA)?
SMA branches off the ___ surface of the aorta then…
anterior surface then drops inferiorly almost immediately
gonadal arteries (R/L) arises off the ___ surface of the aorta
anterior surface
which vertabra do we usually find the inferior mesenteric artery (IMA)?
~L3-L4 (3-4 cm above the abdominal aorta bifurcation)
SMA size ___ (>/<) IMA size
IMA descends ___ (ANT/POST) to aorta then curves to the ____ (R/L)
ant to aorta
curves to left
how many pairs of lumbar arteries are there?
4 pairs
lumbar arteries branch off the ___ surface of the aorta
the R/L common iliac artery bifurcates at…
the top of the SI joint
what does the common iliac arteries branch into?
internal and external iliac arteries
internal/external iliac arteries
which is smaller?
internal/external iliac arteries
which is medial?
internal/external iliac arteries
which is larger?
internal/external iliac arteries
which is lateral?
largest vein in the body
union of the R/L common iliac vein at ___ results in which vessel?
L5 – IVC
tributaries of IVC
- lumbar veins
- right gonadal vein
- renal veins
- right suprarenal vein
- hepatic veins
- inferior phrenic veins
external iliac VEIN is ___ to internal iliac VEIN
therefore… internal iliac VEIN is ____ to external iliac VEIN
ex is ANT to int
int is POST to ex
internal iliac VEIN is ___ to internal iliac ARTERY
II vein is medial to II artery
external iliac VEIN is ____ to external iliac ARTERY
EI vein is medial then moves posteriorly to EI artery
common iliac VEINS are ___ to common iliac ARTERIES
what level do you find renal veins?
left renal vein passes ___ to SMA
left renal vein passes ___ to aorta
posterior to SMA
anterior to aorta
how do you differentiate renal veins from renal arteries?
veins are larger and more anterior
internal iliac vein is typically ___ (ANT/POST) to external iliac vein
in the pelvis, the common iliac veins are formed by the …
internal and external iliac veins
the inferior mesenteric vein merges and drains directly into the…
splenic vein
the portal splenic confluence is seen just posterior to…
neck of pancreas
common iliac arteries bifurcate at this level
lumbosacral joint
femoral veins terminate in these veins
external iliac veins
gluteal arteries are branches off of these arteries
internal iliac arteries
common iliac veins merge at this vertebral level
sigmoid colon terminates at the level of this vertebra
most superior portion of the uterus
vessel that supplies blood to the lesser curvature of the stomach
gastric artery
after the diaphragm, first major, unpaired branch off the aorta
celiac trunk
position of the IVC in relation to abdominal aorta
IVC ant and slightly to the right of aorta