ABCD Nutrition Guide Flashcards
What does ABCD stand for?
Anthropometrics(and Body Composition), Biomarkers, Clinical Indicators and Diet/Lifestyle.
What part of the GOTOIT is ABCD a part of?
What measurements are included in Anthropometrics?
Height/Length and Weight, waist and hip circumference, BMI, Waist to Hip ratio, and determination of body composition. Also, blood pressure, peak expiratory rate, O2 sat, temperature, respiratory rate and heart rate.
What makes up body composition?
Fat free mass, skeletal muscle mass and total body water
How do you determine body composition?
Thru BIA(bioelectrical impedence)
When do you check recumbent height?
In patients that are under 24 months of age or are bedbound at any age.
What is Frankurt horizontal plane?
It is position to check height where head is in neutral position. This plane is defined by a line the lowest point of the orbit of the eye and the tragion(the notch above the tragus, which is the cartilaginous projection just anterior to the external opening of the ear)
How is body weight obtained?
On digital or balance beam scale w/o detacable weights. Patients should remove coats, excess clothing and shoes and pockets should be emptied.
Do height and weight tables give information on body composition?
No. For this reason, should get additional measurements such as waist/hip ratio, BIA and skinfold measurements.
Up to what age do the standard physical growth measurements in height/weight from CDC go up to?
Birth to age 20 and vary by race or medical condition(such as down syndrome)
How do you measure a waist circumference properly?
Have the patient stand. Use consistent location. Measure the waist midway between the bottom of 10th rib and top of the iliac crest. (look at image on ABCD Nutrition Guide - pg 5) Record when patient exhales.
Where do you measure hip circumference?
Over the greater trochanter.
What grams of tension does the WHO recommend you put on tape measure?
Is an elevated waist circumference assoicated with all cause mortality?
What waist in cm/inches is considered an increase health risk to Ethnic South/Central American Males?
> 90 cm, > 35.5 inches
What waist in cm/inches is considered an increase health risk to Ethnic South/Central American Females?
> 80 cm, >31.5 inches
What waist in cm/inches is considered an increase health risk to Chinese, Japanese Males?
> 90 cm, >35.5 inches
What waist in cm/inches is considered an increase health risk to Chinese, Japanese Females?
> 80 cm, >31.5 inches
What waist in cm/inches is considered an increase health risk to Europids, Sub-Saharan African, Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East(Arab) population Males?
> 94 cm, >37 inches
What waist in cm/inches is considered an increase health risk to Europids, Sub-Saharan African, Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East(Arab) population Females?
> 80 cm, >31.5 inches
What waist in cm/inches is considered an increase health risk to USA(mixed ethnicity) Males?
> 102 cm, >40 inches
What waist in cm/inches is considered an increase health risk to USA(mixed ethnicity) Females?
> 88 cm, >35 inches
What is the standard to check BIA?
Use portable supine position devices as they are preferred and protect against multiple confounders including unstable central venous pressure, incorrect arm angle, temperature variations of hands/feet, moisture variation of hands/feet and callouses on hands/feet.
What type of readings(units) does a BIA machine measure?
Whole body resistance(R), reactance(Xc) which are 2 components of impedence(Z). The raw numbers are not clinically relevant as they are processed in body composition software with appropriate equations.