Abbreviations and common terminology Flashcards
Model of Human Occupation
Canadian Model of Occupational Performance and Engagement
Person - Environment - Occupation
Activities of daily living
Front of an anatomical region
Close towards the body’s midline
Away from the bodies midline
Midsagittal plane in the center of body
Towards the trunk
Away from the trunk
Thumb is located on the radial aspect of the hand
Small finger is located on the ulnar aspect of the hand
Other word for above
Other word for below
Direction of the skull (upper)
Direction of the tail (Lower)
Same side of the body
Opposite side of the body
Attachment that moves the least upon contraction
More movable attachment
General term not specifying origin or insertion for a muscular connection to the bone.
Physical touch
Features of anatomy that are palpable or visible on the surface of the skin.
Surface anatomy
A specific component of a bone that protrudes beneath the skin
Bony landmark
The study of anatomy and mechanics in relation to human movement
Divides the body in right and left sides
Sagittal plane
Divides the body into anterior and posterior portions and usually involves abduction and adduction.
Frontal plane (Coronal)
Divides the body into inferior and superior portions.
Transverse plane
The cooperative, interdependent movement of the segments and joints of the body. Can occur in closed chain and open chains depending on the movement pattern.
Kinetic chain
Any push or pull of matter.
Pulling force
Tensile force
Pushing force
Compressive force
Weight of the body or external object being carried.
Resistive force
Internal force generated by muscles.
Exerted force
A muscles ability to rotate a joint
The specific motion that a muscle can generate at a particular joint.
The distance from axis (Joint) to the force acting upon it (Muscle)
Moment arm
The farther the position of the muscle and its generated force are from the axis of rotation (Joint), the greater the mechanical advantage or leverage the muscle will have on the joint.
Mechanical advantage
Exerted force and resistive force are on opposite sides of an axis. (The human neck)
First class lever
Configured with exerted and resistive forces on the same side of the axis.
Second class lever & third class levers
Resistive forces are closer to the lever than exerted force.
Second class lever
The biceps exert tensile force just distal to the axis of the elbow, while the resistive force is the weight of the extremity or object being carried by the forearm or hand.
Third class lever
The force generated within the joint in response to external forces acting upon it.
Joint reaction force
The ability to stretch and return to the original shape after tensile force is removed.
The amount of applied force per area, such as pounds per square inch.
Amount of material displacement under specific amount of stress.
The return to normal shape after strain.
Permanent rupture or deformation.
Load to failure
Maximum stress that can be sustained before tissue failure.
Yield point
Response of tissue beyond the yield point.
More malleable tissue deformation
Plastic deformation
Response to permanent loss of baseline tissue length.
Joint instability
Examines the structure, function and motion of the biological systems that make up a living organism.
Contains variable proportions of key ingredients such as collagen and calcium depending on location within the body.
Bony matrix
Has greater mineral content than collagen. (Found in long bones such as humerus and femur.
Cortical bone
Higher in collagen content and is found within the marrow cavity and at the ends of long bones (femoral head)
Cancellous (spongy) bone
Generated by the foot coming into contact with the ground and moves upwards through the legs into the trunk.
Ascending force
Generated by the weight of the body or an object being lifted and moves downwards through the trunk into the lower body.
Descending force
Dense connective tissue that supplies a cushion to absorb repetitive compression forces between bones.
Articular (hyaline) cartilage
Extracellular matrix made up of water, collagen, proteoglycans and specialized cells called chondrocytes.
Degeneration of cartilage within a joint.
Connect bone to bone (stability to the joints of the body)
Connect muscle to bone (Transfer the force of muscle contraction to bone for joint movement)
Forms a dense fibrous sleeve around a synovial (moving) joint, giving it a degree of passive stability.
Joint capsule
A broad fibrous insertion that often connects adjacent muscles (aponeurosis of the abdominal muscles that forms the rectus sheath.
Three types of muscles:
- Skeletal (striated)
- Cardiac (heart)
- Smooth (Visceral)
Moves the bones of the skeleton, supplying force for purposeful movement of the body.
Skeletal muscle
Forms the muscular components (myocardium) of the heart. (Contains 1 nucleus)
Cardiac muscle
Musculature within internal organs such as the intestines. (non-striated and involuntary)
Smooth muscle
Contains capillaries and nerve fibers that innervate and supply individual muscle fibers.
Groups of muscles that are wrapped in connective tissue forming the entire muscle. Allows muscle extensibility and the ability to be stretched.
Perimysium & epimysium
Contractile proteins
Myofibrils that are divided into segments
Thicker filaments
Thin muscle filaments
Notes the midpoint of myosin filaments along the central horizontal shaft of each sarcomere.
M line
Form a stabilizing border around the myosin.
Titin filaments
Located on opposing ends of the sarcomere which connect the actin filaments and delineate one sarcomere from the next.
Z discs
Divided skeletal muscle fibers each composed of a single motor neuron and the muscle fibres it innervates.
Motor units
The cross section of muscle at its widest point.
Physiological cross sectional area (PCSA)
Muscles in which the fibers are oriented obliquely (slanted) to the tendon.
Pennate muscles
What type of muscle is the deltoid?
What type of muscle is the Lumbricals?
What type of muscle is the semimembranosus?
Fibers arranged parallel to the line of force (sternocleidomastoid)
Fusiform muscles
The idea that a muscles strength is relative to its length at the time of contraction.
Length tension relationship
Noncontractile (passive) tissues within the muscle.
Limp muscle.
A muscle with increased tone due to unregulated contractile signals coming from the central nervous system (CNS)
Decreasing in length because there is no force requiring elongation.
Adaptive shortening
Loss of passive motion at the joint.
Joint contracture
Elongated encapsulated structures (3-4mm in length) located within muscle fibers that signal changes in muscle length/ amount / rate of strain and contributes to proprioception.
Muscle spindles
Contracts muscle if it is overstretched.
Phasic stretch reflex
Muscle producing the desired motion
Slender encapsulated structures located at the junction of muscle and tendon. They inform the brain of muscle force contraction and may trigger a protective reflex with overstretched, relaxing the agonist muscle to prevent damage to the tendon.
Golgi tendon organ
Type 1 fibers capable of low force sustained over a long period of time and are more resistant to fatigue.
Slow twitch fibers
Type 2 fibers capable of generating powerful contraction for intense, focused movements but fatigue quickly.
Fast twitch fibers
Learned patterns of motion.
Motor memory
Generates the most force to produce the motion.
Prime mover (agonist)
Muscles that would normally act to produce the contrary movement need to relax.
Muscles that provide stability
Muscles that assist the prime mover
Muscles acting in different directions to produce the same motion or stabilize a joint. (Scapula upwards rotation involves the upper trapezius, serratus anterior and lower trapezius.
Force couple
Muscle contraction without a change in length
Isotonic contractions
Eccentric (lengthen) and Concentric (shortening).
Describes how quickly force is applied to the body tissue.
Load rate
The inability of a muscle to elongate enough to allow a joint to move through its full range of motion.
Passive insufficiency
Once adjacent fibers have maximally shortened, the muscle cannot contract any further.
Active insufficiency
The connection of synovial, fibrous or cartilaginous between the bones.
Joint (articulation)
Mobile joints of the body that allow for purposeful movement.
Synovial joints
(sutures of the skull).
Fibrous joints
Name for joint such as the pubic symphysis which provides stability.
Cartilaginous joints
Specific position of a joint in which there is maximal contact between articular surfaces and maximal tension on the surrounding ligaments. (close pack position of the knee is full extension).
Close pack position
Position of least surface contact and laxity of the surrounding ligaments, enhancing the mobility of the joint.
Open pack position
Hinge joint allows for 2 motions of flexion and extension.
Refers to the number of axes around which a synovial joint moves.
Degrees of freedom
Surface of one bone fits into the concave depression of another bone. This type of joint is the most mobile, able to rotate around at least three distinct axes.
Ball and socket
Consists of the Oval shaped convex end of one bone articulated with the elliptical concave basin of another bone. This type of joint permits flexion, extension, abduction, adduction or radial/ulna deviation around 2 axes of motion. An example is the wrist.
Ellipsoid joint
Hinge joint
Permits only flexion and extension around a single axis, similar to the movements of a door hinge. Hinge joints tend to have collateral ligaments that limit medial and lateral movement.
A modified ellipsoid joint composed of convex and concave articulating surfaces like 2 saddles moving around 2 axes. The Carpometacarpal joint of the thumb is a classic example of saddle joint.
Saddle joint
Typically found between 2 flat surfaces of adjacent bones and allows the least movement of all synovial joints. This type of articulation does not rotate around an axis, but instead demonstrates translation gliding movements between bone services, such as between the carpal bones with the motion of the wrist.
Gliding joint
Features a single axis, with one bone rotating around another. The atlantoaxial joint is formed by a pivot joint between the first and second cervical vertebrae, providing rotation of the head and neck.
Pivot joint
The gross movement of bones in relation to one another, and is usually visible externally.
Other word for rotation
Smaller movements (internal joint patterns) that occur between the surface of the bones that form the joint.
Motion that cannot be achieved by voluntary muscle force alone.
Accessory motion
Come together
Pull away
Move parallel to one another
A joint exhibiting axial rotation.
The way a joint feels in the hands.
End feel