disturbance of orientation in time, place, or person. Delirium: Clouding of consciousness Disorientation: Coma:
incomplete clear-mindedness with disturbances in perception and
Clouding of consciousness
Clouding of consciousness
lack of reaction to and unawareness of surroundings. Delirium: Stupor Disorientation: Coma:
bewildered, restless, confused, disoriented reaction associated with fear and hallucinations. Delirium: Clouding of consciousness Disorientation: Coma:
profound degree of unconsciousness Coma vigil Clouding of consciousness Disorientation: Coma:
\: coma in which a patient appears to be asleep but ready to be aroused (also known as akinetic mutism) Coma vigil Clouding of consciousness Disorientation: Coma:
Coma vigil
disturbed consciousness with hallucinations. Coma vigil Twilight state: Disorientation: Coma:
Twilight state:
abnormal drowsiness. Coma vigil Twilight state: Somnolence: Confusion:
disturbance of consciousness in which reactions to environmental stimuli are
inappropriate, manifested by a disordered orientation in relation to time, place or person.
Coma vigil
Twilight state:
often used as a synonym for complex partial seizure of psychomotor epilepsy. Coma vigil Dreamlike state: Somnolence: Confusion:
Dreamlike state
state of impaired awareness associated with a desire or inclination to sleep.
Selective inattention
. Drowsiness
sydrome in older people that usually occurs at night and is characterized by
drowsiness, confusion, ataxia and falling as the result of being overly sedated with
medication; also called sundowner’s syndrome.
Selective inattention
inability to concentrate attention; state in which attention is drawn to
unimportant or irrelevant external stimuli.
Selective inattention
blocking out only those that generate anxiety. Distractibility: Trance Hypervigilance: Selective inattention
Selective inattention
excessive attention and focus on all internal and external stimuli, usually
secondary to delusional or paranoid states.
Selective inattention
: focused attention and altered consciousness, usually seen in hypnosis, dissociative
disorders, and ecstatic religious experiences.
Selective inattention
communicated emotional illness between two (or three) persons. Hypnosis Fausse reconnaissance: Amnesia: Folie a deux (or folie a trios):
Folie a deux (or folie a trios):
artificially induced modification of consciousness characterized by a heightened suggestibility. Hypnosis Fausse reconnaissance: Amnesia: Paramnesia: .
partial or total inability to recall past experiences, may be organic or emotional in origin. Hypnosis Fausse reconnaissance: Amnesia: Folie a deux (or folie a trios): .
falsification of memory by distortion of recall. Confabulation: Fausse reconnaissance: Retrospective falsification Paramnesia:
false recognition. Confabulation: Fausse reconnaissance: Retrospective falsification Paramnesia:
Fausse reconnaissance:
memory becomes unintentionally (unconsciously) distorted by being filtered through a person’s present emotional, cognitive, and experiential state. Confabulation: Fausse reconnaissance: Retrospective falsification Paramnesia:
Retrospective falsification
unconscious filling of gaps in memory by imagined or untrue experiences that a person believes but that have no basis in fact, most often associated with organic pathology,
False memory
Retrospective falsification
Deja vu:
illusion of visual recognition in which a new situation is uncorrectly
regarded as a repetition of a previous memory.
False memory:
Deja pense:
Déjà vu
Deja entendu:
Déjà vu
illusion of auditory recognition.
Jamais vu:
Deja pense:
Deja entendu:
Deja entendu:
illusion that a new thought is recognized as a thought previously felt or expressed. Jamais vu: Deja pense: False memory: Deja entendu:
Deja pense:
false feeling of unfamiliarity with a real situation that a person has experienced. Jamais vu: Deja pense: False memory: Deja entendu:
Jamais vu:
a person’s recollection and belief by the patient of an event that did not actually occur. Jamais vu: Deja pense: False memory: Deja entendu:
False memory:
exaggerated degree of retention and recall; Eidetic Image: Hypermnesia Lethologica: Blackout:
visual memory of almost hallucinatory vividness. Eidetic Image: Hypermnesia Lethologica: Blackout:
Eidetic Image:
temporary inability to remember a name or a proper noun. Eidetic Image: Hypermnesia Lethologica: Blackout:
amnesia experienced by alcoholics about behavior during drinking bouts; usually indicates that reversible brain damage has occurred. Eidetic Image: Blackout: Hypermnesia Lethologica:
a defense or mechanism characterized by unconscious forgetting of unacceptable ideas or impulses Blackout: Screen memory Repression:
a consciously tolerable memory covering for a painful memory.
Screen memory
Screen memory
new word created by a patient, often by combining syllables of other words, for idiosyncratic psychological reasons. Word Salad: Neologism: Verbigeration: Perseveration:
incoherent mixture of words and phrases. Word Salad: Neologism: Verbigeration: Perseveration:
Word Salad:
persisting response to a previous stimulus after a new stimulus has been presented. Word Salad: Neologism: Verbigeration: Perseveration:
meaningless repetition of specific words of phrases. Word Salad: Neologism: Verbigeration: Perseveration:
psychopathological repeating of words or phrases of one person by another. Circumstantiality Echolalia: Incoherence Tangentiality:
indirect speech that is delayed in reaching the point but eventually gets from original point to desired goal. Circumstantiality Echolalia: Incoherence Tangentiality:
inability to have goal-directed associations of thought; speaker never gets from desired point to desired goal. Circumstantiality Echolalia: Incoherence Tangentiality:
thought that is generally not understandable Circumstantiality Echolalia: Incoherence Tangentiality:
answer that is not in harmony with the question asked.
Flight of ideas:
Irrelevant answer:
Loose associations:
Irrelevant answer:
flow of thought in which ideas shift from one subject to another in a completely unrelated way. Flight of ideas: Irrelevant answer: Loose associations:
Loose associations:
rapid, continuous verbalizations or plays on words produce constant shifting from one idea to another, ideas tend to be connected.
Flight of ideas:
Irrelevant answer:
Loose associations:
Flight of ideas:
association of words similar in sound but not in meaning; words have no logical connection. Blocking: Glossolalia Clang association
Clang association
expression of a revelatory message through unintelligible words.
Clang association
abrupt interruption in train of thinking before a thought or idea is finished; thought deprivation.
Clang association
thought that gives little information because of vagueness, empty repetitions, obscure phrases. Blocking: Glossolalia Poverty of Content: Clang association
Poverty of Content:
includes persecutory delusion and delusion of reference, control and grandeur, paranoid ideation. Delusion of Poverty Nihilistic delusion: Somatic Delusion Paranoid Delusion:
Paranoid Delusion:
false belief involving functioning of the body. Delusion of Poverty Nihilistic delusion: Somatic Delusion Paranoid Delusion:
Somatic Delusion
false belief that he or she is bereft or deprived of material possessions. Delusion of Poverty Nihilistic delusion: Somatic Delusion Paranoid Delusion:
Delusion of Poverty
false feeling that the world is coming to an end. Delusion of Poverty Nihilistic delusion: Somatic Delusion Paranoid Delusion:
Nihilistic delusion:
unreasonable, sustained false belief, maintained less firmly than a delusion. Systematized delusion: Bizarre delusions Delusion Overvalued idea:
Overvalued idea:
a false beliefs united by a single event or theme. Systematized delusion: Bizarre delusions Delusion Overvalued idea:
Systematized delusion:
an absurd, totally implausible, strange false belief Systematized delusion: Bizarre delusions Delusion Overvalued idea:
Bizarre delusions
false belief, based on incorrect inference about external reality, not consistent with patient’s intelligence and cultural background. Systematized delusion: Bizarre delusions Delusion Overvalued idea:
false belief, based on incorrect inference about external reality, not consistent with patient’s intelligence and cultural background. Systematized delusion: Bizarre delusions Delusion Overvalued idea:
false belief that he or she is being harassed, cheated or persecuted. .Delusion of Persecution: Thought Broadcasting: Thought insertion: • Delusion of Grandeur:
Delusion of Persecution:
exaggerated conception of his or her importance, power or identity Delusion of Persecution: Thought Broadcasting: Thought insertion: • Delusion of Grandeur:
• Delusion of Grandeur:
• delusion that a person’s thoughts can be heard by others, as though they were being broadcast over the air. Delusion of Persecution: Thought Broadcasting: Thought insertion: Delusion of Grandeur:
Thought Broadcasting:
delusion that thoughts are being implanted in a persons mind by other people or forces. Delusion of Persecution: Thought Broadcasting: Thought insertion: Delusion of Grandeur:
Thought insertion:
delusion that thoughts are being removed from a person’s mind by other people or forces. Delusion of Persecution: Thought withdrawal: Thought insertion: Delusion of Grandeur:
Thought withdrawal:
false belief that the behavior of others refers to himself or herself. Delusion of Self- accusation: Delusion of Reference: Delusion of control: Thought withdrawal:
• Delusion of Reference:
false feeling of remorse and guilt. Delusion of Self- accusation: Delusion of Reference: Delusion of control: Thought withdrawal:
Delusion of Self- accusation:
false feeling that a person’s will, thoughts or feelings are being controlled by external forces. Delusion of Self- accusation: Delusion of Reference: Delusion of control: Thought withdrawal:
Delusion of control:
a delusion that a person’s thoughts are being controlled by other people or forces. Thought Control: Noesis: Cropolalia: Unio Mystica
Thought Control:
\: feeling of mystic unity with an infinite power Thought Control: Noesis: Cropolalia: Unio Mystica
Unio Mystica
7. a revelation in which immense illumination occurs in association with a sense that a person has been chosen to lead command. Thought Control: Noesis: Cropolalia: Unio Mystica
compulsive utterance of obscene words. Thought Control: Noesis: Cropolalia: Unio Mystica
false belief that a person’s partner is being unfaithful. Erotomania: Monomania: Egomania: Delusional Jealousy
Delusional Jealousy
delusional belief that someone is deeply in love with them. Erotomania: Monomania: Egomania: Delusional Jealousy
pathological self-preoccupation Erotomania: Monomania: Egomania: Delusional Jealousy
preoccupation with a single object Erotomania: Monomania: Egomania: Delusional Jealousy
rapid speech that is difficult to interrupt
Pressure of speech
Excessively loud or soft speech:
Pressure of speech
9. erratic and non-rhythmic speech. Dysarthria: Cluttering: Excessively loud or soft speech: Stuttering
8. : repetition of sounds or syllable leading to impaired speech. Dysarthria: Cluttering: Excessively loud or soft speech: Stuttering
7. loss of modulation or normal speech volume. Dysarthria: Cluttering: Excessively loud or soft speech: Stuttering
Excessively loud or soft speech:
6. difficulty in articulation Dysarthria: Cluttering: Excessively loud or soft speech: Stuttering
restriction of used speech; monosyllabic replies
Poverty of speech content:
Nonspontaneous speech:
Poverty of speech:
Poverty of speech:
responses are given only when spoken to directly. Poverty of speech content: Dysprody: Nonspontaneous speech: Poverty of speech:
Nonspontaneous speech:
loss of normal speech melody Poverty of speech content: Dysprody: Nonspontaneous speech: Poverty of speech:
adequate speech but conveys little information due to vagueness or empty phrases. Poverty of speech content: Dysprody: Nonspontaneous speech: Poverty of speech:
. Poverty of speech content:
caused by a cognitive disorder where understanding remains but ability to speak is grossly
Motor aphasia:
Sensory aphasia::
Nominal aphasia/ anomia/ amnestic aphasia
Motor aphasia:
- organic loss of ability to comprehend the meaning of words.
Sensory aphasia:
Global aphasia:
Nominal aphasia/ anomia/ amnestic aphasia
Sensory aphasia:
combination of grossly non-fluent aphasia and a severe fluent aphasia.
Sensory aphasia:
Global aphasia:
Nominal aphasia/ anomia/ amnestic aphasia
Global aphasia:
inability to speak because of a mental deficiency or dementia
Sensory aphasia:
Nominal aphasia/ anomia/ amnestic aphasia
involuntary use of vulgar or obscene language.
Sensory aphasia:
Nominal aphasia/ anomia/ amnestic aphasia
difficulty in finding correct name for an object.
Sensory aphasia:
Nominal aphasia/ anomia/ amnestic aphasia
Nominal aphasia/ anomia/ amnestic aphasia
pathological imitation of movements of one person by another Catatonic stupor: Catatonic excitement: catalepsy: Echopraxia:
lack of physical movement, as in the extreme immobility of catatonic schizophrenia Akinesia: Catatonic posturing: Catatonic rigidity: Cerea Flexibilitas (waxy flexibility)
condition of a person who can be molded into a position
that is then maintained; when an examiner moves the person’s limb, the limb feels as if it were
made of wax.
Catatonic posturing:
Catatonic rigidity:
Cerea Flexibilitas (waxy flexibility):
Cerea Flexibilitas (waxy flexibility):
voluntary assumption of an inappropriate or bizarre posture, generally maintained for long periods. Akinesia: Catatonic posturing: Catatonic rigidity: Cerea Flexibilitas (waxy flexibility):
Catatonic posturing:
voluntary assumption of a rigid posture, held against all efforts to be moved. Akinesia: Catatonic posturing: Catatonic rigidity: Cerea Flexibilitas (waxy flexibility):
Catatonic rigidity:
a. general term for an immobile position that is constantly maintained. Catatonic stupor: Catatonic excitement: catalepsy: Echopraxia:
agitated, purposeless motor activity, uninfluenced by motor stimuli Catatonic stupor: Catatonic excitement: catalepsy: Echopraxia:
Catatonic excitement:
markedly slowed motor activity often to a point of immobility and seeming unawareness of surroundings Catatonic stupor: Catatonic excitement: catalepsy: Echopraxia:
Catatonic stupor:
motiveless resistance to all attempts to be moved to all instructions. Mutism: Negativism: Command Automatism: Cataplexy:
pathological coordination Polyphagia Ataxia: Tic Compulsion:
failure of muscle coordination Polyphagia Ataxia: Tic Compulsion:
uncontrollable impulse to perform an act repetitively Polyphagia Ataxia: Tic Compulsion:
involuntary, spasmodic motor movement Polyphagia Ataxia: Tic Compulsion:
temporary loss of muscle tone and weakness precipitated by a variety of emotional states.
Command Automatism:
psychomotor agitation
automatic following of suggestions Mutism: Command Automatism: Cataplexy: psychomotor agitation
Command Automatism:
voiceless without structural abnormalities Mutism: Command Automatism: Cataplexy: psychomotor agitation
excessive motor and cognitive overactivity usually nonproductive and in response to inner tension Mutism: Command Automatism: Cataplexy: psychomotor agitation
psychomotor agitation
restless; aggressive, destructive activity, often associated with some underlying brain pathology Anergia: Hyperactivity/ hyperkinesias Abulia: Astasia-abasia:
Hyperactivity/ hyperkinesias
reduced impulse to act and think, associated with indifference about consequences of action Anergia: Hyperactivity/ hyperkinesias Abulia: Astasia-abasia:
lack of energy Anergia: Hyperactivity/ hyperkinesias Abulia: Astasia-abasia:
the inability to stand or walk in a normal manner. Anergia: Hyperactivity/ hyperkinesias Abulia: Astasia-abasia:
eating of filth and feces Twirling: Dyskinesia Coprophagia: Astasia-abasia:
difficulty in performing voluntary movements Twirling: Dyskinesia Coprophagia: Astasia-abasia:
a sign present in autistic children who continually rotate in the direction in which their head are turned. Twirling: Dyskinesia Coprophagia: Astasia-abasia:
false perception occurring while falling asleep Gustatory Hallucination: Olfactory Hallucination: Visual Hallucination: Hypnagogic Hallucination:
Hypnagogic Hallucination:
• false perception of taste Gustatory Hallucination: Olfactory Hallucination: Visual Hallucination: Hypnagogic Hallucination:
Gustatory Hallucination:
• false perception of smell Gustatory Hallucination: Olfactory Hallucination: Visual Hallucination: Hypnagogic Hallucination:
Olfactory Hallucination:
• false perception involving sight Gustatory Hallucination: Olfactory Hallucination: Visual Hallucination: Hypnagogic Hallucination:
Visual Hallucination:
• false perception of smell Gustatory Hallucination: Olfactory Hallucination: Visual Hallucination: Hypnagogic Hallucination:
Olfactory Hallucination:
• false perception occurring while awakening from sleep. Gustatory Hallucination: Hypnopompic Hallucination: Tactile (Haptic) Hallucination Hypnagogic Hallucination
Hypnopompic Hallucination:
• false perception of touch or surface sensation Gustatory Hallucination: Hypnopompic Hallucination: Tactile (Haptic) Hallucination Hypnagogic Hallucination
Tactile (Haptic) Hallucination:
• false perception of sound Macrosia: Micropsia: Asteriognosia Auditory Hallucination:
Auditory Hallucination:
objects are seen smaller than they are Macrosia: Micropsia: Asteriognosia Auditory Hallucination:
objects are seen larger than they are Macrosia: Micropsia: Asteriognosia Auditory Hallucination:
inability to recognize objects by touch Macrosia: Micropsia: Asteriognosia Auditory Hallucination:
sensation or hallucination caused by another sensation Somatopagnosia: Synesthesia: Prosopagnosia Visual Agnosia:
perceptual abnormality associated with hallucinogenic drugs in which moving
objects are seen as a series of discrete and discontinuous images.
Trailing Phenomenon:
Visual Agnosia:
Trailing Phenomenon:
inability to recognize objects or persons Somatopagnosia: Synesthesia: Prosopagnosia Visual Agnosia:
• Visual Agnosia:
inability to recognize faces Somatopagnosia: Synesthesia: Prosopagnosia Visual Agnosia:
• inability to recognize a body part as his own. Somatopagnosia: Synesthesia: Prosopagnosia Visual Agnosia:
2.: an inability to recognized and interpret the significance of sensory impressions Anosognosia: Prosopagnosia Agnosia Visual Agnosia:
inability to recognize a neurological deficit as occurring to himself. Anosognosia: Prosopagnosia Agnosia Visual Agnosia:
a person’s expression of feelings without restraint; frequently with an overestimation of their significance or importance. Irritable mood: Euthymic mood: Dysphoric mood Expansive mood:
Expansive mood:
observed expression of emotion, possibly inconsistent with patient’s description of emotion. Prosopagnosia Agnosia Affect: Visual Agnosia:
an unpleasant mood. Irritable mood: Euthymic mood: Dysphoric mood Expansive mood:
Dysphoric mood
person is easily annoyed and provoked to anger. Irritable mood: Euthymic mood: Dysphoric mood Expansive mood:
Irritable mood:
person is easily annoyed and provoked to anger. Irritable mood: Euthymic mood: Dysphoric mood Expansive mood:
Irritable mood:
condition in which the emotional tone is in harmony with the accompanying idea, thought, or speech Inappropriate affect: Labile affect: Appropriate affect: Blunted affect:
Appropriate affect:
a pervasive and sustained emotion, subjectively experienced and reported by a patient and observed by others Restricted or constricted affect: Labile affect: Blunted affect: Mood:
rapid and abrupt changes in emotional feeling tone, unrelated to external stimuli. Restricted or constricted affect: Labile affect: Blunted affect: Mood:
Labile affect:
reduction in intensity of feeling tone less severe than blunted affect but clearly reduced. Restricted or constricted affect: Labile affect: Blunted affect: Mood:
Restricted or constricted affect:
disturbance in affect manifested by a severe reduction in the intensity of externalized feeling tone. Restricted or constricted affect: Labile affect: Blunted affect: Mood:
Blunted affect:
disharmony between the emotional feeling tone and the idea, thought, or speech accompanying it.
Inappropriate affect:
Labile affect:
Blunted affect:
Inappropriate affect:
disharmony between the emotional feeling tone and the idea, thought, or speech accompanying it.
Inappropriate affect:
Labile affect:
Blunted affect:
Inappropriate affect:
oscillations between euphoria and depression or anxiety. Grief or mourning: Mood swings (labile mood): Suicidal ideation: Alexithymia
Mood swings (labile mood):
thoughts or act of taking one’s own life. Anhedonia: Grief or mourning: Suicidal ideation: Alexithymia
Suicidal ideation:
a person’s inability or difficulty in describing or being aware of emotions or mood. Anhedonia: Grief or mourning: Suicidal ideation: Alexithymia
sadness appropriate to a real loss. Anhedonia: Grief or mourning: Suicidal ideation: Alexithymia
Grief or mourning:
loss of interest in and withdrawal from all regular activities, often associated with depression. Anhedonia: Grief or mourning: Suicidal ideation: Alexithymia
air of confidence and enjoyment; a mood more cheerful than usual. Ecstasy: Depression: Elevated mood: Euphoria:
Elevated mood:
intense elations with feelings of grandeur. Ecstasy: Depression: Elevated mood: Euphoria:
feeling of intense rapture. Ecstasy: Depression: Elevated mood: Euphoria:
psychopathological feeling of sadness. Ecstasy: Depression: Elevated mood: Euphoria:
feeling of apprehension caused by anticipation of danger. Panic: Agitation Fear: Anxiety:
acute, episodic, intense attack of anxiety associated with overwhelming feelings of dread and autonomic discharge. Panic: Agitation Fear: Tension:
increased and unpleasant motor and psychological activity. Panic: Agitation Fear: Tension:
severe anxiety associated with motor restlessness. Panic: Agitation Fear: Tension:
anxiety caused by consciously recognized and realistic danger. Panic: Agitation Fear: Tension:
pervasive, unfocused fear not attached to any idea. Panic: Free-floating anxiety: Fear: Tension:
Free-floating anxiety:
dulled emotional tone associated with detachment or indifference. Abreaction: Ambivalence: Apathy Melancholia:
coexistence of two opposing impulses toward the same thing in the same person at the same time. Abreaction: Ambivalence: Guilt: Melancholia:
severe depressive state Abreaction: Ambivalence: Guilt: Melancholia:
emotion secondary to doing what is perceived as wrong Abreaction: Ambivalence: Guilt: Melancholia
emotional release or discharge after recalling a painful experience Abreaction: Ambivalence: Guilt: Melancholia
loss of or decrease in appetite Insomnia: Hyperphagia: Anorexia: Hypersomnia:
excessive sleeping Insomnia: Hyperphagia: Anorexia: Hypersomnia:
lack of or diminished ability to sleep Insomnia: Hyperphagia: Anorexia: Hypersomnia:
increase in appetite and intake of food. Diurnal Variation Hyperphagia: Anorexia: Hypersomnia:
mood is regularly worst in the morning, immediately after awakening, and improves as the day progresses. Diurnal Variation Constipation: Diminished Libido: Fatigue:
Diurnal Variation
feeling of weariness, sleepiness, or irritability following a period of mental or bodily activity. Diurnal Variation Constipation: Diminished Libido: Fatigue:
inability to defecate or difficulty in defecating. Diurnal Variation Constipation: Diminished Libido: Fatigue:
decreased sexual interest, drive, and performance. Diurnal Variation Constipation: Diminished Libido: Fatigue:
Diminished Libido:
craving and eating of nonfood substances, such as paint and clay. Fatigue: Pseudocyesis: Pica Bulimia:
insatiable hunger and voracious eating. Fatigue: Pseudocyesis: Pica Bulimia:
rare condition in which a patient has the signs and symptoms of pregnancy, such as
abdominal distention, breast enlargement, cessation of menses and morning sickness.