AA1215 A/C handling Flashcards
What are the two primary factors that affect rudder effectiveness during a rudder roll
amount of rudder and AOA
Will you have more aileron authority in high or low AOA situations
In which direction do the wings stall
tip to root
If the aircrat is G’d up, what is the primary turning control surface
What is the goal of a pitchback
change dirction 180 degrees in the most expeditious manner while bleeding off excess energy
What two ways can airspeed be preserved in a pitchback
more power, more bank (less altitude gain is less airspeed lost)
What controls the altitude lost during a slice back
bank angle
How can the aircraft not be stalled
not exceeding the stall AOA
If flying below the 1-G stall speed, how can one maintain control of the aircraft
unload until flying airspeed in attained
When you pull to the moderate buffet (accelerated stall) will the nose track initially speed up or slow down?
speed up
How can you temporarily eliminate the induced drag of the aircraft
push over to 0-G
What is the quickest way to accelerate
MAX power and push to 0-G
In general, Do you acclerate faster at a low speed or a higher speed
higher, “The faster you go, the faster you get faster”