A5: Managing information and data within the health and science sector. Flashcards
What is qualitative research method?
Text-base describing something that may involve numbers e.g. patient history.
What is quantitative research?
Measurements e.g. length, heigh, age and time. It can be either.
Give the meaning of discrete research.
Something that you can count e.g. numbers.
Give the meaning of continous research.
Something that can be measured e.g. blood glucose.
What is a public database?
Clinical databases rather than published research.
Observes a group of people over time.
Looks back at data from groups years back.
Give the meaning of a focus group.
Highly structured interview, participants are usually selected on the basis that they will have something to say.
What is an open/closed question surveys?
Gathers factual information.
Closed questions require a simple answer, quick and easy to carry out.
Open questions require a longer answer or explanation and allows more info to be provided.
What is an interview?
- Open-question survey can improve quality of data collected but can be more complex.
Give the most appropriate way to present data
- Tables
- Graphs and charts
- Scatter graphs
- Line graph
- Bar charts
- Histograms
- Pie chart.
How important is accuracy of information?
Comply with legal requirements
- Ensuring anonymity limit liability.
- Provide account of events.
- Help collab and intergrated working and data sharing.
- Ensures accurate analysis of findings.
- Provides evidence needed in support of audit trail.
What does the term repeatable mean?
Carrying out an investigation several times in the same place.
What does the term reproducible mean?
Investigations carried out by different people using different methods.
Give the pros and cons of Real-time observations.
- Can get data immediately.
- Can possibly become subjective - cannot be measured.