A451: Topic 6 - Communication and Networking Flashcards
What is an IP address?
-An internet protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each devise
What is the purpose of an IP address?
-Two principals, host identification and location addressing.
Describe a Mac address?
-A Mac address, or Media Control address, is a 48- or 65-bit address associated with the network adapter.
Differences between MAC and IP addresses?
-IP address associated with the software, Mac address are linked to the hardware of network adapters. For this reason, the MAC address is sometimes called the hardware address. MAC addresses are useful for security purposes, as they are only rarely changed from the default. IP addresses can change dynamically, so MAC addresses are often a more reliable way to identify senders and receivers of network traffic.
Why do we need a MAC address?
-MAC addresses are useful for security purposes, as they are only rarely changed from the default. This is so information can be sent securely.
What is a Packet?
-Computers send and receive data in packets, this is when data is broken up and will take different routes across the internet. Each packet also carries information about the data such as, the senders IP address and the intended receivers IP address. Also each packet will no how many packets make up the data, they will be a number out of how many there are to come such as (4 of 9).
What is a Protocol?
-A Protocol is a set of instructions you have to follow to use something properly like instructions. For example when packets are sent over the internet they use the TCP/IP: the protocol the internet uses. This means lot of the packets are slit up to make the internet more efficient.
What is the TCP/IP?
-This is when the packets carry the data in the protocols that the internet uses: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.
A typical packet contains about..?
-1,000 or 1,500 bytes.
Security in networks,What is a user access level?
-Define what level of access a user has to a resource. For example, a user may have only read-only access to a file whilst another user has the ability to read and write the same file and another users might have no access at all.
Security in networks, passwords?
-Passwords prevent an unauthorized user from logging on. It is essential that nobody learns your password as they might be able to use it to gain access to files they should not have.
Security in networks, encryption?
-Encryption is the process of applying a rule to information to make information appear ‘muddled’ to anyone who does not know the rule, or key, to reverse it. this process is often automated by the computer, for instance the exchange of the lengthy encryption key in order to encrypt and securely send personal information online (HTTPS)
Network Policies, Acceptable use?
-Defines what is within the remit of being ‘acceptable’ use of computers and the internet- people operating outside the defined remit can find themselves receiving a warning or being dismissed.
Network Policies, Disaster recovery?
-Defines how the company will respond to specific scenarios such as flooding, fire etc.
Network Policies, Fail over?
-Is switching to a redundant or standby system, hardware component or network upon the failure of abnormal termination of the previously active. Fail over and switch over are essentially the same operation. accept fail over is normally automatic while, switch over demands human intervention.
Define stand alone computer?
-A computer that has no way of sending information to another computer, such as sending data, e-mails or gaming.
Define LAN?
-(local area network) is a computer network covering a small geographic area, like a home, office, school, or group of buildings. LAN covers less then 100m.
Define WAN?
-(wide area network) this is a computer network that covers a broad area e.g. long distances between country’s, town and cities. The internet is a WAN. WAN more then 100m.
Describe the function of a network hub?
-A hub will broadcast the message to all computers. Each computer will ignore the message apart from the computer that needs the message.
Describe the function of a network switch?
-A switch is more intelligent then a hub and it learns which devices are on the network via there address and port number. And only send the information that is needed to them inset of broadcasting the information. This is more efficient then a switch and doesn’t make as much network traffic.
Describe the function of a wireless access point?
-Wireless access points do not need a physical connection and are there fore suited to many devises and provide access to a network over an area. It enables communication between hosts.
Describe the function of a Router?
-A router is a device that transfers data from one network to another in an intelligent way. t has the task of forwarding data packets to their destinations by the most efficient route.
Describe the function of the Modem?
-The function of a modem is to convert the digital data from the computer into a continuous analogue waveform that the telephone system is designed to deal with. It then converts it back visa verse. Modulator Demodulate.
What is meant by a Peer-to-peer network?
- All computers have equal status/no server controlling
- To share data, files, devices between each other