A451: Topic 3 - Software Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Operating systems user interface?
-People need to be able to interact with a computer. one of the main types of user interface is the GUI. A GUI provides you with the functionality to create and manage the windows that you use on screen and also provides desktop icons etc.
Why do we need an operating system?
-An operating system is the core software that allows a computer to run as an useful device. It manages the hardware, the user interface and all other software running on the computer.
Why do operating systems need memory management?
-The amount of memory you have on your computer is limited. So it needs to managed, this is the job of a memory manager. The memory manager moves programs, bits of the operating system etc.. from RAM to virtual memory. This is one of the main duties of the operating system.
What other things does the operating system control?
- Multitasking, controlling what is in RAM etc…
- Peripheral management.
- Security firewalls etc..
- Providing a user interface.
DESCRIBE What is Proprietary software?
- Source code is not available.
- Licence restricts the copying of modification of the software.
What is Off the self software?
-General purpose software that is not written for any particular type of business. Examples of this include word processors and spreadsheets. Can also include virus software. It can be bought by anyone.
What are utility programs?
-System software that provides other useful functions for the computer.
What is open source software?
-Free software, that is normally made by volunteer programmers with no intention of making money. There is licence conditions attached to this software, for example you can’t sell the software on to people. This type of software may contain bugs, however it is free to use.
Purpose of Defragmentation (disk organisation)?
-Over time files on the hard disk become scattered because you keep coming back to them. One of the main utility programs on the operating system is the disk defragmenter. they reorganize the data on the hard drive so the computer will run faster.
Purpose of system maintenance software?
-Maintenance software is utility software. this is to perform updates etc.. to help the computer to continue to run fast.
Describe how System clean-up is used?
-Searches for and deletes files, programs which are longer used. eg. deletes temp files, installation files, deletes settings, registry values which are no longer used.
Describe how automatic updates?
-Utility program, that Checks on the software manufactures site on the internet for newer versions of programs which are installed If found it downloads, installs the software.
What are the main functions of an operating system?
-Providing a user interface ,managing the computer’s memory, managing the computer’s hardware.
Why does the operating system need to manage the memory?
-This is so that when you double click on the desktop icon to open application ,the operating system loads the necessary parts of the application into the memory as you start the application the operating system Loads extra modules into the memory as they are required if you don’t use some of these features of the application and all the application for a while the operating system will remove them from memory and try to free up space.
Why does the operating system need to manage hardware?
-Every piece of hardware has software called a device driver for example the printer will have a print driver the mouse will have its own mouse driver, a device driver acts as the go-between for the software so it is able to talk to it.
What are single user single application systems?
-An example of this kind of operating system would be found on the mobile phone. There can only be one user using the mobile and that person is the only using one using the phone at that time.
What are single user multitasking systems?
-The operating system is designed mainly on the single use in mind but can deal with many applications at the same time for example you might be writing an essay while searching the Internet for a video file and also listening to a piece of music examples of operating systems are Windows Vista Windows 7 next Mac os.
What are multiuser multitasking operating systems?
-These systems manage each user logged onto the system the work space and so on. Allocate resources to the jobs they want to run, keep logs of how much processing time and resources they use, work out the most efficient use of computer processing cycles, maintain security.
What is a computer virus?
-A computer virus is a software program that is designed to copy itself over and over again and to attach itself to other programs. Viruses do not damage the computer’s hardware they affect the data and programs stored on the computer.
What is antivirus software?
-Antivirus software contains a database of known viruses, everytime file is opened the antivirus utility checks the content looking for viruses against its database.
What is spyware?
-Spyware is a software program that once installed on your computer can monitor and collect personal information about your web surfing habits and the webpages you visit.
What can Spyware do?
-Usually you are unaware that your machine has been affected by spyware and it can sit in the background collecting information about you then transmitted back to the author of the spyware. Spyware may be installed without your knowledge by downloading some shareware or other software seems to do something useful .for example a free game or utility.
What is a firewall?
-A firewall is a utility program that filters the information coming through the Internet connection to your personal computer or in the company’s network. is main aim is to try and stop any attempt by intruders to enter the system through the Internet connection.
What is disk formatting?
-A utility program that formats secondary storage devices such as the hard disk.