A451: Topic 4 - Representation of Data Flashcards
Why do we use hexadecimal to represent binary?
- it is 4 bits per hex digit / straightforward to convert
• shorter number to remember/quicker to enter/less susceptible to error.
Explain the term character set?
All the characters which are recognised/can be represented by the computer system.
What is the ASCII character set?
Some computers use the American standard code for information interchange format to use binary codes to represent numbers, letters and special characters. It uses 8-bit to represent each character . The problem is this is there is a low limit to how many characters you can have. 256 symbols. Code is then represented as binary.
What is UNICODE character set?
UNICODE is a character set that can handle any language and it does so by the user selecting a specific ‘code page’ which is one portion of the total Unicode space. This way all languages can by displayed so it is universal.
Why is binary used to represent characters?
This is because computers can only think in binary. A negative or positive.
Why does all data need to be turned into binary to be processed?
This is because computers can only think in positive and negative. 0’s and 1’s.
Explain the need for metadata?
For a picture, metadata is needed to be included in the file about height width and color depth. Metadata is included in the image because without it the computer will not no how to display the image.
What is metadata?
information about data, in this case information e.g. when it was written and who by.
Why do pictures need metadata?
This is so the computer knows how to assemble the picture and also who the picture was taken by etc.
What is Color depth is measured in?
Bits per pixels.
How do we use binary to represent images?
WE can use binary numbers to represent each pixel. For example in a simply image where there are only two colors (color depth of 1) then we can simply use 1 for for one color and 0 for another.
Image meta data height and width?
the height and width of the image in pixels.
Image metadata color depth?
The number of bits available to represent each pixel.
Image metadata resolution?
The Pixels per inch PPI. if the PPI is high, then the resolution and image quality is also high.
What is JPG used for?
Used to transmit image file.
What is BMP used for?
Used to transmit image file.
What is MP3 used for?
Used to transmit sound file.
What is AVI used for?
Used to transmit video file.
What does ASCII stand for?
It stands for the American Standard Code for Information Interchange Character set.
The more bits in the color depth…
the more colors can be displayed, there for the picture looks more vibrant. More bits are used to represent colors
1-bit color depth can display how many colors?
2 colors
8-bit binary set can display…
256 colors, (one for each binary number from 00000000 to 11111111)
If the image has a higher resolution…
It has more pixels to store data about and is therefore a larger size.
If the image is lower resolution…
This means that there are less pixels per inch, which means less pixels to store data about and is therefore smaller in size.