A4. 1 Flashcards
Evolution and Speciation
Genetic Basis for Evolution
Define Evolution
‘Change in the heritable characteristics of a population’. (‘Change in allele frequencies in a population over time’)
- heritable traits (rooted in DNA)
- populations (not individuals/ whole species)
Genetic Basis for Evolution
Lamarck’s Theory of Evolution
- Based on the idea that we actually inherent characteristics that adults accquire over their lifespan.
- He propsed that based on environmental stressors, organisms use different body parts and develop adaptations to help them survive —-> which (adaptations) are then passed onto their offspring.
- We now know that: offspring inherit DNA + changes during lifespan cannot be passed to their offspring.
Genetic Basis for Evolution
Charle’s Darwin’s Theoary of Natural Selection
- Recognized that only traits that can be passed to offspring are those that are heritable.
- Which leads to different traits naturally exisitng in a popualtion. (variation of genetics)
- In that environment, some variations (adaptions) aid survival and organisms that survive longer —-> more opportunities to reproduce.
- Since the adaptation is heritable/ genetic, they pass the adaptation to offspring.
- Over many generations, increased frequency of the adaptation.
Change in heritable trait = EVOLUTION.
Genetic Basis for Evolution
Falsification of Theories
- If a theory is falsified, it is discounted.
- If many lines of evidence fail to falsify evidence it then gives strong support for theory.
- Instead of seeking proof, seeking lack of falsification.
Genetic Basis for Evolution
Molecular Evidence for Evolution
- Changes in genes whenever evolution occurs.
- Changes will happen in the base sequence of DNA/RNA and in the ammino acid secquence.
RNA: - Same concept but using MRNA.
- useful for viral evolution that only have DNA.
DNA: - Base Sequences
- provides more informationan/ all diferences detected
- good for closely related species
- codes proteins
Protein - comapre aminno acid sequences of a shared protein.
- much easier to sequence with technology and obtain
- less differences/ less data
- It’s a indirect way (as DNA codes for protiens) to study DNA
Genetic Basis for Evolution
Patterns in DNA comparisons
- More closely the related two species are (based on similar physical traits), the fewer differences in their DNA.
- High level of DNA similarity between species: supports the idea of a common ancestory with evolution occuring by small changes to DNA over long periods of time.
Genetic Basis for Evolution
Hox Genes and Evolution
- Related genes (gene family): an example is the Hox gene family.
- These genes play a role –> determining the body plan of organisms during development.
- Placement of genes —> body to develop in correct sequences/ pattern.
- Level of simarlity —> hard to explain without reference to common ancestory/ evolution.
Genetic Basis for Evolution
What are phylogentic trees?
- Visual diagram showing which organisms are most related.
- Branches and organisms on a closer branch have more gentic similarity.
- Often just comparing similarly for a single common gene among organisms.
Evidence for Evolution
What is Selective Breeding?
- choosing males and females with the most desirable characteristics (in terms of agricultural purposes) and breeding them together
Evidence for Evolution
What is Artificial Selection?
- The RESULT of selective breeding
- Outcome after many geenrations of selective breeding organsism now have combinations of traits, not previously seen.
- Change in heritable material of organsisms –> evolution has occured. However, as it is human choice rather than environment/ survial, it is ARTIFICAL selection, rather than natural.
Evidence for Evolution
What are Homologous Structures?
- Share a similar internal structure despite used potentially for different purposes.
- Inherited from a common anncestor but have evolved in diverse ways –> due to being adapted for different functions.
- Divergent evolution
Evidence for Evolution
What are Pentadactyl Limbs?
- An example of a homologous structure
- Refers to the presence of five digits (fingers/ toes), but also generally to a front/ hind leg/arm.
- Made up on the same sets of bones across all organisms.
- Some do not have all five digits anymore, but any limb with the some overall bone structure = pentadactyl limb.
Evidence for Evolution
What are Analogous Structures?
- Body parts that carry out a similar function in each organisms, but are structurally very different. (Bird, Butterfly, Bat.)
- Internal arrangement is unqiue but still faciliates the same function.
- Lack of common ancestory
- Seperately evolved (CONVERGENT evolution —> exist in similar environments developing similar adaptations to suit environment)
- Lack of interal similarity
Evidence for Evolution
Impacts of Selective Breeding
- Modern corn which originated from a teostine plant with very small hard kernals. Selected of larger kernals and protective leaves gave rise to the corn we eat now.
- All modern dog breeds originate from the grey wolf and selective or different traits for different preferences has given rise to so many breeds.
- Cannabis has been breeded for high THCcontent causing the average THC content to have quadrupled in 23 year
Evidence for Evolution
Functional Variations of Pentadactyl Limbs in Mammals.
- Humans, Cats, Whales, Bats.
- The functional use of these limbs varies significantly.
- However, common structure can be seen in the pentadactyl limbs across most animals including insents, birds and reptiles.
- The structural similarities are most ‘pronounced’ when studying mammals who have similar BONE arragangements.
Evidence for Evolution
Homologous Structures and Divergent Evolution.
- Homologous structures are evidence of a common ancestor.
- How recent the ancestor is can vary
- The structural similarity resembles how it was in the shared ancesotor
- Due to different environments and niches, the species have altered the structure’s use to best meet their needs.
Evidence for Evolution
Analogous Structures and Convergent evolution
- Analogous structures have no structural similarity, but have similar functions.
- Analogous structures are not based on shared ancestory.
- Analogous structures evolve because different species living in the same or similar habitats experience similar selection pressure.
- Analogous structures are evidence for Convergent Evolution.
Evidence for Evolution
The evolution of Central Nervous Systems
- Annelids (earthworms) and arthropods (insects) have a nerve cord and enlarged neural section at one end.
- All vertebrates have a spinal cord and brain.
- When compared THROUGH the nerve cord of these INVERTEBRATES and brain and spinal cord of these three are not seen in more closely related organisms –> not considered to be analogous —> not linked to a shared ancestor of all of them.
Speciation and Reproductive Isolation
What is Speciation?
The formation of a new species by the splitting of an existing spcies.
- Two populations of a species becomes seperated, thus they can not INTERBREED, they will evolve in different ways.
- The characteristics of the two populations will gradually diverge.
- If the two populations then merged and had the chance of interbreeding, but did not —> evolved into seperate species.
Speciation and Reproductive Isolation
What is Reproductive Isloation?
When two populations are no longer able to successfully interbreed with one another and therefore prevent any gene flow or exchange of genetic material between the two groups.
- A requirement for speciation to occur.
- Reasons for inability to produce viable offspring can range, geographic barriers, to mating behaviours not alinging, to anatomical incompatibilty.
Speciation and Reproductive Isolation
What is Geographical Isloation?
- Most common cause of reproductive isloation.
- Gaps in species, which leads to seperate populations, is due to the physical barriers that are difficult to cross (mountain range, lakes etc)
- Prevents males and females to make contact
- Can be natural/ man made
- Mating is never able to even be attempted
- Geographical seperation is usually associated with differences in selection pressure, which is also required for speciation.
Speciation and Reproductive Isloation
What is Sympatric Speciation
- When speciation occurs without a physical barrier having even played a role.
- A new species arises from an existing species living in the exact same area.
- Reproductive isloation is NOT related to PREVENTED contact, but rather mating not occurring DESPITE CONTACT.
- Two groups ‘choose’ not to mate due to incompatible mating times/ rituals.
Speciation and Reproductive Isolation
What is Allopatric Speciation?
- The barrier to reproduction is a physical geographic barrier that leads lack of contact and development of distinct habits.
Speciation and Reproductive Isloation
What is Behavioural Seperation?
- A cause of sympatric speciation (new species arising in the same habitat)
- Occurs when the mate attracting actions of one group are different to the mate attracting behaviours of another.
- Common in organisms that have more elaborate courtship rituals.
- Can also be an adaptation to prevent unsuccessful mating attempts between organisms with different chromosomes.