A320 Limitations Flashcards
A320 Load Acceleration Limit
Clean Config -1g - +2.5g
Other Config 0g - +2g
Maximum Pressure Altitude
39 800 ft
Maximum Runway Altitude
9 200 ft
Maximum Runway Slope
+/- 2%
Runway Width
Nominal 45m
Minimum 30m
Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind
38kts (Gust Included)
Maximum Tailwind
15kts Takeoff and Landing
Tailwind greater than 10kts require Full Flap Landing
Maximum Wind for Passenger Door Operation
Maximum wind for Cargo Door Operation
40kts (or 50kts if aircraft nose into wind or doors on leeward)
Cargo Doors must be closed before wind speed exceeds 65kts
Maximum Speed for Cockpit window open
Maximum Flap/Slat Speeds for Flaps 1
1 230kts (Holding)
1+F 215kts (Take Off)
Maximum Flap/Slat Speeds for Flaps 2
2 - 200kts (Take Off/Approach)
Maximum Flap/Slat Speeds for Flaps 3
3 - 185kts (Take Off/Approach/Landing)
Maximum Flap/Slat Speeds for Flaps Full
Full - 177kts (Landing)
Maximum Operating Speeds VMO/MMO
VMO - 350 until ~25 000ft
MMO - M0.82
Maximum Speed for VLE (Extended)
280kts or M0.67
Maximum Speed for VLO Extension
250kts or M0.60
Maximum Speed for VLO Retraction
220kts or M0.54
Maximum Tire Speed
Minimum Control speed for landing (VMCL)
Minimum Control Speed in air (VMCA)
112kts at Sea level decreasing with altitude
Minimum Control Speed on the ground (VMCG)
1+F 112kts at Sea Level
Maximum Taxi Speed Turn
Maximum Speed for Wipers Operation
Maximum Taxi Weight
71 900kg
Maximum Take off Weight (Brake Release)
71 500kg
Maximum Landing Weight
66 000kg
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight
62 500kg
Minimum Weight
37 230kg
Maximum Time for No Aircon on Ground
20 minutes recommended
Avionics Ventilation ground Operation Limit
OAT less than or equal 49C - No limitation
Cabin Differential Limits & Safety Relief Valve Setting
-1.0 PSI to 9.0PSI
Maximum Normal Cabin Alt
Cabin Altitude Warning
Max Cabin Altitude Selection
9550ft +/- 350ft
14 000 ft
Minimum Height for Autopilot Engagement on Take Off
100ft AGL and at least 5 seconds after lift off
Minimum Height for Autopilot Circling Approach
500ft AGL (Cat C)
600ft AGL (Cat D)
Minimum height for Autopilot F-G/S Mode
200ft AGL
Minimum height for Autopilot FINAL APP, V/S or FPA mode
250ft AGL
Minimum height for Autopilot ILS/MLS with CAT I Displayed
160ft AGL
Minimum height for Autopilot ILS/MLS with CAT II or CAT III (Single or dual)
0ft AGL if Autoland
80ft AGL Manual landing CAT II
Minimum height for Autopilot GLS with CAT I Displayed
160ft AGL
Minimum height for Autopilot GLS with AUTO LAND displayed
0ft AGL if Autoland
Minimum height for Autopilot LPV approach with (SLS) when APPR1 is displayed
160ft AGL
Minimum height for Autopilot engagement after Manual Go Around
100ft AGL
Minimum height for Autopilot all other modes
500ft AGL
ILS CAT III Fail Passive (Single) MDH
50ft AGL
ILS CAT III Fail Operational (Dual)
Alert Height 100ft
CAT III with DH - Minimum DH 22ft
CAT III without DH - Minimum RVR 75m
CAT II/CAT III Fail Passive Autoland Engine out Approach Requirements
Configuration Full & procedures completed prior to 1000ft AGL
Maximum Wind Conditions for ILS/MLS CAT II/CAT III & GLS CAT I
Headwind 30kts
Tailwind 10kts
20kts without Automatic Rollout
15kts with Automatic Rollout
Autoland Limitations;
Glideslope Angle
Airport Elevation
Aircraft Weight
Pressure Altitude
Angle -2.5 to -3.15
Airport below 6500ft
Weight below Maximum Landing Weight
-1000ft Pressure Altitude
APU Start Attempts
After 3 Attempts must wait 60 min prior to new attempt
Maximum APU Rotor Speed
107% N
Maximum APU EGT
Start Below 35 000ft 1,090 C
Start Above 35 000ft 1,120 C
While Running 675 C
APU Bleed - Maximum Altitude to Assist engine start
APU Bleed - Maximum Altitude for Air conditioning and pressurization (single Pack)
APU Bleed - Maximum Altitude for Air Conditioning and Pressurisation (Dual Pack)
TOGA EGT Limitation
635 C
AEO - 5 min
OEI - 10 min
MCT EGT Limtitation
610 C
No Time Limit
Engine Starting EGT Limitations
635 C on ground and in flight
Oil Temperature Limitations
Max Continuous 155 C
Max Transient (15min) 165 C
Min Starting -40 C
Min Before Above Idle -10 C
Min before Takeoff 50 C
Minimum Oil Quantity
11 qt + Estimated Consumption (0.3qt/h)
Minimum Oil Pressure
60 psi
Maximum Total Engine Crank Time
5 min
Maximum manual Engine start cycle time
2 min
Engine Start Cycle Limits
3 Starts Total with 15 second pause, then 30 minutes cooling period
Engine N2 Starter Limitations
Starter must not be run when N2 is above 10% on ground and 18% in flight
Reverse Thrust on landing Limits
Max reverse not to be used below 70kts
Idle reverse permitted to aircraft stop
Engine Crosswind Start limit
Maximum Altitude for Operating with slat and/or flaps extended
20 000ft
Fuel Temperature Limits (JET A1)
Minimum -43 C
Maximum 54 C
Maximum Fuel Imbalance (Takeoff - Inner Tanks)
500kg if other tank full
Maximum allowable asymmetry increase as heavier tank reduces in quantity
Maximum Fuel Imbalance (Takeoff - Outer Tanks)
Maximum Fuel Imbalance (In flight and Landing - Inner Tanks)
1500kg if other tank full
Maximum allowable asymmetry increase as heavier tank reduces in quantity
Maximum Fuel Imbalance (In flight and Landing - Outer Tanks)
Minimum Fuel Quantity for Takeoff
Definition of severe ice accretion
Ice accumulation on the airframe reaches approximately 5mm thick or more
Maximum brake temperature for Take Off
300 C
Maximum nose wheel steering angle
Taxi with deflated or damaged tyres
One tyre per gear deflated 7kts during turn
Two tyre deflated on same main gear 3kts Maximum
Maximum NWS Angle 30 Degrees