[A1-2] Ch 8 - I can pay a visit to the doctor in German Flashcards
The Pain
der Schmerzen
The Body Parts
die Körperteile (pl)
The Head
der Kopf
The Ear (sg)
das Ohr (sg)
The Neck
der Hals
The Nose
die Nase
The Leg (sg)
das Bein (sg)
The Eye (sg)
das Auge (sg)
The Mouth
der Mund
The Stomach
der Bauch
Get Well Soon
Gute Besserung
The Hand (sg)
die Hand (sg)
The Hands (pl)
die Hände (pl)
The Back
der Rücken
The Foot (sg)
der Fuß
The Feet (pl)
die Füße
The Toe
der Zeh
The Arm
der Arm
The Tooth (sg)
der Zahn (sg)
The Teeth (pl)
die Zähne (pl)
to may
(modal verb)
to shall
(modal verb)
to must
(modal verb)
The Cold
(Cold and Cough)
die Erkältung
cold (adj)
(cold and cough)
erkältet (adj)
The Fever
das Fieber
The Cough
der Husten
The Medicines (pl)
die Medikamente (pl)
to rest
sich aus-ruhen
(trennbare verb and reflexive verb)
The Doctor’s Clinic
die Arztpraxis
to feel sth
The Medical Certificate
die Krankschreibung