[A1-1] Ch 6 - I can talk about my job in German Flashcards
The Job
der Beruf
The Pilot (m) (sg)
der Pilot
The Waiter (m) (sg)
der Kellner
The Teacher (m) (sg)
der Lehrer
The Police (m) (sg)
der Polizist
The Computer Scientist (m) (sg)
der Informatiker
The Engineer
der Ingenieur
The Doctor (m) (sg)
der Arzt
The Hospital
das Krankenhaus
to work
The School
die Schule
The Chef/Cook (m) (sg)
der Koch
The Job
die Arbeit
The Student (m) (sg)
der Schüler / der Student
jobless or unemployed (adj)
seeking work (adj)
The Office
das Büro
The University
die Universität
to describe
The Boss (m) (sg)
der Chef
The Nursery School
der Kindergarten
creative (adj)
kreativ (adj)
nice (adJ)
nett (adj)
friendly (adj)
freundlich (adj)
bad (adj)
schlecht (adj)
to pay
important (adj)
wichtig (imp)
international (adj)
international (adj)
boring (adj)
langweilig (adj)
funny (adj)
lustig (adj)
The Meeting
das Meeting
The Boss (f) (sg)
die Chefin
mean / cruel (adj)
gemein (adj)
sympathetic (adj)
sympathisch (adj)
The Pause
die Pause
The Opposite
das Gegenteil