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German A1 - A2
> [A1-2] Ch 14 - Level check German A1.2 > Flashcards
[A1-2] Ch 14 - Level check German A1.2 Flashcards
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German A1 - A2
(39 decks)
[A1-1] Ch 2 - I can survive in a German classroom
[A1-1] Ch 3 - I can introduce myself in German
[A1-1] Ch 4 - I can give personal details in German
[A1-1] Ch 5 - I can order a coffee in German
[A1-1] Ch 6 - I can talk about my job in German
[A1-1] Ch 7 - I can tell the time in German
[A1-1] Ch 8 - I can arrange a meeting in German
[A1-1] Ch 9 - I can talk about my schedule in German
[A1-1] Ch 10 - I can talk about my likes and dislikes in German
[A1-1] Ch 11 - I can go shopping for groceries in German
[A1-1] Ch 12 - I can navigate public transport in German
[A1-1] Ch 13 - I can write a to-do list for my first month in Germany in German
[A1-1] Ch 14 - Level check: German A1.1
[A1-2] Ch 2 - I can talk about my home in German
[A1-2] Ch 3 - I can ask for and give directions in German
[A1-2] Ch 4 - I can run errands in town in German
[A1-2] Ch 5 - I can buy a new outfit in German
[A1-2] Ch 6 - I can order at a restaurant in German
[A1-2] Ch 7 - I can communicate with my colleagues at work in German
[A1-2] Ch 8 - I can pay a visit to the doctor in German
[A1-2] Ch 9 - I can book accommodation in German
[A1-2] Ch 10 - I can talk about the weather in German
[A1-2] Ch 11 - I can talk about celebrations and holidays in German
[A1-2] Ch 12 - I can talk about celebrations and holidays in German
[A1-2] Ch 13 - I can organise a party in German
[A1-2] Ch 14 - Level check German A1.2
[A2-1] Ch 2 - I can talk about relationships
[A2-1] Ch 3 - I can talk about feelings and emotions
[A2-1] Ch 4 - I can talk about my work experience
[A2-1] Ch 5 - I can apply for a job
[A2-1] Ch 6 - I can talk about moving homes
[A2-1] Ch 7 - I can talk about my new home
[A2-1] Ch 8 - I can talk about city life
[A2-1] Ch 9 - I can talk about cultural activities
[A2-1] Ch 10 - I can talk about sports
[A2-1] Ch 11 - I can talk about healthy living
[A2-1] Ch 12 - I can make plans
[A2-1] Ch 13 - I can talk about my goals for the future
[A2-1] Ch 14 - Review A2.1