A&P II Quiz 1 Flashcards
A+P III - The Fluid Network is what Language
A+P III is what Communicating Network
Fluid Network
What is a Neuroglia
Supports, Wraps and Protects
What is a NEURON
Conducting Cell
What is a STIMULUS
A change in the environment
What are the Nervous System Divisions
Central Nervous System (CNS) AND Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
Know the different parts on the STERNUM
TOP: Manubrium
LOWER TRIANGLE: Xiphoid Process
INSERTION of Pectoralis Major
LATERAL lip of the bicipital groove of humerus (crest of Greater Tubercle)
What does the Neural Network (A+P II) include
Nervous and Endocrine System
What does the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) consist of
- NERVES- bundles of axons
- Cranial Nerves
- Sensory Receptors
A+P II is which communicating network
Neural Network
Name the parts that make up Nervous Tissue
Axon Neuron Neuroglia Nerves Dendrite
ORIGINS of Pectoralis Major
UPPER FIBERS: Medial Clavicle
MIDDLE FIBERS: Menubrium and Body of Sternum
LOWER FIBERS: Costal Cartilage - Ribs 1-6
Abdominal Aponeurosis
What is a Glioma
A brain tumor that originates from the glial cells (neuroglia)
What is an Axon
A long, thin cylindrical projection that conducts the nerve impulse toward another neuron, muscle or gland