A Linha curva Flashcards
Name of company
Name of choreographer
Itzik galili
What’s the stimulus?
The stimulus is Brazilian culture. It’s about their way of life and the celebrations they have; carnivals and parades.
To be able to live in the moment was also part of the stimulus along side how male and female dancers act in a group of men and how they potentially show off.
Choreographic intention
To simply “have fun”
Some sections of vibrant Brazilian inspired movement was performed in regimental straight lines, creating a sense of samba parade.
Some narrative sections present how Brazilian men communicate with women
Designed by itzik galili
Both women and men wear black vests with different coloured Lycra shorts, the colours are carnival inspired and enhance the use lighting.
By everyone wearing similar clothes it creates a sense of equality in the ensemble sections.
The men at he start of the dance wore metallic disc shaped collars that reflected the light.
Motifs in dance
The robsons motif when performed in unison has a high impact. This is because of the contrasts in level and direction of the arms, and swinging patterns. It also creates a carnival atmosphere. The energetic dynamics of the robson motif suggests a happy vibrant mood.
(Repeated throughout dance)
Choreographic approach
Galili worked collaboratively with the dancers and nearly all motifs were composed from improvisation.
One of the tasks he set was for the dancers to choreograph a very short solo (2-3 counts of eight) of some of their favourite moves which stayed within the boundaries of their allocated square of chequer board created by lighting. Galili believes you can see essences of the dancers personalities in the sequences. Each sequence was named after dancer who made it.
How many dancers
28 (15 male, 13 female)
23 minutes
Describe the structure
Distinct parts of ensemble sections with scenes of narrative and character, ensemble sections involve the dancers performing a series of repeated phrases in a number of different formations dictated by a grid like, multicoloured lighting. More narrative scenes don’t feature grid lighting effect but explores competitive nature of men and how they relate with women.
Aural setting
Music written by percossa, a percussion group from holland. The music includes vocal sounds from dancers and is played live by 4 percussionists and is influenced by Brazilian samba music p.
Performance environment
End stage
Describe the lighting
Designed by itzik galili
The different coloured and timed lighting creates a chequer board effect on stage and defines lines and spacing for dancers in large ensemble sections of the piece. Timing and cues for lighting is preprogrammed, in effect dictates the speed and pace of the dancing and music.
Describe the use of staging/set
There is no set apart from a raised platform at the back of the stage upon which four percussionists perform. In one section skateboards are used to propel five dancers across the stage
What’s the structure
Narrative 7 sections
What is the lighting
Pre programmed
Chequer board
Describe use of accumulation
Accumulation is used in the liris motif (shoulder role, lung and swirl- femininity) the dancers start to perform one after the other in a diagonal line. This reiterates the idea of celebration and happiness in Brazilian culture
Describe the Robson motif
The motif is performed in unison with a large group of dances using contrasting levels and directions of arm swings. These waving arm gestures resemble waving the arms in a carnival. The fast and energetic dynamic of the Robson motif also helps to suggest a happy and vibrant mood.
Describe use of manipulation of number
Used in all ensemble sections supporting the idea of Brazilian carnival as ever changing lines of dances build in and out of space
Describe use of contrast
Used throughout the shift of tempo in the accompaniment and the movement dynamics between section 1&2 as a solo dancer begins the adage septet motif which creates mystical mood
What’s used in the opening section
After the chants- the robson motif in unison then accumulation to show common sense the of fun and community as people perform in and then join in the carnival parade
The use of manipulation of number
Supports the theme during the men’s group section. As they gather together and use calls/responses, they communicate a mood of a carnival whereby people join in throughout a samba procession
When’s canon used
Duet phrases on the diagonal men and women