A L3 - Flashcards
What are the 2 main triangles of the neck - what muscles divides it into these?
What are the boundaries of the anterior triangle?
What are the triangles within the anterior triangle and their boundaries?
- Posterior and anterior
- The SCM
– Mandible
– Imaginary midline of neck
– Apex - where SCM meets imaginary midline
Anterior Triangles:
– Submental (Hyoid bone, anterior digastrics)
– Submandibular ( Mandible, anterior and posterior digastric)
– carotid (SCM, superior belly of omohyoid, posterior digastric)
– Muscular (midline of neck, hyoid bone, SCM, superior omohyoid)
Origin + Insertion + action + nerve supply of SCM
O- Manubrium of sternum and medial 1/3 of clavicle
I- Mastoid process of skull
A - Rotates neck so face is turned superiorly to opposite side, tilts head laterally, flexes neck
N- Accessory nerve, upper cervical nerves
What are the infrahyoid muscles?
Origin + Insertion + action + nerve of them?
Muscles situated below the hyoid bone:
O- superior border of scapula near the suprascapular notch
I- hyoid bone
A - depressed hyoid bone
N- cervical nerves
O- Manubrium of sternum
I- Hyoid bone
A - depresses the hyoid bone after swallowing
N- cervical nerves
O- Manubrium of sternum
I- thyroid cartilage
A - depresses larynx
N- cervical nerves
O- Thyroid cartilage
I- hyoid bone
A - depresses hyoid bone
N- cervical nerves
What are the suprahyoid muscles?
Origin + Insertion + action + nerve of them?
Muscles that lie superior to the hyoid bone:
O- Anterior —> Inner surface of mandible Posterior –> Mastoid process of skull
I- Intermediate tendon
A - Elevates hyoid bone ( directly up)
N- Anterior—> Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve (V3) Posterior —> Facial nerve
O- Inner surface of mandible of each side
I- Hyoid bone and raphe
A - Elevates hyoid bone (up and forwards)
N- nerve to mylohyoid (branch of mandibular division of trigeminal n. - V3)
O- Styloid process
I- Hyoid bone
A - Elevates hyoid bone (up and backwards)
N- Facial nerve
O- Inner surface of mandible
I- Hyoid bone
A - Elevates hyoid bone (up and forwards)
N- cervical nerves
What is the only infrahyoid muscle that doesnt depress the hyoid bone?
The sternothyroid
it depresses the larynx
What muscles elevate the hyoid bone? what muscles depress them?
The suprahyoid elevate them and the infrahyoid depress them
What muscle depresses the larynx?
the sternothyroid muscle
Which suprahyoid muscles supplied by facial nerve?
The posterior digastric and stylohyoid
Which musc. helps open mouth?
Which musc. helps in swallowing?
The mylohyoid and the sternohyoid
Which musc. depresses the mandible?
Which suprahyoid muscles supplied by mandibular division of trigeminal nerve?
Mylohyoid (nerve to mylohyoid)
anterior digastric
What are strap muscles?
What structure is responsible for voice production? what is continuous with above and below?
Above - laryngopharynx
Below - trachea
What are the cartilages of the larynx? Which are paired and unpaired?
Thyroid cart.
Cricoid cart.
Which is the only cartilage that forms a complete ring?
Which cartilage forms the adam’s apple? why is this more prominent in males?
thyroid - the laryngeal prominence (formed by the fusion of the 2 thyroid laminae)
– More prominent in males because the angle made my the laryngeal prominence is more acute in males.
What is the anterior aspect of the cricoid cartilage called?
cricoid arch
What two part of the thyroid cartilage fuse to form the laryngeal prominence?
The two Laminae
How many processes do the arytenoid cartilages have? Which one of these is attached to the vocal cords?
They have 3 processes (vocal processes and muscular processes)
The anterior processes (vocal) are attached to vocal cords
What do the vocal cords/ligaments attach to?
Anterior processes of arytenoid cartilages and the posterior aspect of the thyroid cartilage
Which borders of the epiglottis are free? and where is attached?
The lateral and superior borders
inferiorly to the posterior aspect of the thyroid cartilage
Where do the paired cartilages (apart from arytenoid) lie?
in the Aryepiglottic fold
Name all the membranes of the larynx and what they are attached to/link together.
Cricothyroid membrane
Quadrangular membrane
Hyo-epiglottic fold
Thyrohyoid membrane
Cricotracheal membrane
What forms the vocal ligament?
The upper border of the cricothyroid membrane
What forms the vestibular ligament?
The lower border of the quadrangual membrane
What forms the true vocal cord/vocal fold and the false vocal cords?
Mucosal layer covering