A Funny Thing Entrances/Exits Flashcards
D: Pseudolus! Hysterium!
(Enter from Senex’s house) Ah, madam you called?
Hys: You do? Isn’t it amazing? Well I can’t stand here talking
(Moves towards Senex’s house) Pseudolus! (Exits into Senex’s house)
Ph: And I love you
(Enter from Senex’s house) Pseudolus! Where is that…
Hero: Oh Philia! (embraces her!)
Here stop doing that (seperates) You could hurt each other (exits into Senex’s house) ooooh!)
P: She will go with you
(Enter from Senex’s House) Hero, I am off to the marker. While you are alone with the girl, remember who you. (Hero exits) I have yet to begin my daily chores
Hys: You there, bird seller! What have you in the way of a plump peahen?
Following I’m Calm
Senex: Hysterium!
(Run into Senex’s house)
Err: Ah, home at last! After years of searching for my long lost children!
(Enter from Senex’s house, carrying chicken, react in horror)
S: Prepare my bath!
Yes, sir! (Run into Erronius’s house)
S: Well he to his bath and I to mine
(Enter from Erronius’s house) Just the way you like it, sir
S: Well take it in and bring it out!
(Exit into Senex’s house)
P: And I intend to stand behind those words or my name is not Marcus Lycus!
(Enter from Senex’s house) Pseudolus!
Hys: I go Lycus. Farewell, Lycus
(Exit into Senex’s house)
P: Present the bride!
(Enter from Senex’s house)
P: Captain, forgive the girl, she primps and preens. She wants to be worthy of such a warrior
(Exit into Senex’s house with Pseudolus)
P: Tell him! Tell him who I am!
(Enter from Senex’s house)
S: Hysterium and Pseudolus are here
(Enter with Pseudolus)
P: Why not? Go!
M: He is not to stray from your sight
(Exit into Senex’s house)
M: You have but one hour. Men, you are to hound his every step
S: Hysterium
(Enter from Senex’s house)
Hys: Slave in chief! I wonder how many slaves in chief have a master in the tub a house full or courtesans and a virgin on the roof
(Exit into Senex’s house)
D: Since sending my husband back to Rome, I have been haunted by the premonition that he is up to something low. Hysterium!
(Enter from Senex’s house)
P: In here!
Hys: Where did you get the money?
(Pulled into Lycus’s house by Pseudolus)
P: Come out here! Come on out!
(Enter from Lycus’s house)
M: The girl is alive!
And she will stay that way! (Run off)
Lycus: Find the girls bring them back
(Re-enter hiding face) I’ve got to get out of these clothes! I’m calm, I’m calm!
S: Do you understand? Go then
(Exit into Senex’s house)
(Senex exits singing everybody ought to have a maid)
(Pokes head out, ducks back)
(Eunuch with Vibrata exits)
(Enter from Senex’s house)
M: He dies!
P: Look out!
(Run off, opposite direction of Pseudolus)
D: Sir, I am not anybody’s maiden!
M: You made that more than clear when we last met! (He runs off)
(Run on behind Domina) The cause of it all!
S: No, no, my dear, wrong house
(Chased around house by Senex)
(Coming round first time)
Leave me alone (run around again)
H: Philia! Philia!
(Run around from behind Senex’s house) Second time around! (Exit into Senex’s house)
D: I know what goes on in there!
P: Who doesn’t?!?
(Enter from Senex’s house, see other girls, run behind houses)
(While passing Senex’s house, kicked by Hysterium)
(Tumble into Erronius’s house)
E: third time around!
(Enter from Erronius’s house, see Erronius, run back in)
E: The spirit!
(Enter from Erronius’s house)