A family tree Flashcards
Mám dcéru.
I have a daughter.
Mám syna.
I have a son [san].
Moja mama je Afroameričanka. Jej meno je Meghan.
My mother is African American. Her name is Meghan.
Môj otec je Brit. Jeho meno je Henry.
My father is British. His name is Henry.
Mám dvoch súrodencov, jedného brata a jednu sestru.
I have two siblings, one brother and one sister.
Moja sestra má dcéru. Ona je moja neter.
My sister has a daughter. She is my niece [ni:z].
Moja sestra má syna. On je môj synovec.
My sister has a son. He is my nephew [nefju:].
Moja mama má brata. On je môj strýko.
My mother has a brother. He is my uncle [ankl].
Moja mama má sestru. Ona je moja teta.
My mother has a sister. She is my aunt [a:nt].
Moja teta má dcéru. Jej dcéra je moja sesternica.
My aunt [a:nt] has a daughter. Her daughter is my 1st cousin [kazin].
Moji rodičia sú rozvedení.
My parents are divorced [divo:rsd].
Môj otec je ženatý s mojou nevlastnou matkou.
My father is married to my stepmother.
Spolu majú dve deti.
They have two children together.
Ich deti sú moji nevlastní súrodenci.
Their children are my half-siblings.
Moja mama chodí s mužom. Ak sa zosobášia, stane sa mojím nevlastným otcom.
My mother is dating a man. If they get married, he will become [bekam] my stepfather.