A&E I and II- Final Exam- Arm Yang Flashcards
- Clears heat, Cools blood, Dispels wind, Drains damp & Alleviates itching
- Regulates Qi & blood
- Activates the channel & Alleviates pain
HE-SEA, EARTH, MOTHER point, Ghost Point, Heavenly Star Point
- High fever d/t excess heat(Yangming stage)
- Heat in the upper reach of Yangming channel (Oral herpes, sore/swollen throat, toothache, redness & pain of the eyes)
- Heat transmitted from Yangming to the Heart (Mania, agitation, tongue thrusting)
- Skin disorders d/t Wind, Heat & Damp(EXCESS) (Urticaria, wind rash, shingles, carbuncles, hot itchy skin, eczema, psoriasis, clove sores on the back BL40)
- Others:−Vomiting & diarrhea (eg. w/flu, bacillary dysentery)−Hypertension: + ST36−Disorders of upper limb: numbness, pain, hemiplegia, upper limb paralysis, atrophy, clonic spasm +LI4, LI15
LI11 ****
- Benefits the ears
- Calms the spirit
- Ear disorders of any kind (tinnitus, deafness, pain/itching/discharge of the ears)
- TMJ pain & inflammation
- Emotional disorders (depression, mania, epilepsy)
SI19 ***
- Expels Wind & Releases the exterior
- Regulates defensive Qi & Adjusts sweating
- Regulates the face, eyes, nose, mouth&ears
- Activates the channel & Alleviates pain
- Induces labor (Forbidden in pregnancy!!)
- Restores Yang
YUAN-SOURCE point, COMMAND point for face & mouth, Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star point, Nine Needles for returning the Yang
- Cold & Flu d/t attack of exterior W-C/W-H: + LU7(Host-Guest combination)
- Sweating disorders: + KD7
- All diseases of the head, face, ears, eyes, nose, cheeks, mouth, teeth, throat (H/A, facial paralysis, acute deafness, pain of eyes, nasal congestion, toothache)
- PAIN (esp. in the head & face): +LV3 (‘FOUR GATES’);+ LI11, LI15(‘CHAIN AND LOCK’); acupuncture analgesia
- Prolonged/delayed labor, retention of dead fetus
- Collapse of Yang
LI4 ****
- Benefits the ears
- Clears heat
- Clears the head & eyes
- Activates the channels & Alleviates pain
- Ear disorders of any kind (main distal pt.) (tinnitus & deafness (esp. d/t exterior wind & LV- Fire) or LV-Yang); earache, ear infection, ear blockage)
- ‘heaviness of body & pain of joints’ (hands & fingers, lateral & posterior upper limb/shoulder, neck, upper back, one side of the head)
- Heat in the upper reaches of the TW channel (head (one-sided temporal h/a, dizziness); eyes(redness, swelling, pain); throat(swelling, pain); fever(alternating chills & fever, fever accompanied by temporal h/a or ear problems)
TW3 ***
•Regulates Qi & blood, activates the channel & alleviates pain •Harmonizes the intestines & stomach (Mirror Pt. of ST36)
•Pain, immobility, numbness, atrophy of arm
−LI4, LI10/LI11, LI15: ‘chain and lock’ −LI10 + LI11: tennis elbow
•Abdominal pain, vomiting & diarrhea: + ST36
LI10 ***
- Regulates the GV (benefits the occiput, neck & back; clears wind & heat, treats malaria; calms the spirit and treats epilepsy)
- Clears heat & Benefits the sensory orifices
- Activates the channel & Alleviates pain
Confluent pt. of GV
- Pain, stiffness & contraction along SI, BL & GV (occipital h/a, stiff neck, pain of the upper spine & scapula, acute lumbar sprain, pain & contraction of the arm, elbow and shoulder, contraction of fingers. This+BL62: inner canthus, ear, nape of neck, scapula)
- Heat in the upper reaches of the SI channel (tinnitus & deafness; redness/pain/swelling of the eyes with lacrimation, pterygium; nosebleed)
- Febrile diseases (malaria; chills & fever accompanied by severe pain of the neck & spine in exterior syndromes; nightsweats)
- Mania-depression, epilepsy (+ BL62)
SI3 ****
- Opens the nasal passages
- Expels wind & Clears heat
- All disorders of the nose/sinus (Nasal congestion & discharge, nosebleed, nasal polyps, nasal sores, sneezing, rhinitis, sinusitis)
- Facial swelling, pain, itching or paralysis (Use on affected side and LI4 on the other side)
LI20 ***
- Clears heat & Benefits the sensory orifices
- Revives consciousness
- Promotes lactation & Benefits the breasts
- Breast disorders (insufficient lactation; swelling & abscess of the breasts (mastitis))
- Excess heat in the head/face (red eyes, pterygium; tinnitus, deafness; nosebleed; throat painful obstruction; ulceration of tongue/mouth)
- Loss of consciousness from windstroke
- Febrile disease, malaria
SI1 ***
- Opens the Yang Wei Mai (expels wind and releases the exterior; clears heat; benefits the head & ears)
- Activates the channel & Alleviates pain
- Exterior syndrome (bias toward Wind-Heat) (chills & fever, sweating w/ heat on the exterior, temporal h/a, earache, lacrimation, swelling of glands; Shaoyang stage)
- Headache (one-sided temporal* (LV-GB), frontal, occipital, vertex)
- Ear disorders
- Heat in the upper reaches of the channel (swelling/pain of cheek, toothache, nosebleed, mouth, ulceration, cracked lips, scrofula, mumps)
•Channel disorders of upper limb
TW5 ****
- Activates the channel & Alleviates pain, Benefits the shoulder/arm
- Moderates acute conditions
•Benefits the eyes
- Pain conditions (SI channel: severe pain of the shoulder, scapula & arm (frozen shoulder), stiff neck, pain of the wrist; BL channel: acute lumbar sprain, contraction of the sinews of the foot with inability to extend & flex)
- Blurred vision, dimness of vision, eye diseases
SI6 ***
- Dispels wind-damp
- Alleviates pain and Benefits the shoulder
•Shoulder, esp. the posterior aspect (+LI15, ST38) (stiffness, pain, immobility, weakness of shoulder)
TW14 ***
- Regulates Qi & Clears heat in the three jiao
- Activates the channel & Alleviates pain
•#1 TW pt. for moving Qi and clearing heat in the three jiao
(upper jiao: ear, eye, cheek, throat, neck; LU, HT; middle jiao: pain of the ribs & lateral costal region*; distention & bloating; lower jiao: constipation*, GYN (Qi stag.))
•Channel disorders in upper limb & shoulder (+ GB39: wandering painful obstruction)
•Sudden loss of voice d/t Wind-Heat
TW6 ***
- Benefits the ears*
- Clears heat
- Ear problems- SI19, GB2
- TMJ, upper jaw toothache
TW21 ***
- Dispels wind-damp, Alleviates pain & Benefits the shoulder joint
- Eliminates wind and Regulates Qi & blood
- Regulates Qi & Dissipates phlegm nodules
- Stiffness, pain, immobility, weakness of the shoulder or frozen shoulder: + TW14
- Atrophy, pain or hemiplegia of the upper arm
- Urticaria d/t exterior wind-heat: + LI5
- Scrofula, goiter
LI15 ***
- Benefits the ears*
- Eliminates wind
- Clears heat
- Activates the channel & Alleviates pain
- Essential local point for all ear disorders (tinnitus, deafness, discharge, itching, redness, swelling & pain)
- Exterior or interior wind (facial paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia, facial spasm, lockjaw)
- Other local disorders (Mumps, scrofula, toothache, swelling of the cheek, TMJ)
TW17 ***