A Flashcards
to weaken, diminish
to grow weaker, decline
to confess, admit, own up
s’avouer vaincu
to admit defeat
la brouille
disagreement, falling-out
to interfere with; to blur, cloud; to cover tracks, cloud/confuse an issue; to scramble
brouiller qn avec qn
to turn sb against sb, come between sb and sb
brouiller qn avec qch
to put/turn sb off sth, ruin sth for sb
se brouiller
to fall out; to become blurred; to get mixed up, become muddled up; to cloud over
brouillé (fam)
on bad terms, at odds, fallen out
avoir le teint brouillé
to look off-colour
l’oeuf brouillé
scrambled egg
se confiner
to self-isolate
se demander
to wonder
(se) dépourvoir de
to deprive of; to be deprived of
dépourvu de
without, lacking, in need of
prendre qn au dépourvu
to take sb by surprise, catch sb off-guard
dès lors
since then, from that moment on; subsequently
dès lors que
from the moment, as soon as
to unveil, disclose
dévoiler qch au grand jour
to bring to light, expose
se dévoiler
to show your true colours
douter de
to have doubts/reservations about, be uncertain/skeptical about
se douter de/que
to suspect
se douter bien que
to be sure/certain that, have a feeling that
ne se douter de rien
to not suspect anything
j’en doute
I have my doubts
to move, touch, affect; to disturb, upset, trouble
to be moved, touched, affected; to be disturbed, upset, troubled
to catch a glimpse/sight of, make out; to sense, have an inkling of
to anger
se fâcher (avec/contre)
to fall out, argue (with)
se fâcher tout rouge
to see red, blow your top, lose it
angry, annoyed, upset; on bad terms
ne pas être fâché de faire
to not mind doing, be quite glad to do
la question/le sujet qui fâche
sore point, thorny question, sensitive/difficult/controversial issue
faire semblant
to pretend, fake
to feign, fake, pretend, simulate
des fois que
just in case
to try out, give a go; to test, try; to venture
se hasarder
to take a risk, put yourself at risk
se hasarder à faire (qch)
to venture to do sth
dangerous, risky; daring, audacious; rude, impolite