A/1. Feeding and Care of New-Born and Suckling Piglets Flashcards
Bw at birth for piglet?
Length of the period of suckling to weaning for piglets?
28 days
Describe feeding for first 28 days?
- 0-10 days Colostrum(0-3 d), mother milk (from d.4 till weaning)
- 11-28 d : mother milk +prestarter = creep feed
Why do we feed creep feed(prestarter) to piglets from day 11 to 28?
- b/c we want to teach the piglets to eat
- b/c to sustain rapid growth beyond 21 days of age
- sows milk does not contain enough nutrients
- also we want the piglet to acquire a certain DMI before weaning
Describe the feeding of prestarter?(how much/times per day)?
3-4 meals/day ~1kg prestarter/piglet till the weaning
(Nb ~ 1kg prestarter per piglet divided on the whole period, Not per day!)
Bw at weaning?
When should we start to introduce the creep feed to piglets?
2 weeks
Creep feed composition?
Creep feed is rich in protein 24% energy 14MJ/kg and especially fat (13-14%)
Creep feed fat source?
- Fat source is dry vegetable oil similar to sow milk
- ensuring better absorbtion also contains extra flavour
how is creep feed fed?
fed by scattering it on the floor so piglets can recognise it and eat around 1kg during suckling period
What is the characteristics of postnatal nutrition of pigs?( Characteristics of the neonatal pigs)?
- Contains less than 2% fat and almost no subcutaneous fat
- The newborn piglet has only glycogen stores that can keep them alive for 1-2 hours.–> thus it is essential for the piglets to receive colostrum as early as possible.
- Their body weight doubles during each week of life to at least three weeks of age
- the energy requirement is high
- piglets must have supplement heat(heat pads or lamps)
- the consumption of colostrum is vital
Benefits of colostrum/+ info to piglets?
- The colostrum supply antibodies and nutrients to the piglets
- Antibodies are transferred to the colostrum during the last 2-3 days of pregnancy.
- Thus to introduce sow to farrow 2-3 days earlier will affect the quality of colostrum
- Synchronization of the sows should this occur at insemination
- Antibodies cannot cross the placenta, so the first antibodies come from the colostrum.
- these are absorbed in the first 24-36 hours
- important piglet receives colostrum asap!
- Good to collect for small & weak piglets
- Colostrum available 10 hours before parturition till about 36 hrs after
- quality best after parturition but soon decreases
What is the composition of sow milk?
- Nutrients
- Protective factors
- regulatory factors
- Enzymes
What is the composition of sow milk?(Nutrients)
- The colostrum is richer in proteins and vitamins , and poorer in fat and minerals than mature sow milk
- Energy (fatty acids, lactose, amino acids)
- Proteins (amino acids)
- Vitamins and minerals: P is higher than Ca in the colostrum b/c the piglets require high amounts of P at first. The Ca/P ratio is 0h = 0.45:1 12h =0.55: 1, 2 weeks= 1.5:1 now the fast growing piglets will have increasing ca requirement, thus the ratio changes
What is the composition of sow milk?(protective factors)
protective cells(macrophages Lymphocytes)
What is the composition of sow milk?(Regulatory factors)
Epidermal growth factor(EGF)
Insulin like growth factor
–> stimulate and control the development of the intestinal tract
What is the composition of sow milk?(Enzymes)
Protease(in inactive form)
–>imp to know in regard to prod milk replacers
Name the most important nutrients to the piglet?
- Fat
- Water
- Iron
- Selenium and Vitamin E
The importance of fat for the piglet?
- The major energy source for the nursing piglet is fat from the sow milk.
- This fat is emulsified by lipase secreted by the pancrease of the piglet
- e.g Propionate(VFA) is imp because it inhibits the growth of E.coli
- Adding fat to the late pregnant sow diet will increase the milk fat, increase the weaning weight and shorten the weaning and rebreeding interval
- BUT! do not overfeed a pregnant sow.. underfeeding is less problematic
The importance of water for the piglet?
- The sow milk does not contain enough water so add water should be provided.
- —> Diarrhoea drastically inc drink water needs up to 5-10% of BW
The importance of iron for the piglet?
- The piglets need Iron iron supplement, as the sow milk is low in iron. Extra iron (100-200mg/piglet i.m iron dextran) should be given within few days of birth
- if not piglets will become anaemic around 2nd or 3rd week.
- danger of iron toxicosis if too high pareneral inj are given
- Piglets become lame, stiff and the affected muscle swell(imp! clinical signs).
- piglet develop heavy breathing and look pale and anaemic, death occurs within 24 hours
- Contributing factors: Se and Vit e defi in sow
- Per oral iron inj(iron fumarate) is impossible to overdose
The importance of Selenium and Vit E for the piglet/sow?
- added to sow diet b/c conc decline after lactation with incr parity
- when sow milk is low or diarrhoea present , commercial milk replacers + electrolytes may be necessary
Disadvantages of overfeeding sow?
- Affects new born viability
- farrowing will be long lasting
- more piglets die due to sow lieing on them
- MMA(Mastitis metritis agalatacia) syndrome increases and sows appetitte and milk production is depressed