9_Respiratory Virus Flashcards
Which viruses affect the UPPER respiratory tract?
Unique to Upper respiratory:
- Coxsackivirus
- Coronavirus
- Herpesvirus
- Rhinovirus
- Adenovirus
- Bocavirus
- Influenzairus
- Parainfluenza virus
- Respiratory syncytial virus

list the viruses that infect the LOWER respiratory tract?
Unique: *Metapnuemovirus
- Adenovirus
- Bocavirus
- Influenzavirus
- Parainfluenza virus
- Respiratory syncytial virus

What are the major viral respiratory pathogens?

Parainfluenza viruses:
- family
- structure
- size
- serotypes
- Family: Paramyxoviridae
- Structure: enveloped, ss-RNA, negative, non-segmented
- size: pelomorphic (virions 150-300 nm diameter)
- 4 serotypes (1, 2, 3, 4)

parainfluenza viral life cycle:
what is it?
- HIV virion binds to cell –> fuses with cell
- uncoats the virion
- genome undergoes transcription, and replication, and translation
- genome –> buds off
- and is released from the cell

parainfluenza viruses - epidemiology
- environmental
- season
- age
- environmental: parainfluenza type 3 is a serious nosocomial infxn
- season: parainfluenza 1& 2 infections occur in fall/winter, often in alternating years
- age:
- 90-100% of children 5+ y/o, seropositive for parainfluenza type 3
- 75% have Antibodies to parainfluenza types I & 2
- transmission
- pathogenesis
- clinical sxs
- transmission: close contact w/ infected persons or contaminated surfaces
- through mucous membranes of eyes/mouth/nose
- pathogenesis:
- site of replication: epithelial lining of upper respiratory tract
- causes localized infection: no viremia occurs
- incubation period: 2-3 days
- virus is shed 8-10 days after infxn, up to 30 days
- clinical sxs
- croup (parainfluenza 1& 2)
- bronchiologitis (parainfluenza 3)
- pneumonia (parainfluenza 3)
- immunology
- treatment
- immunology:
- serum antibodies: questionable value since no viremia occurs
secretory antibodies: good correlation experimentally b/w IgA levels and protection against infxn, however protective levels not achieved in young children
- passive immunity in breast fed children significant
- vaccine: no vaccine currently available
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
- epidemiology
- at risk populations
- primary cause of lower respiratory tract illness in young children
- RSV infxn: 125,000 pediatric hospitalizations in the US
- at risk populations: children
- generally resolves uneventfully
- high risk populations may develop severe (sometimes fatal) illnesses
- annual mortality to RSV in infants/children is 200-2,700
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
- structure
- environmental
- season
- age of at risk population
- structure:
- family: paramyxoviridae
- enveloped, (negative sense) single stranded, non-segmented RNA
- pleopmorphic, 2 serotypes (A &B)
- environmental: hospitals ,day care, nursing homes
- season: annually every Nov-Mar, later in warmer climates
- age of at risk population: 50% of all children are seropositive by 1 yr of age, 85% by 4 years old
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV):
- morbidity and mortality
- factors contributing to inc. risk
- 100,000 hospitalizations; 4,500 deaths per year in US
- Factors contributing to increase risk:
- premature infants, infants <6 weeks old
- infants w/ congenital heart disease
- infants w/ chronic lung conditions; cystic fibrosis
- immunodeficiency
- lower socioeonomic status/ crowded living conditions
- attendance in day care setting
- infants who are not breast fed
- exposure to cigarette smoke
Respiratory syncytial virus:
- transmission and
- immunology
- transmission: large aeorsolized respiratory droplets, generated by sneezing/coughing/through contact w/ nasal secretions/contaminated surfaces
- enters through eyes/nose and infects epithelial cells of upper respiratory tract
- incubation: 3-4 days
- virus shedding 1-2 days prior to symptoms and can last up to 3 wekks
- immunology: virus transmitted cell-cell fusion
- free virus is not present –> neutralizing antibodies are not formed
- primary infection doesn’t prevent re-infection
- passive immunity - maternal antibodies reduce severity of infxn
- secretory IgA directed against F protein is effective neutralizing antibody
Respiratory syncytial virus:
clinical symptoms (childhood infxns, adults)
- childhood infxn
- lower respiratory illness
- bronchiolitis - cough
- pneumonia (crackles, repiratory distress)
- adult infections
- upper respiratory infxn resembling the common cold
key differences b/w URT and LRTs:
which is more severe?
which viruses start this?
how does infection spread?

- family
- structure
- size
- causes what illness?
- family: Picornaviridae
- structure: positive, ss-RNA (non-segmented)
- non-enveloped
- icosahedral capsid
- size: 30 nM in diameter
- hundreds of serotypes
- causes: “common cold”
what are the two unique physical properties of Rhinovirus?
Temperature stability
- extremely stable at room temp;
- can survive on surfaces at room temp for 18 hr or more
- adapted to replicated better at 33 degrees celsius than 37 degrees
- infect URT due to lower temp.
pH lability
- unlike other enteroviruses (+ssRNA viruses), rhinoviruses are not acid-stable
- rhinoviruses are destroyed at low pH
epidemiology (Ages it affects, seasonal variations)
- age: children are most frequently infected and are major source of adult infections
- seasonal variations:
- rhinoviruses –> cause colds in Fall and Spring
- Coronavirus –> cause winter colds
- (patterns may be due to changes in living w/ the seasons)
- transmission
- pathogenesis
- clinical symptoms
- transmission:
- *direct contact w/ infectious nasal secretions on skin/contaminated surfaces
- enters via eye or nasal pharynx and attaches via ICAM-1 or LDL receptor to epithelial cells in the posterior nasal pharynx and nasal passages
- pathogenesis
- incubation: 2-3 days
- sxs appear after 3-4 days
- virus shedding begins 1-2 days prior to sxs –> continues for 1 week
- infxn is self-limiting and localized to URT
- clinical symptoms
- ST, stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, malaise

- family
- structure
- sxs
- functions
- Family: Adenoviridae
- structure: non-enveloped viruses, icosahedral nucleocapsid, ds-DNA genome
- medium-sized
- *usually self-resolving, no anti-viral treatments available
- sxs:
- causes URT in children, some adult infxns
- eye infections (i.e. conjunctivitis)
- GI distress
- causes acute respiratory distress
- fxns:
- viral vector used in gene therapy
- family
- structure
- genome
- size
- causes what disease
- family: Coronaviridae
- structure: enveloped, derived from intracellular (not plasma) membrane
- spike proteins on evelope resemble crown, corona = crown
- genome: positive, non-segmented single-stranded RNA; capped polyadenylated
- size: 100 nM in diameter
- causes what disease:
- causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
list the viral proteins on the Coronavirus
- S (spike) protein (150 kD)
- HE protein (65 kD)
- M (membrane) protein
- E (envelope) protein (9-12 kD)
- N (nucleocapsid) protein (60 kD)
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS):
Deadly virus, w/ 774 deatsh in November 2002- July 2003
- outbreak in China –> farmer w/ no definie diagnosis
- cluster of cases in hong kong
- hotel visitors –> traveled outside China causing local transmission in US, Canada, etc
- Last case of natural transmission from human-human was in June 2003
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS):
tx and vaccines
- tx
- supportive therapy
- anti-inflammatories (corticosteroids) controversial, can be immunosuppressive)
- ribavirin (Efficacy not established)
- coronavirus-specific drugs under development
- vaccine
- vaccines under development
- some early evidence that passive immunity and neutralizing antibodies are protective
- strategry must be for multivariant strain vaccine
- history
- cause
- transmission
- symptoms
- vaccine
- history: 1918 influenza epidemic; >20M people died during WWI
- cause: influenza A H1N1 virus
- transmission: from aerosols from coughing and sneezing
- spread rapidly
- symptoms: highly lethal
- vaccine: new vaccine must be developed annually
Influenza virus:
- structure
- types
- family: Orthomyxoviridae
- negative stranded ss-RNA virus
- genome has 8 segments
- enveloped virus, w/ haemagglutinin adn neuraminidase spikes
- 3 types based on serotype of ribonucleic protein
- Type A: infects multiple species; undergoes antigenic shift and drift
Types B and C infects exclusively humans;
- B: undergoes antigenic drift ONLY
- C: relatively stable

Influenza A Virus:
shifts and drifts?
which causes pandemics? what causes epidemics?
- Antigenic SHIFTS of haemagglutinin –> pandemics
- Antigenic DRIFTS of H& N proteins –> epidemics

Influenza: disease pathogenesis
Mild influenza
Severe influenza
- Mild: virus replication primarily restricted to upper respiratory tract
Severe influenza: virus replicates extensively in lower respiratory tract, inhibiting gas exchange –> by damaging Type II pneumocytes and may disseminate further
- excessive inflammatory respose
- infxn and killing of pneumocytes
- paralysis of cilia
- severe hypoxemia
- secondary infxns
- multiorgan failure
How does influenza look under an electron microscope?
Different shapes of the virus morphology –> polymorphic
Hemagglutinin (HA): seen on envelope as spikes; helps virus ENTER cell
Neuraminidase (NA): seen on envelope as rods; helps virus EXIT cell
do type A, B, and C influenza virus vary based on the following criteria?

Influenza virus:

what are the antigenic changes of influenza A?
- viruses can undergo frequent changes due to recombination, reassortment, insertion, and point mutations
- antigenic drift
- antigenic shift – occurs every 8-10 years
- minor antigenic changes favor persistence of viruses in the population to eventually lead to severe epidemics and/or pandemics
antigenic drift:
- gradual accumulation of mutations that allow the virus to escape neutralizing antibodies
- can result from changes in amino acids
- can involved any antigenic protein
- can occur every year
- epidemic strains thought to have changes in 3 or more antigenic sites

antigenic shift:
how does this occur w/ influenza virus?
- occurs every 8-10 yrs
- major antigenic change of either H or N antigens or both H & N
- occurs by gene re-assortment after simultaneous infxn of cell w/ 2 diff’t viruses
- 3 diff’t H proteins and 2 major N proteins have evolved
Mechanisms of influenza virus antigenic “shift”?
- DIRECT: non-humans –> humans
- indirect:
- non-human virus –> animal –> reassortment virus –> humans
- human virus –> animal –> reassortment virus –> humans

where does influenza come from?
- type A constantly circulates in natural reservoirs
BIRDS are natural reservoirs of all subtupes of influenza A viruses
- migratory waterfowl
- chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese
- Humans
- pigs
- horses
- other
why haven’t there been any Influenza B pandemics thus far?
- so far no shifts have been recorded
- no animal reservoir known
symptoms of influenza virus?
Infxn may be mild, even asymptomatic, or very severe
- fever
- headache
- myalgia
- cough
- rhinitis
- ocular sxs
- chills and/or sweats
clinical response for influenza
- acute symptoms last one week
- abrupt onset of fever, myalgia, HA, and non-productive cough
- fatigue and weakness can last 2-3 weeks
- infected individual predisposed to bacterial infxns (staph, strep, and hemophilus)
- immunity dependent upon localized anti-viral secretory IgA (strain specific)
- develop long lasting circulating anti-viral IgG
What is the immunity to influenza?

laboratory diagnosis of influenza
- using respiratory secretions (direct aspirate, gargle, nasal washings)
- virus isolation and growth in embryonated eggs
- cell culture in primary monkey kidney or mandindarby canine kidney cells
- *hemagglutination inhibition: Gold standard for diagnosis and used to follow drift and shift
- ELISA and direct immunofluorescence
how does diagnosis hemagglutination inhibition function?
and near patients or rapid tests which detects rise in antibodies to influenza or NA activity

prophylaxis for influenza
- effectiveness is not shown for influenza
- can reduce transmission assoc. w/ large droplets
- generally perceived to be useful
- no studies specifically performed for influenza
- easy to recommend
describe the types of vaccines for influenza
Types of vaccines:
- Killed whole virus
- Live virus
- Virus subunit
- Synthetic

which drugs are used for prevention and treatment of influenza?
how effective are they at preventing illness?
70-90% effective in preventing illness
Rimantadine: blocks M2 ion channel
- type A only, needs to be given early
Amantadine: blocks M2 ion channel
- type A only, needs to be given early
Zanamivir: neuraminidase inhibitors (NA)
- types A and B, needs to be give early
Oseltamivir: neuraminidase inhibitors (NA)
- types A and B, needs to be given early