9.2 IAS 41 Agriculture Flashcards
What does IAS 41 Agriculture apply to
- Biological assets
- Agricultural produce at the point of harvest
- Governments grants related to biological assets
What are biological assets
- A biological asset is a living plant or animal.
- All biological assets are accounted for under IAS 41, except for bearer plants
What are the conditions for recognising a biological asset
- It is probable that economic benefits will flow to the entity.
- The cost or fair value of the asset can be reliably measured.
- The entity controls the asset as a result of past events.
How do you initially recognise a biological asset
- Fair value less any estimated ‘point of sale’ costs.
- If there is no fair value, then use the cost model less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses until fair value becomes reliably measurable.
What are some examples of a biological asset
Sheep, dairy cattle, pigs, sugarcane, oil palms, rubber trees, trees in a timber plantation
How do you subsequently measure a biological asset
Revalue to fair value less point of sale costs at year end, taking any gain or loss to the statement of point of sale
How do you subsequently measure a biological asset
Revalue to fair value less point of sale costs at year end, taking any gain or loss to the statement of point of sale
What are the issues with Fair Value and IAS 41 Agriculture
- Sometimes it is not possible to find a fair value
- Most biological assets are traded on an active market, but if there is no active market, it may be possible to estimate fair value from:
o The most recent market price
o The market price for a similar asset
o The discounted cash flows from the asset
o Net realisable value
How do you measure fair value under IAS 41 Agriculture when there is no active market
If there is no active market and the alternative methods of estimating fair value are clearly unreliable:
* A biological asset is measured at cost less depreciation on initial recognition until a reliable fair value can be established
What is a bearer plant
A bearer plant is a living plant that:
* Is used in the production or supply of agricultural produce
* Is expected to bear fruit for more than one period
* Has a remote likelihood of being sold as agricultural produce, except for incidental scrap sales.
What are some examples of bearer plants
Fruit trees, tea bushes, vines
How are bearer plants treated
Bearer plants are treated as PPE under IAS 16
How is the produce grown on bearer plants treated
The produce growing on bearer plants, for example, tea leaves, grapes, oil palm fruit and latex, is within the scope of IAS 41
What is agricultural produce
Agricultural produce is the harvested product from biological assets
What are some examples of agricultural produce
Milk, carcass, felled trees, picked fruit, picked leaves, harvested latex
How should agricultural produce be treated
- At the date of harvest the produce should be recognised and measured at fair value less estimated costs to sell e.g. commissions, levies, etc.
- Gains and losses on initial recognition are included in the profit or loss for the period.
- After produce has been harvested, IAS 41 ceases to apply.
- Agricultural produce becomes inventory, to which IAS 2 applies.
- Fair value less costs to sell at the point of harvest is taken as cost for the purpose of IAS 2 Inventories.
How are unconditional grants treated under IAS 41 Agriculture
Unconditional government grants received in respect of biological assets measured at fair value are reported as income when the grant becomes receivable.
How are conditional grants treated under IAS 41 Agriculture
If such a grant is conditional (including where the grant requires an entity not to engage in certain agricultural activity), the entity recognises it as income only when the conditions have been met.